Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Never again

I’ve finished my shopping and I’m now it the middle of packing and getting everything ready to go. I enjoy going off with Nick and this should be a truly wonderful weekend. 

Today I want to tell you of a phone call I had last week. To say that it came out of the blue is a true understatement. Some of you might remember me blogging about a boss I had shortly before I retired. To put this as politely as I can – he was an ass. I posted about one of our ‘disagreements’ here, should you want to read about it.

He left and when on to be an assistant superintendent in a neighboring county for a few year, but now he holds that job back in our county. And it was from this fool, that my call came. He wanted to know if I’d come back and teach a short interim – about a month.

I didn’t go with my first response – hysterical laughter. I didn’t even go with my second response which was, “Aww, HELL NO!” Instead I told him I was on a tight writing schedule, working on my fifteenth book (which was only half true – I’m working on the fifteenth book but certainly on my own pace.)

He went on to tell me that they were looking for a good math teacher and that my name had come up. My immediate thought was, bullshit. The man can’t stand me and doesn’t think I was a good teacher (I was) and they were definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel if he lowered himself to call me.

It certainly did gave me a chuckle. No one is enjoying their retirement more than I am. I loved teaching and enjoyed my career for most of the time I taught, really until this fool showed up as principal. But nothing will ever get me back into that particular grind again. I’m just going to sit by the fire and write, travel a little, and visit with friends and family. That’s what my retirement is all about.


  1. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Too bad Cassie didn't answer the phone!! Glad you said no to the prick though! Happy packing, if there is such a thing! Enjoy your friends and your trip! Hugs, Windy

    1. Maybe she should have. That would have fixed him for sure. It's going to be a great weekend.

  2. Hi PK,wow, definitely a surprise call! I would say he would have been eating humble pie. Despite the history between you I think it shows he does respect you as a teacher.

    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the wedding :)


    1. I don't really think he respects me. I honestly think he's having a problem getting a warm body for the class.

  3. I do remember you writing about that man. You and he were a match made in hell. I love this little post, PK. It's nice to have the last laugh with someone you hated.

    Nicely Done, my friend!

    1. The last laugh is always the best.

  4. I love and identify with this post....only a small part of me would have wanted to say yes...and then remind him when he commented on something...I was doing him a favor. I reteaching...a job I loved was good at for 2 reasons...the principal I had..was female...but I swear had the same genes as your guy....I had all the parents on my side..which only made her angrier...and I was going to be a grandma for the first time..a much better excuse...and I agree..retirement was the right choice..for both of us! hugs abby

    1. So glad to see you back Abby. Don't want to go back at all ever - not even to tell him, 'I told you so!' I would love to have a grandchild to play with in retirement.

  5. I love the restraint you showed! I am still immature enough I would have added a lot of colour to the first 2 answers!

    Keep writing and enjoying your retirement!


    1. If I had known it was coming I might have said more, but my default setting is basic politeness.

  6. I'm really impressed at how well you responded. I might have said no but would feel guilty for letting him down. BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT. My friend in the hospital was told by a nurse the other day that she could get out of bed herself. My friend said, " Excuse me. That sign on the wall says that I am at serious risk for falling and must have assistance." The nurse got her up.

    I, dodo that I am sometimes, would have thought the nurse knew better and said,"Okay." and struggled to do it. I'm so happy to hear you both do the right thing. I never had a problem with standing up for my children, but for me? It's always been difficult. I keep trying though. Another friend sometimes asks me to do stupid things just to make me practice saying no. Sometimes I even do it!
    Rosie Dee

    1. My mentor as a teacher once told me, "At 40 I learned to say no, by 50 I'd learned to say any damn think I pleased." I was a few years behind her in this, but I've caught up now!

  7. So proud of you for not going with your first two responses. One has to wonder how the stupid get promoted? I am really glad you said no and that you are enjoying retirement. Can't wait for book 15 - but take your time....

    1. Thanks Blondie, I'll get it out eventually.

  8. Wow, good for you. I would have been severely tempted too. You earned your retirement, especially to be away from him, enjoy it. :)

    1. We were definitely oil and water. My partner, whom I loved, loved him. So go figure. I was just too old to put up with his BS.

  9. Deena7:50 PM

    Amazing how awful a crappy boss can ruin a great job. So glad you stayed away from what sounds like a very toxic situation. Yay for being happy and enjoying retirement!

    1. Had it been my old school, since he's not there anymore, I might have considered it for about 30 seconds. But I think that part of my life if over.

  10. Karma - he should have been nicer to you. Don't people know they should never burn bridges?! Maybe he'll show up groveling in your sixteenth book.

    1. Actually he is in an upcoming book. It's one I keep starting and stopping. But he's there!

  11. I do remember your stories about that man as principal and I am sure it came as a very big surprise to hear him call you out of the blue. You did such a wonderful job keeping yourself poised in your answer. I am impressed. Hugs

    1. Thanks, Terps. I was so happy to be out from under his thumb! He wasn't worth getting too worked up over.

  12. I remember you writing about this man. How on earth he was a teacher. I don't think I would have been happy working with him.


    1. He taught PE and then the 'good old boys' in our county bumped him up. Wasn't unusual.

  13. I love that you told him you were working on your 15th book! There’s no time for teaching now, and I’m sure it’s his loss. Enjoy your time away.

    1. I'm loving my time. Whether I'm doing something or nothing!

  14. Great that you are enjoying retirement so much. So nice you were able to say no to that guy. What is the saying? Revenge is a dish best served cold. I kind of retired two years ago but since writing has been my life, that is difficlt to stop. I'm been kind of a workaholic and it's difficult to go cold turkey.
    Florida Dom

    1. I'm so glad I changed to writing - you're right it's hard to stop.

  15. Oh teaching. I'm not even retired (I left for another career). And I am D-O-N-E. I'm glad you are enjoying your retirement.
