Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mollie wants a cat

Yes, Mollie wants a cat. I had no doubt this was coming. She’s lived with cats all her life. Now that her roommate bailed on her (and boy, could I write a post or two about that roommate) Mollie's lonely and she’s mentioned a cat more and more often. While I want to be supportive I’m not sure it’s the right time for a cat.

I explained my concerns to her. 1) She has brand new furniture and whether she gets a scratching post or not the new couch and chair are going to be damaged. 2) For the first time in her life she is living cat hair free. She doesn’t have to have a sticky roller in every room and in her car – is she ready to give that up? 3) Pets are expensive. She carrying a mortgage now with no roommate, does she want extra expenses? 4) She has a trip planned for later in the summer, who cat sits? I could go on, but you get the idea. I told her I understood and I loved cats too – but was this the right time?

LJ and Collin have two cats in the city and she decided to give him a call. His take on the situation, “Everything mom says is right! They have destroyed our furniture and we need to invest in the sticky-roller business. Everything in the apartment is covered. I hate living in cat fur. But taking all that into account I love our cats way more than I do the furniture and having my clothes fur free.”

Sigh… meet my new grand cat.

She's little.

She sleeps a lot.

And she's precious and I love her 
and Mollie makes a great mom.


  1. Aww PK, she is so sweet, and just adorable! Mollie is going to love her :)


    1. The kitten is being spoiled as we speak.

  2. AAAWWWW so cute PK. Hope Mollie and the kittie have many happy years together.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. The cat I got in college I had for almost 15 years. I sure did love that cat.

  3. Ohhh sooo adorable! LOL. Gratz on your new grandcat :)

    1. Thank you, thank you - she's cute but I do hope for human grandchildren someday.

  4. Pets fill an empty space in our hearts. Her new kitty is perfect.

    Son #2 just adopted 2 new puppies. Their paws look huge! Anyway, they are my grand dogs.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Sounds like he has himself some big dogs. I think Mollie would like a dog someday, but not now.

  5. What a cutie! She looks like a good kind of trouble! Hope Mollie is enjoying her new kitty.

    1. I have no doubt she will be some good trouble!

  6. Oh she looks adorable and so cute. I can see why Mollie picked her.


    1. I believe this little one came to the home of one of Mollie's friends and she called Mollie to see if she wanted her - looks like she did.

  7. So sweet! It's hard to argue against that cat angel!

    1. There have been very few times in my life without a cat. I really understand.

  8. Oh my gosh!!! Almost makes me want another one. We've been without cats in the house for a few years....

    1. I loved your big cat that head butted everyone. I wonder what your dogs would think.

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Congratulations, PK!!! Your grand cat is such a precious bundle of fur! She does have a little mischievous look in those sweet little eyes of hers! Mollie might have her hands full! LOL!

    Seriously, I am sure that she will bring Mollie much joy through the years! I so wish that we had adopted Professor Snoops when he was that young. By seven months, he was almost full grown. Will you be spoiling your grand cat? Enjoy! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

  10. Wow how did she choose just having one? We have four now but started out with two four years ago. Your new grandcat is adorable.
