Thursday, June 07, 2018

TBT - Gotta Rant

I'm sure some of you have read this before. I know I re-posted it at least once. It is one of my favorite post I've ever written. This was first posted October 31, 2006, long before Fifty Shades. We all spent a lot of time worrying about what would happen if we were somehow 'outted'. It was a worry for a long time, not anymore, but I do remember well. I'd love to know what you think of my rant.

Gotta Rant

An email from a friend got me all stirred up about this topic so pardon me while I rant but I am just so mad. I want to know where the rest of the world gets off thinking that what we enjoy and the lifestyle we chose makes us some type of sicko that should not be accepted in polite society!

Many people enjoy massages; often they pay big bucks to have a stranger give them a massage. They talk about how good it felt and how relax they felt afterwards. If their friends, family and colleagues have any thoughts on the matter most would think, “Yeah, a massage would be great”. I hate massages! Often people I barely know come up behind me and start rubbing my shoulders. It hurts likes hell! I want to scream at them. If I say anything about not wanting them digging their digits into the muscles near my neck I get a strange look and something like “You don’t LIKE that? There must be something wrong with you! You are way too tense”!

I see people at the gym lifting weights so heavy they look as though they are going to tear a muscle. Runners and cyclist are taught to run or ride through the pain for the benefits on the other side. Huge men are paid bazillion dollars to slam into one another to get a ball moved down a field. All of these people are engaging in activities, by their own choice, that both hurt like hell and are activities that some others would never ever want to do. Yet they are considered normal. People will let them talk about what they enjoy doing and it’s even acceptable to encourage other to at least give it a try.

I enjoy being spanked. I love the sting, I love the afterglow, I love the achy soreness the next day, I love the feeling of release, I love the emotional closeness I feel with my husband, I love everything about it! Spanking is good for my physical, mental and emotional well being. I am not even encouraging others to try it. I am just saying it is a wonderful thing in my life.

So how come I would be the one to possible lose my job if my superiors were to discover that I blog about it. At best I could expect to be ridiculed, thought of as unnatural or perhaps perverted. IT'S NOT FAIR! I am just as normal as those who like massages, lift weight, run or play football. But no, our desire is strictly taboo. I want to stand up and yell “I’m damn mad and I’m not going to take it anymore” instead I have to sit here and type “I’m mad and there is not a damn, friggin thing I can do about it!”

And if you don’t mind if I rant on, another topic we are discussing on our blog is about our sex life. This would also make our friends and family gasp in horror and heap embarrassment on us. WHY? If I was reading blogs to improve my cardiovascular system that would be fine, if my boss or family found out they would be proud of me. I could ask all the question I wanted to and gathering all the information I could. But if I want to learn about my sexuality, if I want to learn more about how this part of my body how it works and ways to improve or enhanced the quality of an orgasm – oh my, heaven forbid! And speaking of heaven, God created our bodies and included in the female special added features strictly for pleasure having nothing to do with reproduction. So evidently He intended for us to enjoy this part of our lives. There is nothing wrong with researching how our bodies are supposed to work.

We are talking about sex and spankings on our blogs. I am not standing on the street corner yelling these things at folks that do not want to hear it. If you do not want to hear my opinions on these topics you wouldn’t have read this far. I know that none of us are embarrassed in the least by what we read or write yet we are all afraid of others finding out, because others won’t understand. I want my blog to remain a secret. Not only would I have to live with the embarrassment if it were discovered, my family would also. But if anyone I know does find my blog and tries to make me feel guilty or threats to tell others I am going to print this post off, shove it in their face and tell them to kiss my ass!

My friends, I thank you for allowing me a place for my rant. I knew I would be safe here.


  1. Hi PK, I'm enjoying reading these Throwback Thursday posts, thank you for starting this.

    I enjoyed reading this re-post. It's great that our lifestyle is becoming slightly less taboo.


    1. I think we have to thank 50 Shades for that.

  2. Whoah! Nice rant, PK. It still applies, even today.

    1. It does, but not so much to me anymore. I kind of have to out myself if I want to sell books!

  3. WOW, this rant was three years before I joined our community and the amazing thing is that all these years you are still here and one of our most prolific bloggers and authors. I wish I was as diligent as you are in keeping up your blog. The spanking lifestyle is more in the mainstream these days but it is still not something we talk about with our vanilla friends. And your explanation of why you like spanking is still one of the best I've seen.


    1. Thanks FD, I just enjoy blogging. As well as spanking!

  4. I love it when you rant. I don't think I read this one before. Still taboo.


    1. I don't rant nearly as much. I don't much care who knows.

  5. Don't think I had ever read this...but BRAVO to you!!! A great rant, worth the read...hugs abby

    1. Thanks Abby! I meant every word.

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Wow, a Halloween rant! (date is Oct 31) I loved your rant and I hope it scared whomever sent you that unpleasant email.

    I really like this part: "I enjoy being spanked. I love the sting, I love the afterglow, I love the achy soreness the next day, I love the feeling of release, I love the emotional closeness I feel with my husband, I love everything about it! Spanking is good for my physical, mental and emotional well being."

    Thanks for sharing this one again! It's so good!

    1. I think it was one of my friends felt threatened. It's much more relaxing now that I'm retired, kids are grown and I could don't worry about what the vanilla world thinks of me.

  7. Great tbt. I had not read this one and your rant is still valid. I can appreciate your words.

    1. I do truly remember the worry.

  8. I really like the description of how spanking makes you feel, sums it up so well. Great rant PK, it’s a shame we still have to hide who we really are.
    Rosie xx

    1. I really don't any more - no one cares and I what to get my books out in the public. But I sure know everyone doesn't feel this way.

  9. This is definitely an impressive rant. I love that you don’t care what others think, and that you put out there what you need to. It’s inspiring.
    Another great choice for this throwback thing! Thank you.

    1. Thanks, Laurel! It is a freeing feeling for sure.

  10. I can finally comment! Only it has to be on my laptop!
    I can't tell you how meaningful this was to me. I had forgotten this post of yours. You hit the nail on the head with your comparisons and I was still pondering it all last night. Unfortunately after a discussion with someone I love very much I felt like a perv again.....I didn't share too much but I felt so depressed about my desires again...Thank you for this TBT!

    1. If your friend doesn't like it tell her not to try it! But for yourself, be proud of who you are and that you've found and explored something that makes YOU happy. To heck with anyone else!

  11. Great rant! I hate that I don't feel comfortable sharing this wonderful part of my world with other people I love. People think it's "sweet" to know that my husband and I still love each other after all these years and a few are surprised to learn that we still have sex. But I think they'd keel over if they knew all of it! I feel alive to be so in love and want to share and maybe help others to find this great intimacy.
    Rosie Dee

    1. It would be so much better if we could talk about it openly - that's why I love the Corbin's Bend series. I think we could help other with this conversation.

  12. Thanks for the great TBT Rant, PK ... I totally get this ... it has been on my mind since joining this little Blogland Tribe. When you think of all the crazy things that go on these days, what we do seems pretty minor in the big scheme of things. And when you see so many others who could benefit from this lifestyle, it's seems even more of a shame to have to keep quiet.
    ... nj ... xx

    1. It really is! And sometimes I don't stay quiet anymore - but that's another post!

  13. Great rant PK. I haven't read this one before and loved it. wish we could out ourselves to everyone. I bet we would be surprised at how many others enjoy spankings.

    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I think we would be surprised too. I've looked at really close couples and wondered.

  14. I remember this post and it is still so valid. I love that you are at a place where you can just be you and not care what others think. Hugs
