Friday, May 25, 2018

Fantasy Friday - The Agony Aunt

I am so happy and excited today to be able to host another fine writer of a brand-new Fantasy Friday story. And I almost missed this one! People – don’t forget to check your spam, the weird internet goblins sometimes grab important stuff to hide there. This might be a good time to remind you that if you do send me a FF story and you don’t hear from me in forty-eight hours, I probably didn’t get it. Try again! Or even tell me in a comment to go look for it. I never what to miss one.

Today’s story is from a good friend and fellow blogger, Rosie Jones from Rosie’s are Red. I’ve always loved this blog title! Today’s story is based on an article she remembers reading from the 80’s. Advice columns were all the rage then before we all started blogging our questions and answers. I think you will all relate to this wonderful story!

The Agony Aunt

Dear Sylvia,

I wouldn’t normally write to a ladies’ magazine for advice but I
really need help from a woman’s perspective. My wife of many years has asked me to spank her as a kind of foreplay. I am shocked and horrified by this request. I adore my wife and worship the ground she walks on. I wouldn’t harm a hair of her beautiful head. Can you please explain why she would want to turn a loving husband into a wife beater? She is being very persistent.

Yours, a bewildered husband.

Dear Bewildered Husband,

Firstly, let me assure you that the last thing your wife wants is to turn you into a wife beater. Many women find being spanked a real turn on, adding some extra spice in the bedroom. They do not want a beating.

As your wife wants this so much, could you not give it a try? You would have to make it sting a bit to get the juices flowing but that is very far removed from a beating. Why not give it a go? You might find that you come to enjoy it for the pleasure it gives her. 

Yours, Sylvia


Jared Conway had felt foolish writing to an agony aunt but there had been no one else he could turn to. It had been a month since he had sent off his query. Now, he was holding his wife’s magazine open at the response and the advice was not what he had been hoping for. 

Kirstie Conway had always had a fascination with spanking but had thought she must be some kind of freak. She had buried all thoughts of it until she watched a Fifty Shades movie with a friend, which had rekindled her desire. She had read Sylvia’s advice but it had been a while since she had last raised it with Jared, so she supposed the writer must be some other horrified man. Besides, she couldn’t imagine Jared writing to an agony aunt. She thought of showing the article to him but remembered the revulsion on his face every time she’d brought it up and couldn’t bear to see that again. For his part, Jared was surprised and relieved that she had not shown him the piece in support of her cause.


They were watching an old John Wayne movie one evening when, too late, Jared realised it was the one in which Maureen O’Hara got spanked. When it got to ‘that’ scene he glanced at Kirstie and was shocked to see the naked longing on her face. 

He felt a twinge of guilt then. She’d always been a willing playmate in the bedroom but he had refused the only thing she’d asked of him. He loved to squeeze and stroke her bottom but could he bring himself to smack it? Turn that creamy skin red? And what if he made her cry? It was unthinkable.

Months passed by and he put all thoughts of spanking out of his mind. He thought Kirstie had too, until the afternoon he came home early and heard clapping coming from the den. It wasn’t like her to watch daytime TV and he decided to tease her about neglecting her chores. Opening the door quietly, he was about to call out to her when he realised she was watching a video of a woman being spanked on her bare bottom.


Kirstie nearly jumped out of her skin and, as she whirled round, he saw to his consternation that she had tears running down her face.

“Sweetheart, whatever is it?”

“I wish it were me,” she sobbed. “I wish you would spank me.”

Pulling her into his arms, he rubbed her back and stroked her hair until the tears subsided. As he held her, Sylvia’s words came back to him, “Try it, you may find you come to enjoy it for the pleasure it gives her.” 

Leading her to the sofa, he told her he hadn’t realised how much it had meant to her. He wouldn’t be able to spank her in the same way as she had seen in the video but he would do his best to make her bottom sting. She assured him she wouldn’t need to be spanked very hard; just thinking about spanking turned her on.

Jared was nervous as hell the first time. He didn’t know how he was going to bring himself to do it. He had looked on the Internet for guidance on ‘How to spank your wife’ and found an article from a top shelf magazine with that exact heading. It advised spanking in three parts: twenty light spanks to warm up, another twenty with a wooden spoon, followed by some rubbing to lessen the sting. Obviously the wooden spoon was out; there was no way he was going to use that.

