Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Nearly perfect, but...

There's not been much spanking on the home front – and that’s fine with me. I mean, I’m not against it, but at the moment I’m not craving or missing it either. I think most of us know it comes in waves. At the moment I’m a very happy little camper just the way things are.

Not long ago Nick gave me the opportunity, actually insisted, that I share with him some things he does that bug me. It wasn’t a trap, he honestly wanted to know. It was hard to think of anything. I finally came up with three. 

First, this dastardly man often leaves newspapers on the couch, his chair and the floor. I don’t mind for one minute grabbing them and putting them in the recycle – except some of them he is keeping for one reason or another, cross-word to do, an article he wanted to finish, a sale paper he wanted to look at.  So they end up scattered around. I ask that he put what he wants to keep for another day in one place and I’d take care of the rest.

The next horrible thing he does – he leaves bills and their envelopes on the table by his chair. Most bills he pays online, but not all, and again I don’t know what to keep and what to toss. It just looks so messy and  I’ve really been working to keep the place neater since I found out my cleaning lady and I differed so much on politics and social issues that I told her – Adios! I’d clean for myself.

And the last awful thing he does is to come in when I’m watching a news story and begin asking me what it’s all about causing me to miss hearing what it’s all about! 

That’s it – and I mean it. I swear I couldn’t think of one more thing.

I thought it was nice of him to give me this opportunity. I, however, chose not to reciprocate. I can come up with plenty of faults of my own without asking anyone else, thank you very much.

But last Friday he apparently took it upon himself to share a few ideas and I was asked to be in the bedroom at a certain time. He said clothing would not be necessary, so when I headed to the bedroom to wait on him I only wore what he’d placed on the bed for me to wear ...

I do love a good blindfold!

Come back tomorrow and I’ll tell you about our afternoon. (If so few people are going to post these days, I need to drag things out as much as possible!)


  1. Anonymous12:11 AM

    You little blog land tease! HA! I laughed out loud at Nick interrupting the news to ask what it's about and then you don't know yourself because you can't hear it! Hilarious and so true.

    My mom has a habit of asking questions during movies. "What's he doing? Is he the bad guy? Who's gonna get killed next?" Etc. Finally, I just look at her and say, "Ma, you do know that I have never seen this movie and that I am watching it right along with you. Would you like me to predict what happens because I can make up a story?" Laughing....... Love that you kicked out your close-minded cleaning lady!! Glad you and Nick had some naked time! Hugs, Windy

    1. It is something he does often and when Mollie is here they are worse together. When Mollie was little we'd pass a perfect stranger in the store and she'd ask, "Who's that?" When I'd tell her I didn't know she would say in an annoyed voice, "Just TELL me!" I lied a lot.

  2. LoL PK, you tease :)

    Glad you and Nick are having some fun. Looking forward to reading more :)

    Interesting that Nick asked you the question. I'd say if that was all you could think of you're onto a winner lol. Having said that, those things would bug me too.


    1. I do feel like a winner! There are a few annoying things, but only a few.

  3. Has that man of yours retired yet, PK? .... this could be a preview of Nick and PK's retirement adventures. And since you've fired the cleaning lady, even less chance of interruptions ... :;) ... have fun, you two! ... nj ... xx

    1. Not yet. I guess it could be in my future.

  4. Harry is a very untidy man but he is so good in other ways that I don’t nag him, well, not much anyway.
    Sounds like you had a great afternoon; I’ll be back tomorrow to get all the goss!
    Rosie xx

    1. Nick is really neater that I am over all. Together we should do all right.

  5. Deena7:12 PM

    Well good golly, I will surely be back tomorrow!

    As a completely "off topic" comment...the idea of sending a weekly email to my husband came from your novel. I have to tell you, it has done wonders for our communication. Most recently, it solved a HUGE problem we were having which had caused us to regress to old, horrible habits. So thank you :)

    1. Thank you for telling me that. I do think it's an important way to communicate. And I, for one, have to be forced to communicate.

  6. You are leaving us hanging? That is so mean!

    I wish you luck tomorrow!

  7. Got a big smile from this little post. I am with Rosie on this one. Sam is not a tidy man. I work very hard not to nag, but it is hard sometimes.

    Love that blindfold, PK. Nick has good taste despite his 3 faults.

    Hugs From Ella


    1. The blindfold is my very favorite sex toy!

  8. I think it was good and healthy of him to ask... and a good testament of your relationship that those were the things that you struggled to come up with!

    I have asked my Sir the same question, and its not a trap but the answers always seem like a little dagger to me.
