Monday, March 06, 2017

Yearly physical and my helpful hints

Doctor’s orders

I had my yearly physical last week. One of those fun one where you have to get naked and dress in paper, you get stirrups, you get poked and prodded – the works. Gratefully none of it bothers me anymore. I have a fantastic lady doctor just a little older than me. Great woman, when she comes into the room she does not have a computer with her. She has a note pad. And when we talked – she looked at me, not at a screen. She is the only doctor I see that does this and I love her for it.

During the exam there were some routine questions.

Are you still sexual active?


Do you use lube?

No, we don’t really seem to need it.
(I got a tiny, some what skeptical look, but she made no comment.)

Have you had any problems with yeast infections or urinary tract infections?

Nope, none.
(Another quizzical look.)

She finished the exam and I got to sit up. She smiled, “I don’t know what you all are doing, but whatever it is, keep it up. It’s unusual for a woman your age to tell me this. Do you have any hints I could give the rest of my patients?”

Well of course I had hints, “Tell them to keep it interesting. We use cuffs and blindfolds, paddles and crops, leather is by far the best. We have butt plugs and various vibrating toys. We don’t go at it like bunnies every day, but when we do we take our time, grab a glass of wine and pay attention to each other and we have knowledge of what the other one likes. Add an element of dominance and submission to your marriage it can make a mundane day so exciting. It keeps you thinking of one another. Add little things to your daily routine to make you aware of the one you love.” See, I have hints – didn’t say any of them out loud, but I have hints.

What I did tell her was that I wrote romance novels and I thought that helped. I told her Nick edited them for me and seemed to enjoy the sex scenes I wrote. She thought that was wonderful and I gave her one of my cards. I doubt she has much spare time to read, but who knows.

'Keep doing what you're doing,' my doctor had said. Finally medical advice I want to follow. I came home and told Nick all she’d said. He was happy to hear I was in such good health and the next day we grabbed a little wine and enjoyed our favorite card game – which I won, and won, and won… it was a great afternoon.


  1. Hi PK, this made me smile. I sure love and agree with your hints. I wonder how the doctor would have reacted if you had voiced them.


    1. I'm getting more and more tempted to tell her.

  2. Glad your physical went so well, PK. I've said before that ttwd should be on prescription!
    Rosie xx

    1. It's definitely good for what ails you.

  3. Good to hear your yearly check up went well PK. Maybe the doctor needs to know your secret and tell all her patients. Can you imagine how happier everyone would be.

    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I think it's good medicine for everyone.

  4. Hi PK, nice, very nice...
    love Jan, xx

    1. Thanks Jan, it was interesting.

  5. PK, happy your physical went well. You could be surprised, your doctor might just read one of your books.


    1. Wouldn't that be something? Glad it's over for a year.

  6. So glad you got a clean bill of health.

  7. :-) so glad you had a good visit with the doctor and a great way to celebrate after. Hugs

    1. Always celebrate good news.

  8. Happy you had such a good checkup, PK. Really think you should have told the doc everything. ;) What a lovely way you and Nick celebrated.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I really think she is a little curious. I could really shock her.

  9. Hurrah for good medical news..and that darn physical being over with for another year. Love seeing that you and Nick are continuing to enjoy your retirement...
    hugs abby

    1. Always good to have that behind me. And yes that's the best way to celebrate good news.

  10. I'm so happy for you! Yay to a clean bill of health! Keep doing what works! Ya hay! Great advice! Seriously, that is wonderful.
    My health is a bit of bother lately. :(

    1. I really hope your health improves very soon.

  11. Glad to hear you are in the pink of health. I bet you had such a smile on your face while you were thinking of how to respond to her question.

    Sex Keeps You Young Says Ella

    1. I was grinning for sure. I could almost tell her.

  12. This is great! I love that you gave her your card, good for you!
    Congrats on the clean bill of health, there is nothing better!

    1. I've got so I give that card to nearly everyone I can these days.
