Thursday, June 08, 2017

Happier post

Good news on my MIL. The surgery went well. She isn’t back up and running or anything but her pain level is way down and she is much more herself. Of course the dementia is still there and always will be, but she is her sweet self again. I stayed again last night at the hospital and the only problem was that several times she pulled back her covers and was trying to move. When I went to her she explained that she didn’t think I was comfortable on the couch and she wanted to change places with me. When the nurses would wake her up to take blood or do a breathing treatment she would thank them when they finished.

She will be heading to rehab in a day or two. That’s very hard with dementia patient – therapy hurts and she won’t really be able to understand why they are doing it. I still fear she will never be able to go back to her home, but hopefully she will be able to walk a little. Time will tell.

I had a good day yesterday. I thought I was going to have to miss both my retirement parties. The county wide one and the one at my school. It’s always done the week after school’s out – next week, and I’m going to be traveling. I was slightly disappointed, but my excitement about the trip made it all right. Last week they called to ask if I could come in Wednesday afternoon for a school wide celebration. My principal secretly got with Mollie who dug out some old pictures to send her and there was a little video presentation.  I was really happy that they took the effort. I got some gift cards from the different grade levels and these dolls – sadly accurate. That’s in folks – the retirement is official!


  1. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Hooray for you, PK. The best is yet to come.

  2. Hi PK, glad to hear positive news on your MIL. Continuing to send positive thoughts and prayers.

    The retirement party sounds wonderful. Love the dolls lol.


    1. I hope she continues to improve. Yes, the party was really nice.

  3. Prayers were answered, PK. You can only take things a day at a time.

    I am counting the hours left now before I am officially set free.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. You will love it as much as I do!

  4. I'm so happy for you and the family! Your Mil sounds like such a sweetie!
    Yay to the retirement celebrations!

    1. When she is herself she is the best!

  5. Yay!!! Congrats, PK!! I'm not jealous. Not ONE BIT. Nope.

    1. Wouldn't lie to me would you?

  6. Happy to hear this good news. Hope she continues to improve. Thinking of you all.


  7. Such good news your mil is alright. Always hard seeing them with dementia. My mil had that also, always knew her children but not me. Told Bear to bring his girlfriend along each time. LOL!
    Lovely retirement party, lucky you. Enjoy your travels, wish I was coming too.

    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. At least she wanted you to come! My trip should be a lot of fun.

  8. congratulations! and sending healing to your MIL...hope she is continuing to recover nicely...
