Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Do you tell on yourself?

When you do something that you know would make your sweet husband mad, do you tell him? I’m just wondering. I did something a while back, or rather didn’t do something. I never told Nick and he never noticed – I’m just wondering if any of you all would have said anything.

It wasn't anything horrible. When I get home from the grocery store I unload most of the groceries and put away what needs to go in the refrigerator. Sometimes I leave the kitty litter or paper towels in the back of the car and don’t bring them in immediately. No big problem. One other thing I often leave would be the pack of soft drinks in the can. Nick would sometimes fuss about this telling me they could freeze and burst. But truly it rarely gets that cold here.

The exception was last winter. It got really, really cold and stayed that way for days. This was right after I retired and I spent those cold days toasting my feet by the fire. Soon enough it warmed up again and I headed out to take care of some errands. I wasn’t far from home when I heard a woosh, followed by a hissing sound.  I had no idea what it was and shrugged it off. About a mile down the road I heard it again and definitely felt it was coming from inside the car. I pulled over at a convenience store and sat listening. As I sat there, I heard it for the third time and felt something cold and wet on my face. That’s when it hit me, literally.

I jumped out and ran to the back of the car and opened the hatch. Two more disfigured can were rolling in the back, the rest remained in the cardboard package. I remembered opening it to get one out several days before, which had allowed others to escape and roll around the car. I grabbed the remaining drinks and tossed then into the nearest trash container. But a red, icy sludge was on everything. Racing back to the house I got the wet/dry vacuum and went to work. It worked well since most of the mess was still in an icy state. The only lasting damage were some red stains on the roof of the car near the back.

So you see, no real harm. But Nick sure would have fussed – and that’s probably all, so I never mentioned it. After all it was my car and I’d cleaned as well as I could. But when I noticed the stains again the other day I got to wondering, what would you all have done? Would you have told on yourselves? Would your loving HOH have been upset with you? Would this have caused a spanking for your carelessness or forgetfulness?

Let me know how you would have handled it.

Oh, and I was wondering one more thing. Does Nick ever read here? LOL, I guess I’ll find that out too.


  1. Hi PK! I've learned that when I come clean about something that is plaguing me, Eric is very cool headed and I find he's much more lenient than I feel I deserve. However, if I keep something from him even as silly as leaving a dress at the dry cleaners for three months and then replacing it only to find out I'd just forgotten I'd left it there, he'll spank me. With him traveling all of the time, we've gotten to where we tell each other all kinds of details about our days so if I miss something that might result in a spanking and he finds out, I definitely get one for the offense and for not speaking up. I'd have gotten spanked for the soda's in the car for sure. And now a stain?! And no mention of it?!! I'd pay for that, no question.

    1. Ah... there is the difference. I'm not plagued by this at all. I mean, it's my car, I cleaned it to my satisfaction, so... But I'm mildly curious as to what he would have said if he had known.

  2. Hi Pk, I would have told, he would have cleaned it up for me, lol. Then he would have used it as an excuse...
    love Jan, xx

    1. Now that is what I would have liked to happen! If I'd have thought he would have used it for an excuse I might have told - but I felt all he do was fuss.

  3. Hi PK, I probably would have told too, I just can't seem to help myself lol. It wouldn't have got much of a reaction though, perhaps a mild tut tutting lol.


    1. Exactly! And while I don't mind a spanking if he wants to go that way, but I'm too darn old to be fussed at for something that didn't really concern him.

  4. "Would you have told on yourselves?" Yes, I would tell...I can't seem to not tell anything. "Would your loving HOH have been upset with you?" Probably not...accidents happen and he most likely would have helped me clean it...that being said he does get a little annoyed when the car gets little scratches on it that I don't tell him about (it's not that I don't tell, again I tell everything - honestly I just don't notice but his annoyance usually involves a shrug and is over). "Would this have caused a spanking for your carelessness or forgetfulness?" Nope, no spankings here. Hugs

    1. I guess thats the thing - at my age I just too old to be fussed at if he isn't going to do anything else about it. Now if I'd done it in his car I would have told him.

  5. "The funniest thing happened today"...is how I would have started...a spanking...probably...any excuse is a good one...hugs abby

    1. If only I'd have thought he would have used it as a good excuse...

  6. Once upon a time I would hold back if it didn't involve him, but now I come clean, usually right away. Ray is likely to give me a lecture on taking better care of things bug then, alas, it's over.

    1. Lectures piss me off! I'm too old to be scolded for something I already know. Now if he been willing to spank - I'll listen to those lectures.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I would stumble all over myself........ telling Jack that I did not do what he taught best. For me, it Isi easier to tell on myself than to keep it inside. Good luck and report back to us what happens.

    1. Sadly, it doesn't bother me to keep in to myself at all. And Nick does have a lot on his mind lately. Since it happened last winter I doubt I'll bring it up now.

  8. PK, there are certain things I would tell Sam and others I would not. He wouldn't have been upset about the soda cans, but he would not have helped me clean it up either.

    For me the thing that bothers me the most would be a bout of temper. I will usually fess up. I even told him about a major lapse when I was away by myself this summer. I haven't let it happen again since then.

    Someday I would like to declare myself "Temper Free," but I would not advise anyone to bet their life savings on that.

    One Day at a Time Says Ella

    1. Funny how we each have the thing we need to work on. For me it's a healthy lifestyle - I can't seem to do it. Wish Nick would be all over my case about that!

  9. Like Ella, there are some things I don't tell P if I don't think it's important. I would have told about the pop cans and I know he wouldn't have been happy.


    1. And at least you might have gotten spanked for it. I really didn't think that was an options for me. So why bother telling?

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Hi PK,:) YUCK! Nothing like the frozen explosion of soda cans in a car. Happened here a time or two...

    I would have told Rob, and he probably would have helped to clean it up. I'm sure that he would have told me to be a bit more careful in future. A spanking? I doubt it. It was an accident... unless he wanted to use it as an excuse to have some fun...?

    I used to hide shopping purchases, back in the day. Sometimes I still joke about doing it, but now I always tell him. When we started this whole thing, I soon put an end to that kind of behavior, with the shopping. I tend to tell Rob pretty much everything... I feel bad if I don't. He can usually see right through me anyway. LOL!

    If Nick reads here, you will know soon! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Sounds nice. Nick has never raised so much as an eyebrow over anything I've ever bought. This would have been more of a 'I told you so' moment since he'd said not to leave the drinks in the car.
      And who wants to hear that?

  11. Late to the party but I'll answer anyway. Yes...I would have told on myself and might have gotten a "told ya so" from my ex and a "be more careful...you could have been hurt" from Matthew but probably wouldn't have gotten in any trouble.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Always love seeing you here. When I get an 'I told you so' I feel stupid and I get mad. Having him care enough to spank the feeling is entirely different for me.

  12. I would have told if it happened to me, PK. I can imagine Bear saying 'Oh well these things happen. Be more careful in future.' Pretty sure he wouldn't spank unless it was for fun
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. For fun would have been fine by me. But I didn't what to hear him fuss.

  13. I've been caught out a time or two over things like standing on a chair to reach a high shelf (Just how did those boxes get on that shelf Rosie?) or leaving my phone at home where Harry heard it ping as he sent me a message, so it's safer to tell him. I'd have told him about the exploding tins if it had been me but I doubt there'd have been any consequences.
    Rosie xx

    1. I guess I should have told him, there are so few things I do that he fusses about - that's not me being good, rather the fact that nothing much bothers him.
