Monday, August 14, 2017

I need

Two of my blogs are messed up. Here on New Beginnings my masthead is still there but as you can see here on the right and around the posts is gone – it saying third party hosting, unlock your access to photobucket, blah, blah blah…

On my super lovely Cassie’s Space blog, I lost the amazing masthead that the lovely Ceeci created for me. Fearing this might happen Ceeci sent me a copy of the masthead which I saved on the blog as a draft. Looking back at it now it’s just a tiny little vertical strip. I don’t know why.

I’ve been blogging for more than eleven years now and I’ve learned a thing or two. I tried the first thing I learned – ignore the problem, sometimes it fixes itself. It didn’t work. So, I tried the second thing I learned and I turned the computer off and on again. That didn’t work either and with that I had exhausted my expertise.

Ceeci doesn’t blog anymore and is a very busy business woman, I don’t want to bug her – or continually showing her my ignorance either. Cat, Katie T – any suggestions. If anyone has ideas for me to try, remember whom you are talking with. Type slowly and clearly. I’m not ready to quit and I want them to be pretty again. HELP, PLEASE!

* I have had the pleasure of consulting with two of the brightest women I know. Hopefully all will be well soon. Thanks everyone for the good wishes even if you were as baffled I me.


  1. Hi PK, sorry, I can't be much help. Hopefully some of the other ladies will come to the rescue. Hope you manage to get it sorted soon.


  2. Hi PK, my best advice is to ask Cat, I am hopeless.hugs
    love Jan, xx

  3. I am in the same boat as you have exhausted my computer knowledge also...hugs abby

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Hi PK! Oh no! I'm pretty sure that I can help you. It would be easier to do so via phone. Please text me a good time to call you, ok?

    There are two things everyone can do, that are important ways to back up both your posts, and your blog look. Recently went through them with Ella. I'll write a short post tutorial about how, next chance I get. Try not to worry. Let's see what we can do. Many hugs,


    1. Katie...thanks, I would appreciate this!
      hugs abby

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Thanks, Abby! :)
      PK, would you please change your password for your account? Don't forget to write it down.

  5. Happy Katie is able to help.


  6. So glad we have some techies in our group for those non-techies among us. lol

  7. Katie is just wonderful with tech help. I couldn't thank her enough. We spent some time on the phone, and she walked me through it with patience and humor. Just love that girl! Hope she can help you, too.

    Hugs From Ella
