Friday, October 13, 2017

Thank-you, thank-you!

You all are the best! So many of you checked in over at the Reading Room and I really do appreciate it. My writing is my hobby, my career, the fulfillment of a dream, and one of my true loves. When you all step in and participate, it makes me feel that this love of mine makes others happy and that makes everything worthwhile. And I don’t just mean those who commented or asked questions – I mean everyone who came by. I can check stat-counter for the number and it was way more than I usually get on that site.

The questions have been great! I feel I know my characters very well, but hearing them answer the questions helps me go even deeper into who they are. I can even feel stories coming from some of them as I let these questions roll over in my head. Since I’m only posting two or three questions each Wednesday you are giving enough to post for several months at least. Please keep coming back.

Now there is one question that has never been asked and I’m always expecting it. If I were just a reader, I feel it would cross my mind to ask.  To be fully honest when I’ve gotten together with some of you I feel like it was touched on briefly in a conversation, but we didn’t go into it in depth. It’s one I would like to answer, but I want one of you to ask it first.

I’ve decided to have a contest. The first person to ask that particular question, in comment or by email, will get a free copy of Cassie’s new book. I won’t have Price Waterhouse checking behind me, you’ll just have to trust me. The first time I see the question that person will be the winner. I’m sharing this with all of you here first. If I don’t get a winner by next Wednesday, I’ll put this up at the Reading Room.  It you leave that certain question in comment, be sure to include your email address if I don’t already have it.

I know you all don’t run around daily thinking about my characters, like I do, so I appreciate you playing along and helping me get this new ‘questions’ idea off the ground at the Reading room. I hope you’ll come by there each Wednesday to check it out. Every Saturday I have a snippet from one of my books there, well, most Saturdays. In November, I’ll begin posting snippets there from the new book. On Tuesdays, I usually host another author and their book. So, drop by anytime.

I won't put this up every time, but for any newcomers:

If you haven't ever read a Cassie book, you should give one a try.

     Cassie's Space (book one)   
Cassie's Tale (book two)                       
Cassie on the Move (book three)          
Cassie's River Living (book four)        
Cassie's Conflict (book five)
Cassie's Influence (book six)
Cassie's Ordeal (book seven)
Cassie Corralled (book eight)
Cassie's Road Trip (book nine)

Cal's Law (book one)
Becoming Family (book two)


  1. Hi PK, I absolutely loved this idea and am so glad you have received so many great questions. Very much looking forward to reading everyone's answers :)

    I have another question for Cassie. She may have already told us but I honestly can't remember. Did you and Tom have a discussion about Tom being in charge and spankings before you were married?


  2. So glad it's working well.

  3. Good on You, PK! This is fun, and yes, we all think your writing is like a special hug from a special friend. It is filled with love.

    I have a question, but think I will use an email. It is something I have wondered for a long time.


  4. Sounds like a great idea PK. I've been away for a bit. Hope to back on more again soon. Amy
