Thursday, March 15, 2018

More questions...

The boys are here and I'm really enjoying my mommie time with my oldest. Christmas and Christmas dinner will be Friday night.

Meanwhile, more questions today! I have some from Baker, Ronnie, Sue-B, and Amy.

Question: okay, I would like to know what kind of spankings you desire most and why? What part of the spanking process most appeals to you ie...the lecture, the implement used...etc. is there an aspect you do not enjoy?

This one took me deep into my thoughts. The spanking I desire the most would be a real one. Not teasing, not a lead into sex, not one I can laugh off. I desire something with meaning and realism behind it. Something that makes it not just a game.

What appeals to me the most/least?

I can’t remember.

Questions: Sorry if you have already answered this. Are you very strict with your writing, like setting aside 1, 2 3 hours a day to write? 
What book are you reading at the moment?
What's your favourite meal Nick cooks for you.

Hey Ronnie,
To your first question I can answer a definite yes and no! I go to my writing room about 9:00 AM intending to write for about four to five hour or so. But I’m afraid there is a lot of wandering during that time. A little blog reading, a little Facebook cruising. I’ll write a post. I jot down ideas for a book that will be written in the future. I’ll make a grocery list. At the moment, I’m doing a lot of editing on various things. I’m afraid making progress on a WIP doesn’t get the focus it often needs.

What book are you reading at the moment?

I just finished The Good House, by Ann Leary. Loved it! And later today I’m starting Children of Blood and Bone, by Tori Adeymi don’t know quite what to expect, but I saw the author interview on GMA and like her.

What's your favourite meal Nick cooks for you.

Nick doesn’t really fix meal. He just makes sure we have something to eat. We often work on it together. I like it when he fixes Salmon and I’ll make a spinach sauce to go with it. Yes, I said it – I cooked a vegetable

My question, has Cassie ever met with her brother since her first husband and parents died? 

Thanks for the question Sue,
No, Cassie never saw her brother after that day. He sided with her parents and fully brought into the idea that Cassie was a horrible black sheep of the family.  He had a son, but Cassie never met him. She did eventually meet his wife and they developed a friendship for a time, but Cassie never met his children.

Question: Do you ever find that you write the thing you miss or wish you had in your own life and does your husband read your writing to get a better understanding of where you are in your head? Or, are the stories all separate from you and your real life?

Open a can of worms, why don’t you! LOL. Let’s take these one at a time.

Do you ever find that you write the thing you miss or wish you had in your own life?

Ever hears of Cassie? I guess writing what I want is all I do. Now the relationships in my stories are more intense than I’d want in real life, so you might say I’m compensating. But writing what I want and don’t have is what I’ve done for fifty years. And in the past twelve it’s actually moved from my head to the computer as writing.

Does your husband read your writing to get a better understanding of where you are in your head?

Short answer here, no. He used to. When we first began TTWD he read my blog, he read my friends blogs, he wrote stories for me for Fantasy Friday. We traveled across country to meet blogging friends. We were the closes and happiest we’d ever been in our marriage. But he stopped. He stopped reading, stop writing and I guess stopped wondering what’s in my head. He does help me edit the books when I ask him to. But the only comments are like, “Are you sure this tense is right?’ Our marriage is smooth and tranquil and I think he’s content with that.

Are the stories all separate from you and your real life?

The DD in the stories are all separate from me, but much of the flavor comes from memories I have of my parents travels – Mom’s friends had to buy prostitution license in Mexico. I remember couples I watched when I attended conventions with my folks. And in the most recent book, where I tell about a mountain lodge and Al’s Hardware – those place are real and Nick and I were there.


  1. Hi PK,

    These were great questions and I enjoyed reading your answers.

    So happy for you that the boys have arrived. Enjoy your family time and family Christmas :)


    1. It's great having them here.

  2. Loved reading your answers to these questions PK. Lucky you having your boys home. Have a wonderful Christmas celebration.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I'm gearing up to cook Christmas dinner!

  3. Boy, PK, these answers were from the heart. Your honesty is what shines through in every word, my friend.

    Glad that Santa has already delivered your presents. Enjoy every minute.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Here is where I can be honest. No need to hide stuff here.

  4. PK - I can just image you sitting in your writing room. I remember you sharing about cooking a spinach sauce. Bet it tastes great with Salmon. Enjoyed reading your answers, thanks for answering mine.

    Happy they boys are home. Have a lovely Christmas dinner.


    1. I do love my writing room. It's fun sitting with the boys in there.

  5. Hi PK, nice answers. I hope your Christmas feast is super.
    love Jan, xx

    1. I hope so too. Mollie won't be here in time to help.

  6. I am reading between lines here, PK, and thinking I need to dive back into the early years of your blog :)
    Enjoy your Momma time! ... nj ... xx

    1. They were definitely more on topic back then.

  7. Hope you are enjoying lots of laughter and fun with the 'boys'..hugs abby

    1. Thanks, we already have. It's great having them here.

  8. "smooth and tranquil" yes I understand that well. wonderful thoughtful answers and great questions. I am so glad you are finally able to enjoy your Christmas all together! Enjoy every moment! Hugs

    1. Terps, I think you do understand. Nothing wrong with smooth and tranquil. Of course there's nothing wrong with exciting and passionate either.

  9. Great questions and answers.

  10. PK - Thank you so much for answering all of my questions. Can of worms, that's for sure. I want to write more and more. I find that bits and pieces of my life or my day wind their way into characters and then the fiction monster takes over and my stories explode.

    1. If thats what you want I hope it happens. It's been a God-send for me.

  11. I love that you're so honest. I have to say that I'm sitting here feeling a bit sad about Nick, though. It was so great to read about the early days when you two discovered a new and exciting love. I know you're happy and grateful for what you both have, a deeper and closer relationship than you had before TTWD. But I am hoping to hear that the blaze re-ignites for you. You deserve to have what Cassie has.
    Rosie Dee

    1. I'm hoping to hear that for myself, Rosie. But I'm not holding my breath.
