Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Back to the real world

And with a deep sigh, I come off the holiday high and return to the real world. I’m lucky that I am one who truly loves the holidays and the quiet of everyday life. Right now with all my family back to work but me, I’m loving the solitude of my writing room, a fire and a cup of coffee.

I remembered to write Nick this week. Okay, I barely
remembered in time, but I made it. He thanked me and said we’d discuss it later. When it was time for that discussion I was asked to wait in the bedroom – I like that. It gives me a little time to reflect. It had been an okay week considering we still had a full house and way too much food around.

Nick let me keep my clothes on for the warm up. I swear I’ve become a true wimp lately. He is a very understanding man, acknowledging that the holidays and all that comes with it could cause weigh fluctuations and interrupted gym time. But as he pulled down both pants and panties, he began pointing out that it was time to return to the real world where these things would no longer be ignored.

I agreed and between little yelps of pain. I assured I would be doing better the next week – keeping better records on my WW app, getting back to the gym and working on having healthier foods in the house. He began rubbing and I rolled over so we could continue talking. After a minute or two I reached to pull up my pants. Mistake!

“And who said this was over?” my sweet husband asked sharply, rolling be back to my stomach. “You’re always welcomed to ask if I’m finished but to just decide I’m through isn’t your call.” To punctuate this declaration he pulled out this fun little number to finish up.

I think I’ll be asking if he’s through in the future.

In case I don't get back here this week, we have a wonderful Fantasy Friday coming this week. Hope you'll stop by!


  1. Hi PK,glad you had a wonderful time with the family and are now enjoying getting back to your writing room. Great news for us :)

    The holidays sure do play havoc with healthy eating and exercise and it's so hard getting back on track. Great to see Nick stepping up. Uh uh, never a good idea to decide a spanking is over.


    1. I do love having time to write! I really thought we were done - guess that's what I get for thinking.

  2. Aww, that sounds lovely...well except for the ending.... but maybe that was just what you needed.

    Enjoy the quiet!


    1. I appreciate him thinking of me.

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi PK, :) So happy that you had a wonderful holiday, and that you are rediscovering your quiet time! I wonder if it will stay quiet for a while. In my neck of the woods, something always seems to come up, when I am ready to chillax! Have fun!

    Well that is one heck of a start to the new year! Nick sure seems on top of things. Ouch for your poor bottom!🔥 That things looks... kinda mean, with all of the holes in it!

    It is hard to stay with an eating/exercise plan during the holidays. Always yummy treats around, and so many things to help fend off the exercise routines. Fun though! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. It's leather and I like that, but it can be intense. I don't think I'll ever LIKE exercising.

  4. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Glad to hear that Nick got your attention with spanking. Oh, I like the idea of being sent to the bedroom to wait and think a little bit....hmmm..... I am sometimes impatient! Dang girl that flexible paddle with the holes in it. I might RUN if I saw that lying on the bed. Laughing! Happy you're back to writing and your quiet time after the mad (yet happy) rush of the holiday and guests. Hugs, Windy

    1. I think both Nick and I would feel uncomfortable with 'corner time' but just going to the bedroom to 'think' works well. I used to buy a lot of interesting implements before I became a wimp.

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    We have several implements -- not I haven't braved-up enough to ask for a "holy paddle" yet! lol And looking at it, I know why. It just looks painful. :) Glad you got your reset. I'm ready for mine, but our kids do not return to school until tomorrow. Hope your 2019 is your best year yet. Hugs.

    1. This life style is hard when kids over the age of one are home. But finding time and space can be interesting. If you should decide you'd like to try it I'm ready to pass it on!

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Umm...that's okay. You can keep it. ;)

  6. PK,
    Applause for Nick!!! I love that you are getting what you need, young lady. And he is right. Time to think about a healthy year ahead.

    I brought all the extra sugary treats around here to the guys at the VA last week. We didn't need one more cookie at this house, and they are always appreciated by the fine folks at the VA.

    It makes me very happy that I now know exactly where you are sitting with your coffee and your laptop.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Thankfully there are no sweet treat left, but I'm still longing for them. Yep, Nick is coming through for me.

  7. glad you had a nice holiday and are busily typing away and especially glad you received a spanking and that Nick is by your side. :-) Hugs

  8. I'm late to the party again...but really glad I didn't miss this one! Hurray for Nick! I almost got that same one, but ended up with a shorter black one. OUCH!!! But yours must be worse. It's much longer and...the holes! If he keeps this up you will surely toughen up again...
    Rosie Dee
