Tuesday, January 02, 2018

The end of a beautiful friendship

I hope you all had the New Year's Eve you wanted - dancing and partying or snuggled in watching the ball drop at Time's Square or sleeping peacefully. I did a combination of the last two and I was just fine with that.

I wanted to have my first post in 2018 have something to do with spanking and Nick obliged.

You all know that Sunny and I, or as Mollie calls her - the Serial Killer, have been friends for several years now. But this friendship may be coming to an ugly end. That is unless she come and takes back the horrible, ass annihilating paddle she ‘gifted’ me with several years ago. Now I’m a girl who likes having her ass warmed, but this paddle doesn’t ‘warm’ an ass – it takes a blow torch to it.

Here it is pictured with other horrible implements -
 it's the huge horror in the center.

It all began the day after Christmas. Mollie had gone to a movie with a friend and we had the house to ourselves. Nick picked up a small wooden spatula my sister had given me for Christmas and made a few practice swats. He then told me it was time to address the ‘smart comment’ I put in the notebook where I am supposed to record my weight each week.

It was not a smart-ass comment! It was tried and true advice from my beloved father. Nick said it did not contain the information he was looking for. Instead of the actual numbers I simply put,

If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

There was definitely nothing nice I could say about my weight, so…

I was accompanied to the bedroom where he asked the dreaded question, where did you hide ‘the’ paddle?

“What paddle?”
“What makes you think I did anything with it?”
“Am I responsible for you misplacing something you’re wanting?
“What happens if we can’t find it?

Sadly, Nick wasn’t buying any of this and the look I got when I ask the final question made me not want to know the answer. So, I scratched around and reached far under the bed to find where I’d hidden it after my birthday spanking – I will be telling you about that soon.

That damn thing hurts! And I have no doubt Sunny could hear me mentally cussing her from across the country. If he keeps using that things she may get to hear it in person via a phone call.

Okay, it’s not really the end of my friendship with Sunny. I love her dearly, but I will be cautious about any of her gifts or spanking implement suggestions from now on. And I suggest you all be equally cautious.  

Another view of the paddle in use.


  1. oh PK, I hate wood, what a friend she turned out to be, lol. It is hard to keep on track over Christmas, why don't men have as much trouble as us I wan tot know.....
    I stuck to th resugar free till after the event, then lost the plot for a couple of days! I had forgotten what chocolate tasted like, ( great actually) . Back on track wishing I hadn't cheated as it is hard to get going again now, sigh.
    My advice is send the paddle to Ray, just saying....
    love Jan, xx

    1. I think a nice late Christmas gift for Ray might be just the thing.

    2. I am usually the one to get the mail/packages. Just sayin.

    3. It's a felony to interfere with the US mail. And I have Ray's number.

  2. LoL PK, I love Jan's suggestion. Somehow I didn't think it was the end of your friendship with Sunny. I did receive a lovely gift from Sunny. No spanking implement involved, but I will heed your warning lol.

    Well, I guess it's good Nick held you to account and your notation in the note book made me giggle, but sheesh, holding you to account during the holidays with all that celebrating..unfair I say! lol.


    1. He probably would have let it slide - except I've pestered him so much about being firm I guess he took me at my word.

  3. I agree with Jan, PK send the paddle back like a boomerang, for Ray to use on Sunny. That is so not fair having to stick to your weight loss during the festive season. I also received a lovely gift from Sunny, thankfully not a spanking implement.

    Happy New Year.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I have to admit he's doing want I asked and I appreciate it - except when he's spanking!

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    My husband, (female) became a couple while going to college. It was her widow mother who introduced me to spanking. Visiting, both of us acted chilling and soon both of us were facing the wall with very spanked bottoms. When it finally was legal we got married, it has been wonderful, but my husband is in charge. He uses a ping pong paddle and a large hairbrush, both get my attention. But, I’m still spanked on occasions by my now mother-in-law and this older women spankings are so much worse than my husbands.

    1. I've always imagined that women would spank the hardest - especially mothers!

  5. So you want to exchange gifts, I can always send back the cane you gifted me.

    Happy New Year and I still love you.

    1. Oh now that made me laugh, I don't know what's worse. you are as bad as each other and you both deserve what you get, lol, xxx

    2. You don't need to send the cane back in exchange - we already have one of the hateful things. Let me just send this on to Ray. I like to share.

  6. I have not weighed in yet to see the results of my 'holiday binge'....hiding all the leftover candy and such this morning...sounds like a New Year's resolution in the making for you..hugs abby

    1. I hope your results are better than mine. I was doing pretty well so I think I can get back on it soon.

  7. You gave SG a cane and she gave you a paddle, that's fair to me. A gift from a friend should be enjoyed LOL.


  8. You gave SG a cane and she gave you a paddle, that's fair to me. A gift from a friend should be enjoyed LOL.


    1. But I think Ray tried it once and then Sunny hid it. I wasn't able to get away with that.

  9. Hey, PK, don't be saying nothing bad about our Sunny Girl! She's a forever friend. :)

    I did pretty well on the "plan" Sam and I agreed to about sugar consumption, and then I fell from grace. It will definitely be a post soon.

    Be good!

    1. How come when we fall from grace we always land on a sore ass?

  10. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Love your post and agree with you entirely on a wooden paddle. Ours is leather and it is no picnic. Sunny meant no harm. She loves you. I have seen the for myself. You two are my heroes.

    1. I know you're right, but I would feel better if she had gotten one for herself too.

  11. I loved your entry in the weight journal! Nick's response was perfect, yes?
    Rosie Dee

    1. Yes, I reluctantly agree. But my entry was correct!

  12. Lol, funny, PK, very funny. Be careful what you wish for comes to mind. Last picture was hilarious!

    1. You're right about that! The last picture was very accurate.

  13. I'm sorry PK but I'm over here laughing my fool head off. I've always preferred "If you can't say something nice, come sit by me." ;) Oh and I'm sure you've 'gifted' a few friends with fire producing implements.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Your statement is one I've used often - but it didn't work in this case. Do you think I'd give a friend a gift that hurt? Heavens no!

  14. This was just funny! The pictures, especially the last, had me shifting around in my seat. Talk about a motivator!

    1. But what do you do if you no longer want to be motivated? What do you do when you just want to sit on your butt and eat junk. Yeah, yeah - I sadly know the answer.

  15. So funny. I have a lexan paddle given to me by a "friend", so I understand the feeling. Maybe Sunny would like the present back???

    1. That must be some friend! I think it's time for Sunny to get it back.

  16. I've gone up a few since my awesome Christmas eve dinner. I blame the monthly bloat and finishing up the leftover carbs. Thankfully theyre all gone (finally!) and soon i shall be back to eating veggies and protein sans carbs. Also BIKSS has a harder time keeping his weight down than i do so in our world im the one keeping a watchful eye on the scale when he steps on. I do the "daddy you can do better than that!" whine and it seems to be working.

    As for gifts and paddles? Yay for gifts but nay if theyre akin to blowtorches. Im lucky that the only implement gift ive gotten is a lovely soft flogger. Bikss doesnt use it much. He prefers the ouchie gifts HE has given me. Good luck with the sugar cutting!

    1. Nick is soooo annoying when it comes to weight. We're been married nearly 35 years - he has gained 3 pounds! I won't go into what I've gained.

      I have lots of implements, I guess some are bound to be horrible.

  17. her heart was in the right place :-) it does not seem a fun implement though, I agree. Hugs

    1. My heart is in a good place too - that's why I want to give it back.
