Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Off to the wild blue yonder

Just dropping by with a couple of bit of new from my wildly exciting life. (Okay it’s not a wildly exciting life, but I’m enjoying it.)

First bit of new – Blushing Books accepted my new book! Several of my friends said, ‘I had no doubt.’ And I appreciated their confidence. But I had serious doubts. This book is for the Corbin’s Bend series – that’s their series. I mean Cassie is my series, I wrote it to please myself and hopefully the readers. But did BB feel I was up to their series standards? That had me worried. I was also worried that they were going to stop the series before the book was ready to go. Thankfully, they hadn’t.

I have no idea when it will come out. I’ll let you know. My other book have taken about two months from submission to release. I’ll tell you more about the book as we get closer, but I’ll tell you now I feel many of you will be able to relate to it.

Second bit of news is that we’ll be leaving on our trip out west this week. We’ll be gone about eight days. We’re flying, then renting a car and doing a LOT of driving. It’s a good thing Nick and I get along well. And maybe a good thing that we both have some hearing problems – great for being able to mutter under your breath. We do get along well, but we’re not usually together 24/7. But I have no fears. And I know we’ll see some beautiful things.

Two of the beautiful things we’ll get to see are blogging friends. We’ll be visiting with Sunny and Ray as well as Ella and Sam. I’m looking forward to that. It will be my first time meeting the husbands.

I’m not taking my computer (gasp) but I’ll be in touch as soon as we get back. You all hold down blogland and don’t forget me.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Have a wonderful time. I know you will. Full report upon your return.

  2. Hi PK, Congratulations on the new book, Can't wait! Hope you have a lovely holiday too.
    love Jan, xx

    1. I hope you'll like the book, Jan.

  3. Hi PK,

    Congratulations on the book being accepted! That is such fantastic news, I had no doubt:) I love Corbins Bend!

    Have a wonderful trip, safe travels.


    1. I'll really want to know your opinion of this one. I hope you'll share it.

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Congratulations on the book! Have a wonderful trip. Be safe.

    1. Thanks, Sue. This is actually the longest vacation we've ever been on.

  5. Congratulations on your book and have a wonderful time visiting special friends. :-) Hugs

    1. Thanks. Wish I was seeing you too.

  6. Can’t wait to read the book!
    Have fun! You are lucky!

    1. I'll definitely let you know when it's coming out.

  7. Can't wait for the book and the visit.

  8. Anonymous11:03 AM

    That is WONDERFUL news about your new book! I'm so happy for you!!!!! You enjoy the heck out of your vacation, girl -- you deserve it! Enjoy your blogging buddies, too, and make some great memories with them! Travel safe, my friend. Hugs! Windy

    1. I sure hope our travel is safe! They've had storm in the area and that NOT normal for them. I'm very happy about the book!

  9. Have a great trip. How nice that you're going to see friends! I wish you were coming my way.
    Be careful with the muttering. My husband who asks me to repeat everything seems to be able to hear every time I think my grumpy comment couldn't possibly have been heard. I have to say, being together 24/7 is really great, though. Enjoy every minute.
    Rosie Dee

    1. Nick does not ask me to repeat - muttering has now become a really bad habit. I think it will be great for a week, but I do like my alone time too.

  10. Hello there, PK,
    I am trying to crawl back to blogland slowly. First a fabulous vacation and then a house disaster, but I am just managing to keep my head above the water.

    Congrats on the new book, my friend! I am so curious to see how your story fits in with the CB concept.

    Looking forward to seeing you, and so is Sam!

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I know we'll have a blast. I'm very anxious for my friends to read this book.

  11. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Hi PK! :) What wonderful news about your upcoming book!!! I had no doubt in my mind that you would get there. Cannot wait to give it a read! Congratulations! So exciting!!

    Have a wonderful trip adventure with your hubby, and enjoy your time with blogging friends too! Sounds very fun! Safe travels! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. Thanks Katie! You had more confidence in my writing than I did. I think this will be a great adventure and I'll tell all about it when I get home.

  12. That is wonderful news about your book, congratulations! It comes as no surprise because you’re already a seasoned and published writer. Good for you! Have a great time away, enjoy those your with.

    1. It's going to be a great trip!

  13. Congratulations on the book. Have a lovely time away and give SG and Ella hug from me.


    1. I've give them both a hug from you.

  14. Congrats on your book, PK! Looking forward to reading it; I’ve not read any of the Corbins Bend series yet.
    Have a wonderful trip; there’s no chance of us forgetting you!
    Rosie xx

  15. Yay! on the book selection. Im looking forward to reading it. Hope you're having a great vacation connecting with friends! ... nj .. xx
