Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Why let one person bring you down?

The book is out and I can now take a deep breath. It’s always fun when it’s complete and in the hands of the readers. I’ve had several emails from friends telling me that they enjoyed the book and you don’t know how much I appreciate that. Publishing a book is so different from blogging. I miss the back and forth of blogging where my readers leave a comment and I can respond directly back to them. 

There are several reviews on Amazon and most are very complementally and they truly warm my heart. But why is it that one really bad review can bring you down? One reviewer received the book for free in exchange for an honest review. I have no idea who they choose to send these free copies to. This reviewer didn’t like it and that’s fine. I realize that not everyone is going to like my books. But she admits she didn’t read the whole book. In her review she says: 

Sometimes DD can be entertaining, but here it was just boring. The few scenes that were included in the part I made myself read were short and boring.

Oh, well, you’d think she’d at least read the book before completely trashing it and giving a one star review. It’s kinda like when you get a new hair style. Twenty friends can tell you they love it, but when one person tell you it looks like crap, what are you going to remember?

If you actually read the book, unlike this lady, I would be honored if you’d write a review on Amazon. If you liked it, that wonderful, but even if you did you can write a polite review saying it wasn’t your cup of tea. First, I really want to know your thoughts. Second, hopefully decent reviews will drown this woman out. And third, Amazon just counts the number of reviews and getting more really helps. A one sentence review is just fine.

If you do choose to leave a review, please don’t let it seem that you ‘know’ me. Amazon is strange, often now authors can’t comment on other authors work. It’s like they think we are all best friends and are just writing reviews to help one another out. Geeze, of course I read the books of authors I’ve heard of and I try to be supportive, especially when it’s a really good book. But it’s not a conspiracy. So please ignore the bad review that is there and if you’re willing write a review telling me your honest opinion – I can take it, but please be polite.

If you’ve never left a review before – and with all the thousands of books I’ve read over the years, it never occurred to me to leave a review until I published my first one – go to the Amazon page for Educating Jenny. The second line under the title says ___ number of reviews. Click on that and scroll down until you see the box on the left that says ‘Write a customer review’. After you click that you’ll be at a page that has in the upper right hand corner

PK Corey


I know some of you might be hesitant to have your name on a review for a spanking book, but click change and you can put any name you like, or just anonymous if you prefer.

If you are an avid reader, please, please think of doing this for every single book you read. It doesn’t matter if you’re JK Rowling or PK Corey, finding out someone loves your book is a wonderful feeling.


  1. Thanks for the tip, PK. That is the main reason I don't leave reviews on Amazon (vs Goodreads where I have an alias) ... I don't want my name published. Now that I know there is an alternative, I will definitely give it a go.

    I know it's hard to do so, but focus on the good stuff, not the bad. You can't please everyone.

    Congrats on a successful launch! ... I will be reading it soon (after book 2) ... hugs ... nj

    1. There's no rush. I'm honored you want to read what I write. I do like being able to use another name if you want.

  2. Congratulations on the release PK! that review is a shame. She should at least have read the book in its entirety, or not written a review!

    Thank you for the tips on leaving reviews. I will give it a go too :)


    1. I agree. If she doesn't like it after she reads it, then she has a right to her opinion. But read it or don't review it.

  3. Hi Pk, I have already reviewed it a couple of days ago! I loved it and I made it very clear that I did. How mean of this person. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything. Don't let it get you down.It is that blinking blushing books site who shove out books to loads of arc readers. I tried it a couple of times and found it all to be a proper pain getting the reviews on. Cheer up PK, and get going on Lane and Jake's story next ;)
    Love Jan, xx

    1. You are a doll, Jan and I really appreciate the review! She got her copy from Booksprout. I hadn't even heard of them. But I don't think she likes any spanking books.

  4. PK, Chin up, it's all good. We love you here and as soon as I'm finished with this project I'll read and get my review in.


    1. You guys (my readers here) are the one I really care about anyway.

  5. I never left reviews because of the 'name thing'. But after realizing how important it is to the writer, I do now. Recently I left a review for one of my favorite authors even though I wasn't crazy about the book. I said what you just did--it wasn't my cup of tea. Then I went on to compliment the writing and said that it was a good story and I look forward to her next book. No one needs to be rude. The saying, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" applies here. BTW I loved the book!
    Rosie Dee

    1. I'm so glad you loved it! I'm with you - I don't think I'd review a book if I only had negative things to say.

  6. It is so tough when this happens. I remember, when I was doing community theater, that a poor review got the whole cast down. However, after the show, we would greet the audience on their way out, and we discovered that they thought the show was wonderful.

    I am rereading your new book now, and enjoying it immensely.

    Remember...to truly avoid any criticism you would have to do nothing.

    Love and Hugs,

    1. Oh Ella, you need to go and write a review for this one, your reviews are brilliant!
      love Jan, xx

    2. Reading the comments here and the good review is making me tend to ignore the negative one.

      Jan I love the reviews Ella puts on her blog too!

  7. PK, How can you leave a review if you haven't read the book. Thanks for the tip.
    Ella, I agree with Jan, your reviews are the best.


    1. That's what I'd like to know! I'm going to convince myself that if she'd have finished it, she would have liked it.

  8. So sorry you let one good review get you down. You should be proud of yourself that you are a published author and have so many blogger friends. Sorry I haven't read the book because Idon't have kindle (still low tech) but I know you've got a great writing touch. You were born to do this and you do it so well. Congrats on all your books.


    1. Thanks FD! So good to hear from you. Of course you can down load the free kindle app on your computer or phone... just saying. LOL!

  9. I think that you may have finally convinced me to start leaving reviews. I have read a great many of books, and some are great and I should say something. Ignore the review of the reader who didn't finish your book and know that you are a great author, one of my very favorite.

    1. Bless your heart! I'm still bad myself about leaving reviews. But now if I really like a book I do try to review it for Amazon.
