Monday, January 28, 2019

Writing Spanking books

I’m guessing that if you take the time to come read my blog, then many of you have read some of my books. I find myself at an impasse and I’m hoping some advice from here can help me find a good direction. 

I love writing and by far I love Cassie and writing her stories the most. She has not stopped talking to me, there are still
stories I want to tell you, but I don’t know if I should do another Cassie book. The last one – which I loved didn’t sell well. Not a real problem, because I’d hate to try to live on my income as a writer. But does the fact that it didn’t sell well say that people are tired of her stories or that many newcomers don’t want to invest in a ten book series? I also feel that the ending of the tenth Cassie book was an excellent place to end the series.

I loved writing this latest book, Returning to Us, for the Corbin’s Bend series. It gave me a chance to stretch. I have the slightest beginning to a one book about a disgruntled teacher (something else I know well), but I can’t decide where I want to focus my energy.

I keep coming back to the River. I mean I have invested a lot of myself there and wonder about starting a new series, an On the River series, with alternating leads. I mean I have Cassie, Sue and Annie. I have Allie and Ryan. I have Allie’s friends Jenny and Lane, and Jenny has a mother-in-law and three sisters-in-law who are all in spanking relationships! And I have Lily’s opinion on all of them. That just seems like a rich a pool to give up.

If I began a new series I would have to begin with these people as unknowns and build them up again for newcomers, but not take so long as to bore those who already know them. It’s an interesting dilemma.

So I’m really asking, which would you be more likely to read, a book with brand new fresh characters or more from the people you know at the river? I’ll probably go with whoever is talking loudest in my head, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. And please, to my usually silent readers, if you have read any of my books please give me your thoughts too. You can email me at if you’d rather not leave a comment.


  1. Hi PK,oh gosh, so many options. All I can say is go with your heart. Whichever way you go, we will certainly read :)


    1. I appreciate the confidence, but I don't know where to go!

  2. PK, follow your gut. I have read all your books and loved them all. Any way you go, I will follow.


    1. That's very nice! Thank you.

  3. I think On The River is a good way to go - as for who - go with whoever is speaking the loudest. Remember though it's a younger audience so maybe Jenny & Cal and that group might be a main focus and bring in the rest of the characters throughout the story line.

    1. It's a thought. Allie and Ryan, Cal and Jenny and Cassie and Sue and Annie and Lily looking on with their opinions!

  4. You could have probably written the comment from me with no coaching. I really want to read another Cassie book. Am afraid if you do not answer her when she speaks to you, that she will stay silent and die a little. I do love your other books, but Cassie is special to me.


    1. I could be happy writing Cassie books as long as I can type - but while there are a handful who would read that long I need to pull others in too. Cassie has talked to me for fifty-one years now. I don't think she's going to leave me now.

  5. Oh PK, Please write Megan's story next, I loved Returning to Us and am hoping ofr more along the same lines
    love Jan, xx

    1. That is something to think about, but at the moment I don't know anymore about them than you do!

  6. I'm partial to Cassie. I love her, but I would totally read your Down By The River books about any of them. I like that idea too, as long as Cassie's there, I'll be happy to read it! It would be very interesting to read about Jenny's MIL. That would be an interesting story as well.

    Also curious who's yelling in your head the loudest to be heard?

    BTW finished your Corbin's Book this week and it was a really good read!

    1. If I write about those at the river you can be sure Cassie will be in the mix. There's no way to quiet her even if I wanted to! Which I don't.

      I'm so glad you liked the book.

  7. Wish I could choose but I love all of your books. I love Cassie, she is like a friend. I love your new stories too. Don't be afraid to take chances. You are a good writer and people love reading your books.

    1. Thank you Blondie - that does mean a lot to me. I just love having stories roaming in my head.

  8. I enjoyed the Corbin's Bend book, PK ... I also think you've got several characters from your Cassie and Cal and Jenny books that could be developed further into new books and those could potentially include some Cassie appearances ... On The River is a great concept for a series title ... nj ... xx

    1. I'm thinking of On the River more and more. I'm talking with them in my head asking what's going on and I'm beginning to get a little feed back.

  9. You are a fantastic writer and I'll read whatever you decided (though it does take me a while)
    Like Ella, I would like another Cassie book. I loved her from the moment I found her. She is very special to me.
    You have to go with your heart and as others have said - who is talking to you the loudest.


    1. I think you know that Cassie will always be my favorite. Did you know she appeared in all the Cal and Jenny books - true you have to look hard in the first one, but she's definitely there. So she'll pop up again if I do write about the river.

  10. We all love Cassie, don't we? I'm so happy to hear that so many think of her as a friend! An 'On the River' series would probably satisfy everybody. But I agree with Baker about Jenny's MIL. I'd love to hear her story too. And Meghan if she gets back to you. But the whole river bunch are like family. I want to see where Allie and Ryan go from here. It's like watching your own kids grow up but we can be really nosy with these two!
    Rosie Dee

    1. It makes me so happy that Cassie is love by so many. If Megan talk to me I'll certainly listen, meanwhile the river calls!

    2. Me again. Yay! I'm starting to read the whole series again. I've just re-read 'Cal's Law' series and enjoyed it for the third time. I'm on 'Cassie's Space' and loving it . It's amazing how many little details I pick up on each time! Can't wait for the next one! (I know it's going to be awhile).
      Rosie Dee

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hi PK, :) I love everything that you have written!! I think that you have to go with where you are moved to go forward. Sunny has a point about there being a younger audience. We all love Cassie, so maybe a Ryan and Allie story will pick up both Cassie lovers and the younger crowd? IDK! Whatever you write, I will be right there reading.❤️ Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. I think working with the younger people is a good idea. Now I just have to get them in my head firmly.

  12. PK, I think you have a rich mine in the younger River characters. Maybe you could expand on their lives whilst continuing to feature Cassie and friends in the back ground. You did mention before that Cassie could tell more of her tales in her own blog and that’s a great compromise for those of us who don’t want to let her go.

    Rosie xx

    1. I'm feeling that's the way to go. They're all friends and while the younger girls go about there lives, Cassie and Sue are sure to stick their noses in once and a while.

  13. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Another vote for On the River. So many authors in this genre focus on very young couples, and thanks to Cassie, there are older couples out there, but I'd love to read about Cal's siblings who have kids. Having said that, I'd love more Allie and Ryan, too. I feel like their perspective came out more in Cassie's blog than in the books.
    As for why the last Cassie book didn't sell well, I have no idea!! I think it's difficult to find an author whose books correspond with my own comfort level in this spanko world, so when I do, I want to read everything they've written and eagerly await the next one (which is how I currently feel about Cassie and Cal/Jenny). I found Cassie early in the series, so maybe I would have seen a 10 book series as daunting, but I'd like to think not. I'm pretty sure I would have tried the first, then binged the rest! Good luck with your decision. Off to purchase your latest...

    1. Bless your heart! I've finally begun and even sent the first Chapter of a book featuring Allie and Ryan. As well as their family and friends. Who knows how long it will take, but it should be fun.

  14. PK I have just finished your Corbin's Bend book and loved it. Like Jan, I'd like to see one on Megan's life in the near future.
    It would be really sad not to have Cassie around any longer, so I vote for On the River with Allie and Ryan. Cassie can add her two bobs worth in amongst the story somewhere I'm sure. Or lead Allie into mischief. LOL!

    1. That's really what I'm thinking about. I don't mind writing for younger people too, but I like Cassie and Sue being around.
