Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Naked rides and weigh-ins

I never got around to tell you about my trip and now at my age the details are already getting fuzzy. I remember being there with
wonderful women. I remember it being hot. I remember some wonderful food. I remember we had some great conversations and I clearly remember several people insisting, “I’m on my naked ride!” But, as I said, the details are fuzzy.

What I am quite clear about is that Nick and I discussed possible weight gain on the trip. He said no more than three pounds. I knew I would gain – eating and talking consume most of our waking hours on these trips, but I’d never paid attention to exactly how much. Once I got home I was right back to my exercise program and we had walked daily while I was away.

I held my breath at the WW weigh-in. I was only up 1.6 pounds and I breathed a sigh of relief. I have not let up any. I’m definitely
watching what I eat but the exercising is what I’m concentrating on. I’m still at the gym four to five days a week and when I can’t bring myself to go, I’m in the pool and I mean really exercising for at least forty-five minutes – not just floating around. I even got myself some water weights.

Yesterday was weigh-in again and I had lost 3.2 pounds! That’s a total loss of 11.2. It's time to press on and keep working.

But I have to go. I hear Nick shuffling the cards - now, I remember about that naked ride thing!


  1. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Congratulations on your loss. "Naked rides" are the most fun.

  2. Gratz on the weight loss!

    1. Thanks Fondles. It feels good.

  3. Hi PK, wow, that is fantastic! You have done so well and should be proud. Keep up the good work :)


  4. PK! Great job on the weight loss. Enjoy those "naked rides"!

    1. I do hope it continues. I do enjoy a good naked ride.

  5. WOW congrats!!!! hugs abby

  6. Your little vacation gain was fabulous! A very small price to pay for all the fun you had. And more fun with Nick. Wow!
    Rosie Dee

    1. It was worth every bite I ate!

  7. So proud of you, PK. Keep it up. It was the ice cream and gelato that were my downfall. Still struggling with the pounds that I brought home.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. But you're lucky enough to be slim anyway.

  8. Awesome job on keeping up with exercise, PK. And congrats on the weight loss ... that is quite impressive considering you were away on vacation! ... nj

    1. I can tell you I was surprised.

  9. Keep up the good work!

  10. I put on a couple of pounds during that trip but the ice cream was so worth it! Congrats on the exercise and weight loss, PK.
    Rosie xx

    1. I agree it was completely worth it.

  11. Yay to the fun plus a great weight loss!! I need help!
    Ooohhhh the card game sounds fun!!

    1. It's a great card game - whether you play for clothes or not.

  12. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Glad you had so much fun with friends! And that you're doing great with the hard work of exercise and healthier eating!

    1. It was a great trip and the exercise isn't too horrible.

  13. Deena9:15 PM

    That does sound like you had a wonderful time with friends! Congrats on the weight loss! I'm also doing WW ;)

    1. It was great. How are you liking WW? I've only been going about 8 weeks.

    2. Deena4:44 PM

      I am an awful eater :( I love sugar and ice cream! I'm also the daughter of a butcher so red mead was a staple in our home (not so much vegetables or fruit). That being said, my husband is quite health conscious and was quite surprised and pleased that I decided to finally attempt to make the change to eating healthier. It's been 5 1/2 months and I'm surprised to say it's been less difficult than I expected. I still have my ice cream when I want it (saving those points)but I've found I want less as I'm getting used to eating healthier foods. I've lost 27 pounds and it is slow going. I often stay the same or lose a pound a week but I haven't gained a lot in any one week so I'm taking that as a win. Lolol! I'm excited to hear how you're doing! Sounds like you are off to a great start!!!

    3. Yep you and I like to eat the same. Nick eats better but isn't much on seeing that I do. Guess it's up to me. I'm pleased at the moment. Hope I'll keep it up.

  14. congratulations on the weight loss and exercise program - that is great. Hugs

    1. Thanks Terps, I'm planning on keeping working on it.
