Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Pup approved spanking

You all know I was dead set against Mollie getting a puppy. And I still maintain I was right. But, of course, she got one anyway. And the one she got is as close to being perfect as you could ever want. 

Mollie and friends are tooling around southern California as I write this. Nick and I are babysitting both the cat and the dog. Mollie’s cat has always hated me for some reason. If I reach to pet her I’m usually in danger of having my hand ripped open. My strategy for this visit has been to completely ignore her and it seems to be working. For the first four days she was here, I put down food and didn’t even speak. Never tried to approach or pet her. On the fifth day she rubbed against me and I ran my hand over her side once and then stopped. She did not turn and try to rip me to shreds. That’s major progress.   

But this puppy, Maggie, is an angel. So sweet, so laid back, so obedient – she is a true joy. I open my front door to let her go out and tell her, “Go potty” she strolls out, squats, pees and trots back to the door. She sits on command, shakes, and waits when I put her food bowl down until I tell her she may have it.

One of her favorite spots.

I do love Goldens and I’ve toyed with the idea of getting a puppy once or twice. I think now I won’t. As good as Maggie is puppies do take up a lot of time and you sure can’t shut the door and head off for a weekend away. I think I’ll like keeping Maggie for Mollie when necessary and I won’t feel any guilt about asking Mollie to come look in on the cats when we take a week-long trip we’re planning for fall. But I think it will work best for Nick and I to enjoy the grandpup. Spoiling her a little and sending her home.

And one more wonderful thing about this pup – the sound of a good spanking and fine love making don’t affect her in the least! Nick had a birthday Saturday. When we got the time to celebrate I waffled about putting her in her crate but decided against it. Through different implements, various vocals and the ups and down, bending over and other movements on and around the bed she lay peacefully in the floor occasionally lifting her head, cocking it to the side and observed us without interfering. To which I say, Good Dog!

I don’t think I’ll report this last piece of good behavior to Mollie – I think I’ll just let her discover this on her own one of these days.


  1. Hi Pk, Makes you wonder what Mollie gets up to for her not to bother about it, just saying.....
    love Jan, xx

    1. I don't think that's it - but it would be fine with me!

  2. LOL what a good pup. Goldies are great dogs. I'm sure she'll enjoy being at yours as much as you'll enjoy having her when Mollie needs you to dogsit.

    1. Yep, Goldens are the very best. I really won't mind keeping her occasionally.

  3. Hi PK, this had me smiling all the way through. Aww, Maggie is gorgeous, and she sounds delightful. Wonderful you have made some progress with the cat too :)

    So glad you and Nick are enjoying cat/dog sitting, and that the two of you are having some fun. Even better news! Maggie being unperturbed made me giggle.


    1. I just sent Mollie a picture and she thinks Maggie has really grown. I think she is beautiful too.

  4. She is gorgeous. I've thought about getting a puppy but as you say, they take up so much time and you can't just decided to go away last minute. Happy to hear the cat is becoming friendly.


    1. I don't suggest a puppy for anyone who enjoys traveling - even weekend trips. It's a ten to fifteen year commitment and I don't want to do that right now.

  5. Anonymous6:53 AM

    What a beautiful puppy. I love golden retrievers. Sounds like cat is coming around wanting a little affection to.


    1. Hopefully the cat is feeling indifferent to me rather than feeling true animosity.

  6. Very smart what you did with the cat! Maggie is a gem. I love the comment that Jan left! What a surprise that would be! You and Nick seem to be having a great time. Sounds wonderful.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I'd love it if Mollie was seeing someone and 'training' the dog to ignore fun. But I don't think it's happening.

  7. You will be a great grandma when the time comes, PK. You have a head start with an adorable puppy and a fussy cat.

    I always put our dogs out of the room. They just stare at us like little canine voyeurs. Too weird!

    Hugs From Ella

    1. I'll be so old when I get human grandkids I doubt Mollie will leave them with us. The cats don't bother me, but I didn't like our old dog watching.

  8. What a sweet pup; Mollie must be training her well. Glad you and Nick are having some spanky fun.
    Rosie xx

    1. This summer Mollie has been able to spend time with her nearly 24/7 and she also takes her to puppy training classes.

  9. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Isn't Mollie due home soon? Enjoy the final days of grand-pets. They grow on you.

    1. She should be home by midnight tonight.

  10. What a sweet puppy :-) Hope Nick had a great birthday!

    1. He certainly seemed to enjoy it.

  11. Haha... your daughter's pup is like a little peeping Tom! Glad you are enjoying babysitting and other things. Good times.

    1. It was just fine. They've all gone home now and I don't mind that either.

  12. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Congrats on the spanking fun times, PK! Woot! Your grandpup sounds and looks adorable! Good thing you are not sitting for a parrot. You would send it back to Molly's and it would say some inappropriate things as well as learn to make a spanking noise! Not sure you could explain that away! hhahaa

    1. LOL! Now that was a danger I hadn't thought of. If she gets one of those I'll put my foot down!

  13. That sounds like the ideal dog situation. A fantastic dog that you can see and love in regular increments.... but also give back and not have to worry about the day-to-day stuff. She is a beauty!
