Sunday, August 27, 2017

Where do you get your spanking fix?

I’ve been looking for spanking fixes since I was a kid. In the pre-internet days, pickings were pretty slim. We could look up the word ‘spanking’ in the dictionary, and I bet everyone reading here did
that at some point, well the ones over forty. There were a handful of cartoons. I remember Tom spanking Jerry in one, not exactly sexy, but it was a spanking. We had a few ‘I Love Lucy’ shows, and I can still tell you in the first scene it was one of them. And then of course there was McClintock.

Books on the subject were scarce. There was “The Story of O,” interesting, but not what I really wanted. There was “9 ½ Weeks”. Yes, it was a book first and soooo much better than the movie. But they still had to make her crazy in the end. I also liked stories from the “My Secret Garden” series. But that was about it.

It’s like we were in a dry, parched desert in those days. The coming of the internet, blogs, 50 Shades, we’ve moved to a tropical paradise and we’re floating in a blue lagoon. Many of us are fortunate to get some spanking action from our significant other, but there are tons of people who are still getting their fix from books.

I want to know how you find these books. Or more specificity, how do I let people know about my books?

I sent off the tenth Cassie book to my publishers at Blushing Books earlier this week. It was a labor of love writing this one. My readers here are so supportive and I know many of you have read some of the Cassie books and the Cal’s Law series too. But how can I let a wider audience know about them?  My blog is read by a couple of hundred people which amazes and thrills me that so many would stop by. But think how many people read 50 Shades. I never expect to be in that league, but darn it tons and tons of people read it and liked it. Where are they? How can I tap into that pool?

These are not rhetorical questions – Please give me ideas! I’m asking how do you choose what you read, in spanking fiction or in any other genre. Do you use Goodreads, scan through Amazon, a friend recommends it, you like the cover? What? I know if a friend strongly recommends a book I’m likely to try it. But if you like my books many are reluctant to suggest it to others lest they out themselves as a spanko. My suggestion here, if you’d be willing to help is to say something like, “My cousin suggested this book and it’s different, but I kinda liked it. I wish you’d read it and tell me what you think.” The first book, Cassie’s Space, is only .99, just saying.

I have business cards that I hand out nearly every time I tell someone I’m a writer. I have my blogs. And I have friends who will promote it on their sites if I ask. I have some folks who will write reviews on Amazon – and this really helps, you can leave a review under another name if you feel uncomfortable using your real name. Since I’ve retired I’ve even put it on my real Facebook. But if you have any ideas, any suggestions, please leave a comment or email me at  I’m definitely not the only writer with these questions.

The two main questions are:

How do you choose what you read?

How could I better promote my books and let more people know about them?


  1. Hi PK, my fix mostly comes from you and the other wonderful authors in this community :) Outside of that, mainly word of mouth and the cover.


  2. I forgot to add, social media seems to be the best avenue for promotion.

  3. Hi PK, I read almost constantly and it gets expensive . I have now joined Bookbub and Instafreebie and booksweeps. Can you put a couple of the early ones on these sites and send them out for free. You then get to send newsletters and regular updates and stuff to the people who download your freebies. Once I am hooked into a series or an author I then buy more. For example I once downloaded the start of a series and promptly bought the next 13 books as fast as I could read them! (Lexi Blake's Masters and Mercenaries in case you were wondering). You just need that first in with people.What about facebook, have you got an author page or whatever it is?
    Glad about the new book btw
    love Jan, xx

  4. Hi PK, this summer I have mostly been reading non-spanking books. When I do desire to read a book on the topic I go mostly on recommendations of blog friends here. I wish I could be of more help. I love the characters in your books and enjoy reading them. I hope you find the wider audience you seek. :-) Big hugs to you!

  5. You have asked me this before, and I know I have not been much help at all. In my work we needed to recruit women with certain medical issues. When I was trying to reach out to find clientele, I used women's restrooms. I would tape up little posters in the stalls at the exact height where a woman would see it.

    There were some places where the custodial staff would remove them quickly, but there were many places that left them up. My advertisement had little pull tabs with a phone number, but you could use a website as well.

    For What It's Worth,

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I hear you loud and clear. How about a booth at a local book fair or market? I was with you and saw you in action when that guy remarked about us and you quickly handed him a card. I will do whatever you need me to do. Send more cards. I am one of your biggest fans.

  7. Those are good questions. When I'm looking for something specific to read I google, books with..... I get a list and narrow it down from there.
    I think exposure is key. Whatever you can do to get your name and books out there would work. The previous suggestions have all been good. Maybe spend one day a week and head off with cards and signs to put up anywhere and everywhere, book stores, gyms, restaurants, grocery store bulletin boards. Wherever there is traffic and your info may be seen I think is a good place to start. Map out a plan geographically of your area and then expand it perhaps to the next town over. Just a thought.
    Your books are very good and there must be more of us out there just waiting to find them! Good luck with this.

  8. I find my e-books on Bookbub and Kindle Unlimited. Although only book 1 of a series would be free on bookbub, I'll buy more if the story pulls me in. I won't buy more if the first book is extremely short and only a few chapters. Have you run social media ads? Those are extremely targeted and you can test run a first ad with a very small budget.

  9. Roz - You sound just like me! I do put them on both my FB pages but on my 'professional page' I just feel like I'm talking to other authors.

    Jan - Thanks, I hope you'll like the new one. I will look into Bookbub, Instafreebie and booksweeps. I don't know how to gets my book on them, it sounds like I need to find out.

    Terps - I'm glad you like them. I'm not giving up. I'll find a way.

    Ella - I like this idea. Combine it with Laurel's idea and it sounds like an outing!

    Meredith - I'll have some cards heading your way soon! I would love to go to a local book fair - but I have no physical books. I'm supposed to be getting some, but I've been waiting for nearly a year.

    Laurel - Thanks! Your suggests could be a lot of fun! I go out to eat with my old teaching partner ever week or so. She would really get into this. We could have a lot of fun just thinking of places. I used to go to real book stores and slip my cards into copies of FSOG.

    Madeline - These are some good ideas and I thank you for coming by and commenting today. I'd be more than happy to give aways some books!

  10. Sorry, I'm no help. Not doing much reading at the moment. I like Jan's idea. If you want, send me some of your cards and I'd be more than happy to give them out.

    Great news about the book.


  11. Ronnie - I'll have some winging their way to you too! Thanks

  12. Hey hon.

    I always read Harlequin romances and other romances for my fix!

    I read just about every romantic spanking book out there. I am on every mailing list for ALL the spanking publishers. I read the blurbs and check out the free samples. I have my favorites... "wink." Seriously, it's my safe place to be me.

    The authors that make the most money probably work so damn hard at promotion. I think too they have an amazing network of other friend authors.....

    I am terrible with reviews. I want to be better especially for my friends, however I don't do them because I can't keep up. One day I will be amazing at writing reviews....
