Thursday, June 21, 2018

TBT - answering comments

When I came across this post I definitely wanted to put this up as a TBT.  I'm not trying to step on toes here but I feel strongly about this and the question I ask at the end is important to me still so I hope I get some answers. I couldn't find the original post where I talked about this, but this one was from March, 2015. 

In the spirit of March I have a question for my readers. Does it matter to you if a blogger answers their comments? I have always really tried to do this whenever possible.  I know I miss some occasionally, but it’s very important to me. I know most of the bloggers I read do answer comments, so I can tell it's important to them too. But as a reader, does it matter to you? Do you come back and read after someone answers comments? I guess I'm asking my lurkers to jump in here and help answer this question.

Bonnie had this as one of her ‘rules/suggestion’ for blogging when I first began and I really took it to heart. I remember when I first found bogs and I was blown away by what I was reading. It was weeks before I had enough nerve to leave a comment. But when I went back to look the next day and my comment had been answered, the blogger had taken the time to talk to me, I was not only dumfounded I was hooked! And I’ve been here ever since.

Since that time I’ve always felt that if someone takes the time to read what I’ve written, and then to go the extra mile and comment on it, I want to talk to them. Commenting and answering one another’s comments was the way I’ve met my best friends out here. I can’t imagine what I would have missed if I hadn’t answered their comments and developed real friendships.

Going back and answering comments takes time – trust me I know. But I feel it's part of blogging. If I don't have the time to answer my comments, then I don't have the time to blog - because it's all part of the same package. 

If I visit a blog and comment a few times and the blogger doesn't answer or say anything about my comment, I get the feeling they don’t want to talk. And that’s okay, but I usually stop commenting too. I guess because time is always limited I’m going to talk to the bloggers who want to talk with me.

I think I described it once as walking by your neighbor’s yard and waving and saying something like, “Nice day we’re having” or “Your yard is beautiful” and they never look up or say a word… I still go by but sometime, but I don't say anything.

So that’s my question for all of you. Do you expect an answer to comments you leave, or do you just leave it and move on? Please let me know.


  1. Yes, as a reader, it matters and yes, I go back to look ... to me it's a conversation, albeit a very slow one :)
    I, as a blogger, try to answer all comments, although sometimes it's only a single comment in response to several.
    Thanks for the great TBT post, PK .... nj

    1. You're right, sometimes the answering comment takes different forms. But it's the point of acknowledging the readers that's important to me.

  2. Hi PK, this is a great question and I agree with you. If someone takes the time to comment you should reply. I have always replied to comments personally. It's a courtesy to do so as well. I do go back to check, and also to see subsequent comments from others. Not every time perhaps, but I do go back.


    1. You and I are alike in this. That's one reason I'm really sorry that blogger stopped sending emails from posts. I really like knowing if someone commented a few days or sometimes months later. I wish we could get that started again. Now I know I'm missing some.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Great topic especially to a new reader and now new blogger! I first posted in April of this year Anonymously on Hermione's blog... and SHE ANSWERED and I about fell over. I, too, was hooked! So I signed up for an account within a week.... did the reading thing, and I believe everyone whose blog I commented on, replied and I wanted to join you all, so I did.

    As a blogger, yes, I answer all comments and I try to do so in a personal way if the comment is long enough for me to respond to what the person is sharing back with me.
    So my answer is yes to both. I like to "discuss" when someone leaves a comment... I love it ! And, yes, I ALWAYS go back to see if the blog owner has responded and it makes me feel more connected when they do so.

    I try to respond fairly quickly if I can to comments.... but I had a migraine last night and this morning, so I was behind, but am now caught up! YAY!

    Thanks for this post, PK! It's important for me to read and learn from you more experienced bloggers!


    1. I'm glad we're all in agreement on this. But, of course sometimes real life is going to get in the way. A migraine would stop me cold and stuff just comes up sometimes. But when we all know that the blogger usually replies, then we realize something has come us.

  4. The simple answer from me is Yes, definitely. Someone has taken the time to read your blog and comment so you should take the time to answer. As you said, this was one of Bonnie's suggestions, so right from the start that's what I did and still, do even if it's a thank you for stopping by.

    I was speaking with one of my long time readers about this only the other day and she said it was a big thing for her to actually leave a comment and then not to have a reply left her disappointed that she stopped reading those blogs.

    Every year we ask our silent readers to come out and leave a comment. So as I said at the begining, reply to your comments, always.


    1. I agree with your reader I remember - especially in the old days I'd leave a comment and it hurt my feelings when they didn't respond. I never want anyone to feel that way when they talk to me.

  5. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I thank you for this reposting. I am not the best at commenting to comments. I am trying to do better here. However, I do encourage readers to write to me and they do. I have a wonderful group of friends who write to me and me to them. I am changing my ways.

    1. I think you've made great friend this way. I guess I worry about those who are hesitant to email until they know us a little better and I think a conversation in comments can help this.

  6. I certainly agree with you and the others above, PK. And I love your analogy to walking by someone and saying "hi." I try to answer every post I write, but sometimes life gets in the way. Then I feel guilty that I wasn't able to thank those folks that left comments. I do like them all to know how happy it makes me to know they came to read my writing.

    Somehow this all reminds me of the way I ran my classroom when I was teaching. If I modeled respect and appreciation, the kids learned it on their own.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. We all have to realize life gets in the way sometimes and it could keep us from getting back to our comments. But I'm glad that we all agree it's best to answer comments whenever possible.

  7. Yes, I see the comment section as a place for a conversation with friends...or friends to be! I feel they have taken the time to comment, so should I..hugs abby

  8. I've always enjoyed seeing a comment and I usually try to respond within a day or so.

    1. I do love comments. I like these slow conversations.

  9. Hi PK -

    I love your neighbor analogy - perfect.

    As a Reader - Yes it matters. It makes for acknowledgment. It doesn’t have to be a long comment, but just something to note that it has been seen.

    As a Blogger - I love comments and and get energy off of them.


    1. You and me both! In all my years here I'm pleased to say I've only had two or three negative comments. And I even answered them with, "Thank you for your thoughts."

  10. As a reader only--not a blogger--I really like knowing that my comments are read. I always go back to see if you responded and love that you always do.
    Rosie Dee

    1. Thanks, Rosie. As a blogger and a reader it's important to me.

  11. I love replying to comments. It feels like the polite thing to do, but more than that, it feels like a conversation among friends. I do miss receiving the responses to my own blog roll in my email - I do wish they would fix that too. I know for myself as a reader I am sometimes behind in my reading and like to go back...and I am sure I am not the only one and would hate to miss anyone's comments... Hugs to you
