Thursday, June 06, 2019

An important post - TBT

This is a throw back Thursday that I could have written yesterday. It has to do with being a spanko, not with whether or not spanking is part of your current relationship. Maybe you've never been spanked, but have always dreamed of it. Maybe the spanking part of your relationship has died out. Either way, you're still one of us. So I hope you'll read this. 

I write all my post hoping all my readers will enjoy them and maybe think or laugh a little.  But today, and maybe for the next few post, I want to talk to a part of my reader that I’m afraid we often ignore.  One of my friends knows she inspired all these thoughts and that they are directed at her – but it also for many of my other readers.

I’d bet 99% of those of us out here, bloggers and readers, found ourselves here after looking up ‘spanking’ on the Internet, (back in my day all you could do was look up spanking in the dictionary and lust after the definition, but now I’m really showing my age.)  

I’m assuming that if you’re reading here you are a spanko – or have at least admitted to yourself that the idea of spanking or being spanked pulls at you whether you want it to or not.

Most of us blogging are being spanked, sometimes more than we’d like, sometimes less, but we’ve found some way to incorporate TTWD in our lives.  But that wasn’t true for me when I first found blogs.  At that time I had never had an adult spanking, Nick knew nothing about my desire and I wasn’t ever planning on telling him.  I loved what I was reading, was memorized, in fact.  But I certainly didn’t feel like I was a part of it.

I felt a lot like a kid with her face pressed against a candy store window watching the kids inside help themselves to all the delights I wanted. One part of me was happy for them, but I also felt a little jealous and left out.  

I had no one to spank me, no stories to relate, no misdeed that I could write about and speculate on what an appropriate punishment might be. I was not getting fun spankings, sexy spankings, punishment spanking, no one wanted to control (or protect) me. I felt couldn’t even comment on these thing with no experience to back it up. My feelings were, 'What could I say that was of any value or significance to these people who are actually living it?'

Bob said in an email the other day that as he began reading more and commenting some that he hadn’t realized what a close-knit community we really were. I love that we are seen in that way, but I don’t ever what my reader to feel like it’s an exclusive community.  If that were true we’d all go private and just talk to one another.  We have public blogs because we want other to feel comfortable joining the discussion. 

I reposted this on facebook the other day.  The LGBT community created it, but I think it applies for well for those of us in the spanko world as well.  This is the real reason I blog.

Now if you feel like you are in this group of readers (as I once was) I have several assignments for you.  I’ll just give the first two today (wish I could promise each of you a spanking if you don’t follow through, but…)

Assignment one: Reread this post.  Think about it. Realize that you are a part of us whether you let your voice be heard or not, and also realize that we will all be stronger if our community grows with the thoughts of all our members.

Assignment two: Come back tomorrow for your next assignment.


  1. Hi PK, I remember this, this was an awesome series of posts :)


    1. Not too many are commenting. But I hope some quiet one are listening.

  2. Hey PK,

    Thanks. I needed this one today.


    1. Glad it could help. It is true you know.

  3. Hello there, PK. Don't think I remember ever reading this before, and I am curious as to when you first published this. I recall the first time I was brave enough to comment on your blog. I was so nervous, and you were so accepting. You still make people feel so welcome.

    Love From Ella

    1. I do hope people feel welcome here. It was first published January, 2013.

  4. I remember this post are wonderful at reaching out to people...could never feel alone with you out there :-) Hugs

    1. I'm glad you feel that way. I know many of us had that lonely 'I'm different' feeling for too long.
