Monday, September 10, 2018

Simple Joys

I know some people love activity in their lives – all the time. They like to go places, do things and part of me envies them. But that’s not me. I live more of a laid back lifestyle. I’m very content with small things.

I have big joys all over the place. A wonderful husband and two fantastic kids top the list. I have a comfortable home, plenty of food and money to pay the bills. Actually the internet doesn’t have enough space for me to list all my joys, my blessing. But I sometimes I like to think of the simple joys.

Here are a few of my simple joys – 

·   Sleeping until I wake up. No one urging me to get up, nowhere I have to be to on time, no alarm clock. Just me and the sun. If I want to roll over for another ten minutes there’s no reason not to.

·   Going to the bathroom with no help. Anyone who doesn’t see this as a true joy has never taken care of someone you love who can no longer manage it. Be aware of this joy while you have it.

·   Having Mollie text or call. Having LJ or Colin ‘like’ something I’m put on Facebook (that way I know they’re alive and well). Hearing Nick pull into the carport.

·   Getting an email or a text from a friend just to talk/visit.

·   Heading out into my bright, sunny writing room each morning. There’s a ceiling fan giving me a breeze in the summer, and a fireplace to give warmth in the winter. My two cat in their favorite spots to keep me company. I sit with a hot cup of coffee and watch the forest behind our home through big, tall windows as I let story idea roam through my head until one comes to the forefront. Then I write and write – what joy.

I’d love to know what some of your simple joys are. Blog if you have one or leave me a comment.


  1. Hi PK, what a lovely post, I love your list! There is nothing like the simple joys in life, like curling up next to the heat and watching a favourite show.


    1. I can tell you're coming off winter - we're not after heat right now. But I know soon I'll be doing this very same thing.

  2. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Love your post. I love drinking coffee and watching the birds at the feeder. I love to walk in the woods and enjoy God's beautiful creation. So many simple things I enjoy. Sue-B

    1. This sounds so peaceful. It's nice seeing you here again.

  3. Great post. Simple joys - waking up each morning to seeing the humming birds at the feeder. So many more but at 6:15 am those two come to a mind that is not fully awake.

    1. I wouldn't be this coherent at 6:15. Again, the joy of sleeping in.

  4. Hi PK, nice post. Snuggling in bed in the morning with hubby and my kindle, knowing there is nothing to rush up for. A hug from my Grands, I love you from my sons. There are so many simple joys
    love Jan, xx

    1. These all sound wonderful - I do envy the hugs from the Grands. Someday maybe.

  5. This is a lovely list of joys, PK you are obviously blessed.
    One of the little things that brings me joy is spending time together as a family, being under one roof and enjoying a rousing game of cards or a favourite board game. Cuddling on a Saturday morning when no one has to be up, a frothy coffee with a dear friend, and the list goes on and on. I am also very blessed. :)

    1. You do sound blessed. I'm grateful that so many of us out here are.

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I so easily picture you entering your writing room all smiles ready to go. A simple joy is Jack serving me my frothy coffee in the morning as we enjoy our vista. Heaven on earth!

    1. Sounds like a lot of us like that first cup of coffee and our view.

  7. PK

    My joys are man surprising me by taking a week friends and family to spend time with.

    1. Those sound like wonderful joys to me.

  8. Ahh, simple joys.... I have so many! My Scotsman home. Conversations with my kids! Reminiscing with family! Drawing or painting!
    Oh that first cup of coffee, and a martini on the weekend!

    1. Our families are always bring us joy! You draw, I write - whatever works or us.

  9. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I am with all you coffee gals. Nothing like that first sip or two on an empty stomach.... yum!
    I am thankful for friends that support me during difficult times.
    I most grateful for my husband.

    Sweet post! Hugs! Windy

    1. You have some great joys here. And to think I never drank coffee until I was 50 years old!

  10. I can see you in your writing room.

    So many simple joys in life.

    Waking up to a brand new day with P. The pleasure of sitting outside with my morning cup of tea and watching the birds.


    1. I like that so many of us can slow down in life enough to recognize these simple joys and appreciate them.

  11. Love your list, PK. Our alarm goes off at 5.45am every day except Sunday, so I’m grateful for the Sunday morning lie-in. I’m another coffee drinker, can’t function until my second cup.
    Rosie xx

    1. It didn't kill me getting up for work, but this sleeping in is a joy I'd never thought about.

  12. I love that you take the time to appreciate your blessings. I thank God every day for the life I have. I'm content with a simple life and a man I adore. I've lived long enough to see people's lives change in a moment and so I try to be grateful today for all I have, especially my family and friends.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I think being aware of how lucky we are in a blessing in itself.

  13. Deena9:52 PM

    Such a nice thing to think about. On my list would be a quiet house, grocery shopping alone, an email, text, or call from a friend. These can truly make my day. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn't have to be "big" to be joyful.

    1. All the joys you mentioned sound wonderful to me too. Isn't it strange how grocery shopping changes when you're with someone?

  14. love your small joys...quiet time doing nothing, receiving a text/email/phone call/letter from my friends and family, being able to move, to see, to hear, to smell, and to feel...oh so many... :-) Hugs
