Wednesday, May 16, 2018

It didn't go as planned

I thought I’d tell you how my new program is going.  I’d like to tell you that switching my days around to go to the gym in the morning has worked beautifully. I’d like to tell you that but in truth, it stinks and I hate it. I don’t mind the gym and I did go five days last week. But I didn’t write a word. And not writing makes me feel blah. I try to write in the afternoons but I’m out of it. I can’t get in a rhythm and I end up napping then I wake feeling blah again.

That does not mean I’m giving up, it just means I’m going to have to do the gym in the afternoon. I can get up and write until about two and still get to the gym before everyone else gets off work and I’ll get home close to the time Nick does. Obviously, I can change it around a little as needed but I think this will work better.

But now for the good news. It does seem to be working! I’ve been on Weight Watchers a month now and I’ve lost seven pounds. Nice and steady and I have hope of making my goal for my June vacation.

I go to see my doctor about the bone density test on Thursday. And I’m happy to be able to tell her I’m really trying on the exercise and see where she wants to go from there.

Nick’s gone this coming weekend for one of his golf trips. I’m hoping I can get back into the book I was half way thorough when I had to stop to finish the edits on Educating Jenny. I just need to get my head back into it. 


  1. Hi PK, good on you, wow 5 days! Sounds like changing the time you go would work better for you. Congratulations on the weight loss! That is awesome :)

    Hope you get lots of writing done over the weekend :)


    1. Oh I hope I do too. I really do think the afternoons is going to be best for me.

  2. Oh well done PK, that is a great weight loss. You go girl!
    love Jan, xx

    1. Got to keep it up. That's the hard part.

  3. You'll do it, I'm sure of it. Glad the program is working for you. Big weekend coming up - Congrats on the release.

    1. I'm looking forward to it. I hope the book does well.

  4. Way to go, PK! I am so proud of you, girl. Glad you are not giving up and are willing to make changes.

    Of course, none of us want you to stop trying to write!! Even as a Lifetime Member, I need to weigh in soon and am towing the mark.

    Big Hugs From Ella

    1. I really want to do both - get healthy and write. I just have to get the timing worked out.

  5. So good that you're sticking with it, PK. You must be very happy with the results. Hopefully your doc will be pleased as well.

    I can understand the frustration of when to fit the excercise time in. It's my biggest excuse for not exercising regularly. Hate mornings, too much going during the day and too tired at night ;))) ... However, you've got most of the battle covered in just deciding you're going to do it and getting it done! You'll eventually get the 'when' sorted out.
    ... nj

    1. My daughter insist I must live forever. If I'm going to do that for her I better get started on that healthy life style. Retirement has helped.

  6. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Way to go, PK, on the book and the exercise. I am NOT a morning person, but this ttwd land has got me waking up early because of my brain spinning. lol I can't imagine how that feels as a published author and writing professionally every day!

    1. It's wonderful when the timing works out right. I'm usually up by 7:30. I have some retired friends who sleep until 10:00. That seems like wasting the day.

  7. Well done with the weight loss, nice and steady is good! Have a good weekend writing, the rest of us will be downloading the new book!
    Rosie xx

    1. Both of those things sound lovely to me!

  8. Why is it so hard for us to do what we know is good for us? I'm impressed that you are still trying--and succeeding! I'll never be able to write like you but I'd like to think I can be motivated to move this body of mine after reading about how well you're doing. Please keep updating us on your progress!
    Rosie Dee

    1. Some people say they get used to it and love their exercise. I'm NOT there yet! Maybe someday.

  9. Well done PK on your wonderful effort. Five days at the gym and losing weight is fabulous, you go girl! sounds like a good plan to change your gym hours to the afternoon. Do you have a gym buddy as that always helps with motivation.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I don't like to go with anyone, but I do love to listen to books on my phone.

  10. Anonymous11:55 AM

    You are doing such a great job, PK! :) Good for you! Sounds like you are figuring out how to make the gym part of your day, and still enjoy your prime writing times too.

    Can you listen to music as you work out? I always find that music goes well with exercise, and makes it all bearable. You are doing so well! YAY You! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. I was just telling Lindy - I listen to books. If I listened to music I might start singing like I do in the car then I'm sure I'd be asked to leave!

  11. Good job! Your commitment is showing and I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. And you are smart to change things around so you can make the writing and the exercising work. Good luck with the bone density test.

    1. I do like my mornings to write. I do so much better then.

  12. I am very impressed...I know how hard it long as you have a routine going it seems a little easier...but it is never easy..cheering you on! hugs abby

    1. I appreciate it - I can use all the cheers I can get!

  13. PK! I have the answer to your problem. On the airplane, there was a magazine that had an advertisement for office furniture. There is a computer desk that is really a bicycle underneath the surface. You can go back to your writing routine in the morning and just pedal your way through the day! Kill two birds with one stone. :)

    1. Sounds good, but I don't have a desk - I write in my recliner with a lap desk. Comfort is my thing!