At Kirstie’s suggestion they decided on role-play to make the first time easier. Heaven knows, she had fantasised enough times and wasn’t short of ideas. She would be a wife who had overspent her budget and Jared was to be the indignant husband who would teach her a lesson. Jared’s instinct was to spank fast to get it over with but Kirstie had anticipated that, guiding him on how to measure out the spanks with a short space between each. They both felt a little awkward as he helped her over his knee and adjusted her position. Taking a deep breath he began the scolding that was to accompany the spanking, his hand rising and falling in time to his words,


Kirstie had squealed from pure excitement as the first spank fell and soon began to squirm as she felt the promised sting building in her behind.

Once it was over, Jared began to rub her pink cheeks and, as his hand strayed between her thighs, the wetness there left him in no doubt that the spanking was a success.

Spanking had given their bedroom activities a whole new dimension and it wasn’t long before Jared began to enjoy spanking Kirstie. He loved to watch her bottom turn a rosy pink under his hand and the way it lifted, almost imperceptively, to meet the next smack. His only problem was the bulge in his trousers. He hated the idea that hurting his wife aroused him. Kirstie simply giggled and told him that she and his manhood relished the spankings so he was out voted two to one. She giggled again as a swift swat met her behind. 


Some months later...

Dear Sylvia,

 A few months ago you published a letter from a bewildered
man whose wife had asked him to spank her as a means of foreplay. Coincidentally, I had asked the very same thing of my husband not long before, with the same result. I’m glad to say that my husband had a change of heart and it has been wonderful; sex has never been so good!

Yesterday, though, during a heated argument, he held up his hand and said if I didn’t stop hollering and settle down he would put me across his knee. I love the sexy spankings but don’t like this turn of events one little bit. This morning I can barely sit. He says I’ve always been a bit of a handful and wishes he’d thought of it years ago. How can I get my adoring husband back?

Yours, Red Bottomed Girl

Dear Red Bottomed Girl,

I’m afraid this is a classic case of ‘be careful what you wish for’. Now that your husband has experienced the benefits that arise from a good old-fashioned spanking, he’s not going to want to go back to tears and tantrums. Once the genie is out of the bottle it’s very hard to put it back. Don’t despair though; in time you may join the many women around the world who positively revel in following their husbands’ lead. That may seem unlikely now but don’t dismiss the idea out of hand, keep an open mind. 

In the meantime, carry on enjoying your sexy fun and try to stay out of trouble.

Yours, Sylvia


Thank you so much, Rosie! I did enjoy it and I also remember a woman writing Ann Landers saying she wished her husband would spank her with a wooden spoon. I can't remember the answer, but I remember I wasn't happy with it. This fun story includes the spankee mantra - Be careful what you wish for. Something we all reflect on often. 

If you have a story to share with us please send it to


  1. Hi PK and Rosie, this was wonderful to read, I really enjoyed this and love the spankee mantra lol. You write so well Rosie and I hope you will write more.


  2. Hi PK, great story! Well done Rosie.
    love Jan, xx

  3. Rosie, that was great. Enjoyed it. Thank you. You really should write more for us. PK, thanks.


  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Would a male asking to be spanked be any different than the wife asking? My wife on a couple of occasions said with a smile that she should give me a spanking. I’m hoping she would, does this desire seem out of place?

    1. It is not out of place. Many men are the ones being spanked in the relationship. My suggestion in any spanking relationship is to begin with some sexy play time to see what you both really think of it. Just as in this wonderful story, it might blossom into more. You never know. But if your wife is teasing about it, you can be sure she's thought about it. Talk with her.

  5. Rosie, what a wonderful story. Even though it's the story of many of us, it is always wonderful to read that someone else's fantasies have come true.

  6. Absolutely brilliant, Rosie! It was the structure of the story that made it special. On this side of the pond, we would call it a "Dear Abby" letter. But "Agony Aunt" has a nice ring to it!

    Oh, and I loved about not being able to put the genie back in the bottle. Well done, mate.

    Hugs From Ella

  7. Anonymous11:05 AM

    What a WONDERFUL story, Rosie!! :) PK- sign this girl up! I loved the creativity, the storyline, and all of it! Thanks for hosting, PK! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

  8. Well done, Rosie! ... I loved the advice columnist approach.

    Thanks, PK, for the share! ... nj ... xx

  9. Anonymous3:46 PM

    PK and Rosie,
    Loved your story, Rosie. I love that English term Agony Aunt. Keep the stories coming.

  10. Thank you all for your generous comments; I’m glad you liked the story.
    PK, thank you for letting me play at being a writer again.
    Rosie xx

    1. And thanks for adding the photos, PK.

  11. What a great read Rosie! Loved the idea of writing for advice.
    Keep it up!

  12. That was a delight! Thank you, Rosie. I hope you write many more!
    Rosie Dee
