Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A question for Nick

Thank you, to everyone who came by and commented on LOL Day. It was a big day for me with the release of Cassie’s Life too. I’m proud to have participated in every LOL Day since it began twelve years ago.

Unfortunately, I was not feeling my best over the weekend and I’m not feeling much better now. The cold is lingering, at least the
cough is. And I just generally feel yucky. Isn’t this always the way – just as I’ve reached out to Nick again, I don’t feel like doing anything. I have been getting in the number of steps we agreed on. I’ve done okay at eating at least some healthy foods this past week. Usually I’m a “give me meat and starch and I’m a happy camper” type girl. But I’m trying, slowly, to add more fruits and veggies.

I did nothing that deserved a spanking and I didn’t get one. Strangely, I didn’t want one – I guess I really am sick. But I’m not going to let the momentum die. I’m sending Nick an email outlining how I did last week. He sent me two very motivating texts last week, which I truly enjoyed.

I’m also going to ask him a question – I don’t think he knows the answer, but I’m asking anyway. I’d like to know what, if anything, I do that really pisses him off. He’s already trying to help with the healthier lifestyle. And I know things like the laundry getting put away slowly bugs him, but I’m thinking of something else. Is there one thing he would truly like to spank the fire out of me for doing or not doing it. I don’t think he’ll be able to come up with anything, much less what I’m thinking.

The usual me

In stories and in real life women get spanked for lots of reasons – being disrespectful, their temper, their attitude, their language, trying to take control and many more. I don’t think that any of these are problems for us. But there is one thing I do that I hate and I wish I would stop. I don’t know if any of the rest of you do this or if your husbands would spank for it. Wait, I think Ella’s husband has spanked for it. But I’ll ask Nick and see if he knows, and after I give him his shot I’ll come back and tell you guys.

Please come by the Reading Room tomorrow for more questions and answers.


  1. Tell me! Tell me! I want to know what it is. I'll give you Eric's take on the whole thing.
    PS- Feel better! If you can, down a giant beet, carrot, orange, and ginger juice. Works wonders on colds.

    1. I'll definitely tell you, probably first of the week.

  2. Hope you feel better soon PK. Chicken noodle soup works wonders and so does pineapple juice. its better than cough mixture.
    You do know curiosity kills the cat, right. Well it will be killing all of us to wait for the answer. Can we guess??? I reckon if its something Ella has been spanked for its giving directions whilst driving. Being a backseat driver. Am I hot or cold????
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. Freezing! My mother was a terrible backseat driver and I vowed I would never do that. It's something very different.

  3. tell tell tell!! now i'm super curious.

    perhaps i shall ask BIKSS the same question...

    1. I'll tell soon. I was writing my post when something unusual happened and I have more to write.

  4. I had that cold and it hung on forever. Ray ended up with bronchitis so take care. Lindy's right - Jewish penicillin works wonders - maybe Molly will make some for you. I'm back to paying attention to exercise - my sugar has been creeping up along with the numbers on the scale - just a touch but I like down not up. Did my 10000 steps yesterday and off to an exercise class today.
    I think Ray's list is long because we look at things so differently but alas it won't matter.

    1. 10,000 good grief! You must walk all day! I'm in exactly your same position, sugar and scale. Nick could think of nothing. Can you believe it?

  5. Hmmm, I'm just as curious as the others...

    Hope you feel better soon! Honey straight up works wonders for the cough.


    1. I'm feeling a little better today. I do use honey at times.

  6. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

    1. It won't be the post I planned. But I'll get to it soon.

  7. Hi Pk, I can't wait to find out, It must be the weekend for poorliness. We went to look after grandbaby and came home with a sickness bug. I am still feeling terrible. I have finished book ten though and I loved it . I cried !!! Cal and Jenny's turn next for a story I am thinking....
    Hope you feel better soon
    love Jan, xx

    1. I'm so sorry you are feeling poorly too, but I'm very happy you loved the book. Yes, Cal and Jenny next.

  8. Hope you're feeling better soon. My husband got an awful three week cold at "Grandparents Day" at school. The cough lasted even longer than the other symptoms. It's been a bad season everywhere for colds this year. At this point you probably can only try hot drinks and cough drops to soothe it till it goes away.
    I'm looking forward to Nick's answer. That's a great question. He needs to know how much you NEED direction, guidance and boundaries. Even if it means making something a serious offense that hasn't been serious in the past. He must remember when you started this he was really happy to help and he enjoyed "helping". This need, when satisfied, brings such joy to both of you. I'm sure everyone who reads this blog is hoping to hear good news!

    1. I have a tendency to keep a cough long after the other cold symptoms have gone. But it's a little better today.

      Nick, bless him, hasn't a clue. But we're talking and that's what's important.

  9. PK, sounds like you’ve made some progress with Nick, hooray! I’m as curious as everyone else to know what you’ll ask him - and what his response will be. Don’t keep us in suspense too long!
    Sorry you’re under the weather. Harry and I are recovering from colds; we resorted to drugs so can’t recommend any natural remedies.
    Rosie xx

    1. The doctor gave me 2 prescription to fill IF the cough persisted into next week. We'll see. I'll definitely let you know.

  10. Anonymous8:30 PM

    OH PK! :) You shouldn't be feeling poorly after your special Cassie book has come out! If your recovery is slow, and your cough lingers, please do go see your doc, okay?

    I too am very curious about what you are thinking it is that drives Nick nuts. Can't wait to hear more. I am happy that you both have been talking, and working together. Rest up and feel good! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I'm just asking him if anything really drives him nuts. I doubt he even know what I doing - at least he's not thinking of it. But we'll talk.

  11. Mmmm! That is Ella thinking. The choice is so wide with me. But you don't have a temper, and I do not think you are bossy. You are sweet tempered and easy going.

    The only thing I can guess is that you trash yourself sometimes, you know...you put yourself down. I don't like when you do that. Bingo! No matter what else you are thinking of, that would be an excellent thing for which to spank! Go Nick, I say.

    And seeing as I am bossy, pay attention to that healthy eating. I would like you to be around to be our friend for a long, long time.

    Love and Hugs From Bossy Ella

    1. I good guess, but no. I'm not always thrilled with myself, but I rarely say anything in front of Nick. Most of my annoyance with myself goes unsaid. But I know you have been spanked for this. I'll explain soon.

  12. Sorry you haven't been feeling well, PK. Lindy's right...pineapple juice works wonders at stopping a cough and honey helps soothe the throat and ease the cough also.

    Color me curious also...it used to make Matthew goe ballistic when I put myself down...any derogatory remark would earn me a red tush. Sending prayers and healing energy.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I'll try it. I love pineapple juice. I have been spanked once for that, but that's not something I do. I'll post about it Monday.

  13. PK, sorry you are feeling under the weather. Honey and lemon in hot water is good for a cold/cough. Hope you feel better soon.

    I would have said, same as Ella, putting yourself down but obviously wrong.


    1. I think the cough is letting up a bit, thank goodness. No, I really don't put myself down that much.

  14. PK, hope you are feeling better. This cold and cough really stinks. I can't get rid of the cough and after five kids, well coughing really sucks,lol. The laundry bothers Ty and I can end up getting spanked for it but that's not what you are thinking about. My guess would be worrying about the kids too much...

    1. Blondie, I know EXACTLY what you mean and I've only had two kids. Nope, I worry about the kids too much, but not out loud.
