Monday, January 08, 2018

Different Christmas

As many of you already know, LJ and Collin never made it. We were waiting anxiously to pick them up Friday night. They were supposed to land at 7:30. They called from the airport saying the arrival time had changed to 8:15. We were planning to have ‘Christmas’ when they we finally got them here and we live ninety minutes from the airport. The next text said the time of arrival had been pushed to 11:05. Argggg!

Normally Nick is in bed by nine so I asked him if he was going to be able to stay up and he said sure, Christmas only come once a year. So, if we had to we could be opening presents at two AM. We didn’t care. Now in addition to wanting to come for Christmas and see the families, there was that wedding that they were anxious to get to.

Then around 8:30 we got the word – flight canceled. They were caught up in the chaos at JFK. They were trying to get their bags
back as they were trying to make bus connections. But the bags were in the mass of the hundreds, maybe thousands of bags stacked around. Collin offered to drive through the night, since LJ let his license lapse.  But there were no cars left at JFK to rent and the other places they tried were closed and with great reluctance they gave up and headed home.

The next morning we had our Christmas. Mollie was upset, she really had wanted the boys to be there but we all tried our best to be cheerful. We Facetimes with them and it wasn’t having them home, but it was the best we could do.

Later the next day LJ and Collin both put on their suits and their friends helped them Facetime into the wedding and they got to participate from afar.

It was definitely an unusual Christmas and we really missed the boys but they are going to try to come in a month or two.

Now I’m ready to begin the new year – just a bit late. I hope 2018 will be a wonderful year for everyone.


  1. Aww PK, I'm so sorry the boys weren't able to make it for Christmas and for the wedding. Though not the same I'm glad you were able to face time.


    1. I'll take seeing them anyway I can.

  2. So sorry PK, everything didn't go as you planned it with the boys home. Thank goodness for facetime saving the day for both your Christmas and the wedding. Hopefully when the boys do make it home you can have another celebration.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I'm hoping it will be soon. I do miss them.

  3. Oh Pk, I am so sorry, you were so looking forward to it too. Big hugs...
    love Jan, xx

    1. Thanks, Jan. I hug feels pretty good.

  4. PK, so sorry to hear that the boys didn't make it but thank goodness for facetime.


  5. Oh, I am so very sorry to read this....hope you get to get some 'real' time with them soon. hugs abby

    1. I'd love to - and I wouldn't mind some grandchildren thrown into the mix either.

  6. gosh that sounds so disappointing - but it's great that tech has given us Facetime and video chatting on multiple platforms. glad you got to "see" them still, despite not being able to be with them.

    hoping you see them sooner than later!

    1. And they both looked good too.

  7. What a disappointment, PK. I remember the first time one of the boys was not home for a holiday. We talked on the phone, but I missed him so much.

    JFK looks like a disaster. Glad your boys are safe and sound.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. JFK was a zoo! But at least they got to go home to their one bed and their cats.

  8. So sorry you didn't get to have them there in person, PK, but thankful you were able to have some connection with them instead. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Baker. Hang on to your kids and enjoy the chaos as long as you can.

  9. Sorry things didn't work out for you or the boys. Life can be a bitch sometime but at least with today's technology you got to watch each other in real time.

    1. And LJ called again yesterday and we talked for an hour. That was so nice.

  10. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Happy New Year. I like your blog so much. In our home my wife took the role of disciplinarian since early in our marriage. It worked out well. Thanks for much for letting me comment. JL

    1. Anon, I'm happy to have you here. Marriages tend to work themselves out the way they need to be. It's not a one size fits all world. I hope you'll be back.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Thank you for the friendly welcome. What you say is true: marriages do work out. My wife keeps me in line, which really is a vast improvement over how I used to act. I'm glad I fessed up to her years ago. I will check back.

  11. I am sorry you did not get to celebrate with all your children together...but I know you will all look forward to seeing the boys soon. hugs to you

    1. I'll take them any time I can get them.
