Friday, January 12, 2018

Baker's questions

I read Baker's post yesterday and I was really intrigued by her questions. She did a great job and you need to go by and read her answers if you haven't .

1.  Are you an introvert or extrovert or somewhere in between?  What about your HOH? 

Outside our own families we are both introverts. When LJ was born, my sister called the hospital. Nick answered and told her all about the baby, hair, weight, length, etc. and then handed the phone to me. Her first question was, “Who was that?” I told her Nick, of course. She replied, “He hasn’t said that much to me the whole seven years I’ve known him!” All our friends know Nick’s an introvert.

Many would be surprised, however, to learn I am too. I guess it’s being a teacher that has caused me to prefect my extrovert act. I can appear comfortable talking with large groups as well as individuals. I’m at the age where I can fake it with the best of them. But inside, I’m so very happy tucked away by myself.

2.  At what age did you realize that spanking was something you were into and at what length did you go to hide it?  Did your HOH know?  For those of you who began your marriage with spanking do you think anything from your childhood helped you to be more accepting of the spanking lifestyle.

I can’t remember a time when the idea of spanking didn’t fascinate me. I know I made up my first spanking story around the age of four. I was spanked as a child, rarely, but it happened. I hated it! And when it happened, or was even threatened I quickly changed my behavior. But the idea of spanking, the infatuation I have has always been with me.

I hid it COMPLETELY. No one knew or ever suspected. No one knew that I could tell them from the opening seconds which ‘I Love Lucy’ had spanking in them. And I still have a stolen book from the school library – I told them I lost it – that was about some English children where one got spanked.

Nick and I had been married for twenty-three years before I told him my ‘strange’ desire.

3.  Do you know of anyone else in your family who practices DD, TTWD, etc.?  And how did you come to learn that they did?

I don’t know of anyone else.

4.  Are you a homebody or outgoing?  To me this is different than being an introvert or extrovert.  You can be an introvert and still love to go to museums or a ball game.  You can also be an extrovert and love to just have people over and entertain in your home rather than going elsewhere.

I’m most definitely a homebody! My favorite days are those where there is no reason for me to leave my house.

5.  How do you view blogging?  Is it an outlet?  A way you process?

I believe blogging means more to me than it does to most people. Blogging (and by blogging I mean not only what I write, but the wonderful people it has brought into my life) gave me the freedom to be myself. It allowed me to, ‘come out of the closet’ so to speak. I don’t stand on the street corner shouting about my love for spanking and the joys of submission – but I can write about it on my blogs and in my books. I’ll defend it stoutly should anyone claim it’s abuse and that a woman must be ‘sick’ to accept it. I’m happy with the person I’ve become since I began blogging.

6.  What tendencies do you see in your DD or TTWD friends and bloggers?  Warning this one may be sensitive to answer.  I am in no way trying to criticize these are simply observations or things that may be similarities between us.

I’ve probably met as many bloggers, in person, as most anyone out here. There are two similarities in them all that I’ve noticed. First they are all strong women who can handle anything life has ever sent them. There are strong, independent and capable. The second thing is their deep, abiding love for their husbands. It each case it’s been their choice to live this lifestyle, their decision to choose to submit to the men they love so much.

7.  Are you a lover of the printed word?

LOL, of course I am. I love to read it and I love to write it.

8.  Do you view yourself as a submissive?

No, sadly that’s not what Nick wanted and I’m not sure I could have done it if he had wanted it. I think I could have. I know I would have liked to tried.

9.  Last question.  What traits do you see in your HOH that help you follow his lead?

Nick doesn’t lead, we always walk together – or maybe occasionally, alone. Perhaps one of us will step forward if we’re more familiar with a given terrain. Maybe if I’d asked for this when we first married we would have grown into more dominate/submissive roles. But by the time I let him in on the secret, we were pretty well established in how we handled life.

I hope many of the rest of you will answer these questions. I love to know what you all think.


  1. Hi PK, Baker did a fantastic job with these questions and I loved reading your answers. Thank you for sharing :)


    1. I think she did great too. I like questions that make me think.

  2. I also plan on answering these in a post. I think we all have lots in common, it will be interesting to see if that is the case...from your answers it does seem to be the case. hugs abby

    1. I think we do and I think having mostly only blogland where we can talk about it makes us closer.

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Thanks for a chance to make this entry to your blog. It may be a way for me to introduce myself.

    1. Are you an introvert or extrovert or somewhere in between?
    My wife and I are probably in the middle. She is a bit more outgoing than I.

