Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The rest of the story

To get the first part of the story you need to go back and read yesterday’s post.

Let me give you a tiny bit more background. Nick and I had exchanged emails on Monday. 

Nick: It was my understanding that you were to report weekly, your weight loss performance compared to that of Sis's.

In the event that you can not get her data for a comparison it would be my assumption that you would report your numbers with explanations. 

I have been criticized in the past for letting things slide.  I am trying to avoid repeating my horrible acts of omission.

I await your response.

PK: You're right, you're right - my bad. 

I'm having a good week mentally. I have no problem with you giving me a pass this week since I'm feeling positive if that is the way you're leaning. If you are leaning the other way I will certainly submit to consequences (this is not a trick - I'm comfortable either way.) I will do better on reporting in the future.

Love you!

Nick: Your failure to report goes on your demerit list.  Consequences to be considered and evaluated.

Which I pretty much knew meant I didn’t have to worry about a spanking this week. That’s why I was surprised when he came to me about six on Wednesday afternoon and told me, “You didn’t tell me the numbers like you were supposed to and I’ve decided not to let it go. You say you like some warning to give you time to think before a spanking so I’m giving it to you. But be waiting for me in the bedroom at seven.” Then he was gone.

I had been sure he was going to let it go. I was pleased with the small threat in his last email and I’d decided to do better about reporting. But I certainly did as he asked. I do like some time to think before a spanking if it’s a real one. So I headed to the bedroom to wait about fifteen minutes early. I do an impressive self-talk. Sometimes I say thing that are good for me to hear, sometimes not. But I used the time to think about how little he asks of me and that everything he asked was truly for my own good.

When he joined, me he asked me to tell him why he was spanking me and I did. He gave a good warm-up before he decided he wanted to ‘bare down.’ Then the rigid leather paddle came into play. I say play, but that
thing is no toy and it definitely made an impression. I had rosy cheeks and quite a sting to go with them when it was over. He was very sweet when it was over and kissed my rosy cheeks. Besides my stinging butt I came away with a better resolve to work on the weight loss seriously and to definitely give him the numbers he’s asked for each week. 

He also pointed out that if I’m going to fuss and complain about him not doing his part, then I’d better pay more attention to doing my part. Doing what he’s asked of me and telling him what’s going on in my head. He’s right, I realize it. If I’m not doing my part to keep TTWD alive I certainly can’t fault him for some lacking on his part.

We’re doing better. We’re email still and occasionally actual talking with words coming out of our mouths and everything. Emailing is still better, but baby steps. The journey continues.


  1. Hi PK, You better do your part now Nick is on board. Bless him, he is really trying......
    love Jan, xx

    1. He is. We both need to do our part.

  2. Hurray!!!
    Rosie Dee

  3. Good for Nick he's trying and so you should now remember to do your part.

    Love and hugs,

    1. I hope I don't screw this up.

  4. Hi PK, oh I'm so happy to read this! Keep taking those baby steps :)


  5. Yes! ... and so good that you've progressed to words along with continuing to email ... nj ... xx

    1. Those words are still hard for me.

  6. Yay! This makes me so happy for you. I hope that you two continue to do your parts. Fun spankings are much better than punishment spankings.

    1. Fun spankings are great, but I need real too. It's like only eating dessert. I need a meal once and a while.

  7. I am really happy to hear this. Keep at it both of you...

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Hurray for you both, PK! :) What super news! That paddle looks ouchy! Keep up the great work! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

  9. You’ve said you respond better to the stick than the carrot and here it is in action! Keep up the communication, you’re doing so well.
    Rosie xx
