Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Didn’t see that one coming

I guess the jokes on me. I know Nick doesn’t read my blog. He never mentions any of the content, he never makes a comment either on the blog or to me – which he used to do in the beginning. So I thought it was a perfectly reasonable place to rant in peace.

I got much of my pre-trip frustrations out of my system in my last post and I was greatly heartened by the understanding and supportive comments. On Friday I sent Nick my weekly update letting him sorta know how I’m doing – eating right, visiting the gym. You know, the basics. So I was somewhat shocked later that day to receive the following email –

Funny, I don't see any mention about ranting over having to take a trip to a nice place at the beach and how your mean old husband puts you through such unbelievable inconveniences and ordeals.  A total shame what some wives have to put up with!

Griping, moaning, and disrespect.....could call for corrective measures!


That sneaky devil had snuck in and read my blog! Just when I  can fully predict my husband, he has to do something to mess me up. I sent an answering email –

And since when do you read my blog? LOL! Although in truth I didn't say anything there that I haven't said to you. I was just trying to get it all out of my system so I could be a sweet, loving, respectful, silent wife at the presentation.

Later as I was being led to the bedroom to further ‘discuss’ the matter. I pointed out that I thought I’d been very respectful by going off and griping to my friends rather that yelling in his face exactly what I thought of his plan. 

I also pointed out that the comments had been overwhelming on my side! Strangely, neither of these points seemed to lessen the spanking any.

But all well that ends well, and I have to say it ended very well. He also said we might have to revisit the consequences after the trip depending on how everything goes. I asked eagerly, “You mean if the presentation goes ninety-one minutes or longer, I get to spank?” It seems that wasn’t what he had in mind. I guess we’ll find out what he meant later.

The trip isn’t until May, but I’ll let you know what happens.


  1. LoL PK, well,I guess our men can be full of surprises. Yay for spanky action and happy endings :)

    Why am I not surprised you pointing out the comments were on your side didn't lessen the spanking lol


    1. They are full of surprises! I just thought maybe he hadn't yet realized that he was wrong.

  2. Hey PK ... I am always a little dubious about any blogger's claim that states 'my hubby doesn't read my blog' ... they may not obviously read it or tell you they read it but given a free pass to knowing what goes on in your partners brain? ... pretty hard to pass that one up ... lol! ...

    I'm happy for you that Nick did read ... and acted accordingly ... however a big fat raspberry to his continued insistence that you'll still be attending the upcoming 'presentation' ... nj ... xx

    1. Honestly I was stunned. It's actually been a big thing me wanting him to read it and being very hurt that he didn't - but I know that there have been long stretches in the past when he didn't. There were some things I posted that I KNOW he would have asked me about. I was hurt by it because of just what you said - how could you be given a window into your spouses mind and not take the time to read it.

      But he looks like he's reading some now.

  3. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I say pitch a real fit before, during, and after that awful presentation and experience Nick's wrath and push his buttons enough to get you spanked again!! Laughing! Funny you got busted though! Hugs, Windy

    1. I'm not good at pitching fits - just very little practice. If only I could unleash Cassie on Nick or the salesman.

    2. Anonymous11:22 PM

      I think you need to go back and re-do menopause to learn how to pitch a fit ! And learn some of Cassie's 4 letter words. Can you imagine Nick's shock? Laughing!

  4. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Before I could write a comment after Sunny's, Windy made her comment. I think a combo........ of laughing with Nick and throwing several fits work just fine. How about that!

    1. Someone need to teach me how to pitch a fit - I don't know how. Now silent, ice-cold fury now I can pull that off. It's just that now one knows but me.

  5. I had to laugh. I'm with Windy.


    1. Well I did have to laugh when I read his email. I wasn't expecting it.

  6. This post has me cheering Nick on. Just what you wanted when you least expect it. Yay! I wonder how often he does read your blog.....

    1. I wonder too. Has he just started back? Does he just pop in occasionally? Will he continue to read? Who knows.

  7. Yay Nick!!! :-) Happy for you!!! Hugs

  8. Late to comment, I know, but I agree with NJ. Be wary when you assume that they never read your blog. They all have the potential to be a "sneaky devil."

    When you get to the presentation, it's time to play a game on your phone. Just keep the sound off. I always have video poker available for boring situations.

    Hugs From Ella for PK and a pat on the back to Nick-

    1. I like the idea, but I probably won't be rude, at least during the first 90 minutes. After that all bets are off.

  9. PK, Oh my goodness, they do like to keep us on our toes! The Duke insists that he read my posts before I post them, so I wouldn't have any hope of trying to get away with this, well, unless I flat out broke the rule. LOL Sounds like it all ended very well in the bedroom though. ;)

    1. Yes I guess it ended fine. But I know one this I posted that if he ever did read it - the spanking wouldn't be any joke!

  10. Life keeps getting in the way of my reading this on time, so as usual, I'm late. But I love that Nick read it and responded in the way he did. And more possibly on the way? Wow. You better make sure to do something that guarantees it! Can't wait for the update!
    Rosie Dee

    1. I guess more may be coming either way. If I'm rude and hateful at the presentation that could be a cause, or if we have a wonderful time after all my complaining, well that would be another reason.

  11. Since you can’t get out of it, you may as well make the best of it. No point in getting all wound up - sounds as though you’re getting spanked whatever happens!
    Rosie xx