    2. At what age did you realize that spanking was something you were into and at what length did you go to hide it?
    I never thought about getting disciplined as a child and I was never hit as a child. Perhaps the usual swats kids get. My wife and I got joking about spanking one day early in our relationship and it seemed to rear its head as an interest I had. My wife gave me some playful discipline and it started there. My wife never brought it up. I'm a pretty average looking guy, but my wife was/is very pretty (and I've been told by a few men over the years I was a lucky). I think the idea of being disciplined by a beautiful woman might have seemed to be an exciting part of the fetish. Sometimes I acted horrible when we first were married and that might have caused my wife to have an interest in discipline.

    3. Do you know of anyone else in your family who practices DD, TTWD, etc.?

    5. How do you view blogging?
    Its a way to share with others. Getting disciplined for fun or for doing something bad is nothing that I am able to share with others.

    6. What tendencies do you see in your DD or TTWD friends and bloggers?
    My wife is pretty strong and take charge person. I'm more relaxed. My wife will tell me her innermost thoughts and opinions. For example, one thing that surprised me is that my wife confessed that she actually loved it when I started to go bald. She always had a thing for bald men and she certainly has one now.

    7. Are you a lover of the printed word?

    8. Do you view yourself as a submissive?

    9. What traits do you see in your HOH?
    My wife is direct and shares her opinions, and was always one to be game for a fun time. She's pretty level headed and fair about things.


    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      I should have first added that I thoroughly enjoyed the posted responses, rather than just post my own answers. I meant to add that acknowledgment and forgot. Sorry. I will have to tell to my wife how self centered that seemed. She may want to weigh in ;-) since it’s the weekend and anything could happen. I also admire the fact that you run a clean blog.

    2. LOL! I'll just say you are forgiven on my part. I thought your answers were very interesting. I'd also say that maybe you should think about blogging yourself. As you said this is the only place we can safely explore and discuss this side of our lives. Check out some of the sites on my blog roll and begin commenting around. You'll get to know people that way and you might want to write a little yourself.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Thanks. I will look at the sites roll and consider blogging. I’m glad you forgave me. Part of me hopes my wife isn’t so lenient. After all it is the weekend and anything can happen, though I hope it doesn’t happen to have anything to do with my wife’s cane. I should never have given it as a gift a few years ago.

  4. PK, I so appreciate you participating. Your answers were very insightful. Two answers stood out. The fact that the ttwd women you have met are described as strong and deeply in love with their husbands. I see that as well. I also love that you would defend this lifestyle. That is saying alot. Again, I appreciate your heartfelt response.

    1. They were great questions, Baker. I can tell you how impressed with all the bloggers I've met.

  5. Loved reading here. I'm not sure I will be as insightful.

    1. You're more insightful than you realize.

  6. Well, I think Baker will receive a round of applause every time someone takes on her questions. I loved her post, and I love yours, too. Some of those I already new, but some made me see you with new eyes.

    Love the picture of the cozy socks in front of the fire. Where are your flip flops?

    Hugs From Ella

    1. My flip-flops are put away for winter, now it's warm socks and tennis shoes. I can't imagine any thing I said that would have been a surprise to you. You know me pretty well.

  7. I love your answers. #1,2,3,4,and 7 I would say that I'm the same. I'm submissive with a little naughty mixed in. It's probably because I have such an amazing HOH. I knew two women who were in their 30s when I was in my teens (late 60s) who openly admitted to being spanked. They were very happily married. I haven't seen either for years but know they are still alive and together. I always wished I had the courage to ask them about it. I was fascinated and excited about it. One of the husbands even recommended that my husband do it if necessary when we were engaged. I knew about that but was too embarrassed at the time to pursue it. I thought it would just happen but I guess I wasn't bad enough then. He wanted to be and was, a kind man.
    Rosie Dee

    1. If you have a way to contact them I would. I would love to hear their stories. You might find a real life Cassie and Tom!

  8. very thoughtful responses to very heartfelt questions. my answers would be similar to yours in so many ways.

    1. You should answer them - it got me thinking.

  9. PK, I really enjoyed reading your answers, very insightful. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Give them a try, Ronnie. It was fun.

  10. What a great meme! I'll have to check out Baker's site and see what her answers were. I'm happy to say, none of your answers surprised me. Meaning, you are very forthcoming in everything you share with us all so I feel like I already knew most of this about you.

    1. I made a decision long ago to be completely honest and transparent on my blog. It make things much easier to keep straight!

  11. PK I loved reading all your answers and can see a similarity between most of us. What great questions Baker gave us to make us think.
    Hugs Lindy xx

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    One thing my wife and I never did was hit our children. More effective forms of discipline exist and always worked. And our children, now grown, don’t know about our occasional hobby. That meant there were many stretches of time my wife did not do any spanking fun. Some young couples probably face similar privacy related issues. Perhaps knowing how privacy impacts things for some couples be would an interesting question.
