Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Doctor's visit

No bruises, no explanation needed for the doctor. But there was a lot I wanted to say.

Sometimes doctors ask questions that are hard to answer. This happened during my visit Monday. One of her first questions was, ‘Are you sexually active?’ I wasn’t sure how to answer. That’s a very vague question. Which encounter was she asking about in particular, sleepy Sunday morning wake up sex or a wild Friday afternoon session?

There are too many variables. I mean, how active can you really be when you’re tied to the four corners of the bed? Sure, you can do a little twisting and wiggling, but would you call that active? Now if she’d asked is Nick sexually active, I could have told her, ‘Sure! He swings a mean strap. He’s reasonably good about changing sides of the bed if he’s using the belt. And he seems to always be heading back into the closet for a different implement. During this part, he’s very active while I’m merely pulling at the restraints.’

But on the chance she only wanted to know whether or not we engaged in sex, I simply told her yes.

There was another question I really wanted to answer in detail. She asked, ‘Are you ever abused at home? Does anyone ever hit you?’ These were asked as if they were the same questions although we all know that’s far from the truth. The answer I wanted to give her was, ‘No, I’ve never been abused. But as for being hit –
hardly ever, dammit! And don’t think I haven’t complained about this oversight. Sometimes I go weeks, months with no spanking. Recently I’ve begun emailing Nick my complaints. We’re talking about it and I certainly hope there are more spankings in my future. But honestly, he’s bad to forget and let it go.’

But once again, in case she wasn’t familiar with this wonderful dynamic, I just told her no.

If doctors would only learn to listen to what’s not being said, their patient visits could be so much more interesting.

* Since several have mentioned this in comment, I'll elaborate. This has only happened in the past few years. But now at EVERY doctor's visit I am asked if I'm abused at home and if I'm depressed and if I've had any thoughts of harming myself. When I took Nick to the ER three years ago I remember they asked him if he was abused. I thought it was stupid to ask him if his spouse was abusing him in front of the spouse. 


  1. Golly, your Doctors are nosy! Neither of those questions would be asked here on a general basis. I imagine if you turned up to A and E battered someone would ask the second one but the first one not a chance!
    Keep talking to Nick, hope you get tied up again soon!
    love Jan, xx

    1. They never used to ask. It's like something that's just started in the past few years. You can tell they almost seem embarrassed to ask it sometimes.

  2. I totally agree with Rose.

    1. It does seem nosy, but I guess some people are helped by it.

  3. Hi PK, if only we could answer those questions fully!

    I agree, generally you wouldn't get those questions here. Although, for a while there any woman who turned up at an emergency room was asked the second question regardless of why she was there as part of standard procedure.


    1. It would have been more fun if I could have really answered.

  4. I don't think these are questions that we ask here on a regular basis either. But you're so right on that last bit about how much more interesting their patient visits could be!

    1. I don't remember exactly when they started here. But yeah, it could have been more interesting.

  5. My doctor has never asked either of those questions. Jan is right, possible the second one would be asked if you went emergency and looked like you had been abused.


    1. Yeah I sure it would be asked in the ER.

  6. I’ve been asked if I’m still sexually active when I went for a cervical smear (pap) test but not whether I’ve been abused at home.
    Sounds like you and Nick are having fun!
    Rosie xx

    1. We had a good time. This was my OBGyn. So I guess they want to know if we're still active.

  7. Odd questions ... must be a standard protocol they are obliged to follow. We know our Dr's (hubby and wife team) so well, we ask them how the kidlets are doing :>))
    I missed commenting on your last post so will say it here ... good on you both for communicating, dating, playing & spanking ... now, rinse and repeat, as the saying goes :>)) ... nj

  8. Some states have made it mandatory that Dr's ask the abuse questions. My Dr also has to ask those questions, though I agree that asking them in front of the potential abuser is not going to help anyone.

    1. Maybe it's just the US. And I would hope if they have any real suspicions that they would ask away from the spouse.

  9. You know they ask those questions of older people.

  10. I've not encountered those questions either, but maybe it's because we know our docs really well. Maybe it's the steady stream of kiddos we have that we are there more often than most? Anyway, I agree, there are so many times I answer a simple yes or no, but really would prefer to say a whole lot more. Pity I cannot. If nothing else,their facial expressions would be awesome to see!


    1. You got that right! I would love to see their faces.

  11. Yes, I think they are required to ask these questions in my state, too. I find it tedious when it happens at every visit. But, I admit that under the ttwd circumstances, it makes me laugh to myself.


    1. I think I'm just going to tell them, 'Not yet.'

  12. OH my! Thank you so much for this post, PK. :) I loved it! Hmmm, I don't do much moving around when I'm tied to the four corners of the bed too. lol I've never been asked if I'm abused, or if I was, I certainly don't recall it... might have to think on how to answer that with a straight face and not having the blood all drain from my face just in case. :)

    1. Sometime you have to think these answers out and wonder how much of a comedian you what to be.

  13. I'm late reading this but have to tell you that I LOVED IT!!! You sounded like Cassie! So funny! I get the abuse question from every medical place except my PCP. The last time I went for blood work they asked me what gender I identify with! Now, no offense, but I definitely look female and dress like one. So, even on the chance I was transgender, couldn't the woman guess what identity I was trying for?
    I wish my GYN would ask about the sexually active part. I want to brag!
    Rosie Dee

    1. It definitely feels like bragging sometimes. She asked once if we used lube and I told her it wasn't necessary. She seemed impressed.

  14. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Hi PK, :) Like Nora Jean, I am catching up too. Sounds like you and Nick had a wonderful, wonderful spanky time. Awesome on the communicating too! YAY!

    Here is what I always have in mind to say when I have had an appointment, should the situation come up:
    DOC: Hmmm... you seem to have some bruising on your buttock

    ME: Oh that! My husband and I were having a little spanky fun in the bedroom. You know, I had a real awakening from the 50 Shades books. It has changed our sex life. Have you ever thought of trying it?

    LOLOL!!! I wouldn't go that far to ask them, but I would say the first part, no problem. HAHA!

    As for the part about them asking you those questions- they have to I think. I heard it two days ago when I went to the docs. They asked me: "Do you feel safe at home?" I can;t imagine why anyone would ask that in the company of a spouse or partner. I am thinking that it is worth being asked that if it could save a person from a bad situation. I'll take it.

    Enjoyed your post very much, PK! Many hugs,

    ❤️Katie xoxo

    1. I would love to see your doctor's face if you even got through the first part! I don't mind the questions. Like you said, it could help someone.

  15. I get asked those every time, too. I live in Central PA, USA.

    1. I think it is mandatory now all over the US.
