Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Slide puzzle anyone?

I’ve never been particularly good with puzzles. Especially difficult for me are slide puzzles. I just can’t seem to figure them out and now I’m in the middle of one that’s giving me a real headache.

We have a fairly small three bedroom home. I wouldn’t call either Nick or me true packrats, but we have more stuff than we need – that’s something I hope to work on soon. Meanwhile, I’ve moved out of a classroom I inhabited for twenty-eight years. Now I only brought home four boxes of ‘stuff’ and most retired teachers will tell you that’s good. But it’s still four boxes and they were shoved into the smaller of the two ‘guest’ rooms. As I cleaned for the holidays more and more ‘stuff’ got slid into the room. There was some things that had to be slid over into the larger guest room.

But now my boys are coming in for our Christmas on Friday and I need to slide the puzzle into another direction. Stuff must slide from their room somewhere and the full smaller guest room piece of the puzzle must slide somewhere too since Mollie will be occupying that one.

I love having all my kids here, I just wonder how quickly we can build on?


  1. Hi PK, Ive never been good at puzzles either, you and Nick will figure it out together, perhaps you may end up with some extra stuff occupying your room briefly?

    Enjoy your belated Christmas celebrations and having Mollie and the boys home :)


    1. Our room can hold a little of it. I'm ready to start purging!

  2. LOL PK...boy howdy do I know that feeling. Do you have a garage you can shove the boxes into? If not, how soon can you rent a storage unit and move all those boxes? ;) Have a fun visit with all your chicks being under the same roof. :)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. We don't have a garage (I'm sure it would be full if we did) only a carport. We do have a full basement but I'm scared if it goes there it's doomed to stay forever!

  3. Hi PK, We have a loft! My husband says (grumbles) that I think it is a bottomless pit! I never go up there, it's a stepladder job, so have no idea. He is often up there sorting it out, goodness knows what will happen when we die and the kids have to empty it. Have you got a garage? If not maybe you need a shed? Another great invention....
    Have a nice time together
    love Jan, xx

    1. My parents had an attic with a pull down ladder - yet they managed to get massive furniture up there. It was literally packed to the rafters. I'm hoping not to leave such an enormous chore for Mollie to deal with some day.

  4. When all else fails, stuff it in the trunk of the car. BTW, there is a trick to slide puzzles. I will show you sometime. We need to play that card game again. I totally forgot!

    Christmas is Still Coming for PK!

    1. I don't even have a trunk! I've got an SUV with a hatch back! We'll play cards soon - be saving quarters!

  5. PK,
    I will not suggest anything here. I would make me into a hypocrite and then some. Hope you have a lovely time with your kids and if you figure out the extra stuff, box dilemma I'd love to hear the solution. In the meantime keep sliding those puzzle pieces around, you'll eventually get them to fit in the right order.

    1. Now that the kids are grown I've told them to look around and tell me the things they want from my house. Now that I have the time I'm determined to start clearing junk. My sister recently moved and she has inspired me with all she got rid of.

  6. Nobody will care about a few extra boxes, that's not the important part. I'm sure they will just be thrilled to be with you and Nick. Enjoy having everyone under one roof. Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

    1. You're definitely right, but LJ has been gone long enough that I do tend to clean when he's coming - not so for Mollie.

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I am a thrower from way back. There are a few things, very few, that I might regret trowing away, but for the life of me, I cannot remember what they were. It will all work out.... that I know for sure.

    1. I'm planning on being more like you. I'll let you know how that works out.

  8. Don't build on - worst mistake, you'll only fill up that space too - take it from the voice of experience.
    Besides, they're your kids and their once upon a time house, they know you and what to expect - don't fret, only enjoy the experience.

    1. It's true I know they really won't care as long as I can clear out a space for Mollie's air mattress.

  9. I'm with Leigh...its just stuff and if you build you just get more clutter. The kids will visit and enjoy if the house is full or not...its you they want to spend time with, not your stuff
    Have a very happy (belated) Christmas with all the family

    1. I know it's us they want to see. I'm happy that Mollie worked to clean out the big guest room for me about a year ago. We were on vacation and she cleaned it out, painted and moved furniture back in. She did it so her brother and his husband would have a good room to stay in. She's a jewel!

  10. I'm like you! We have slide puzzles everywhere. We also do not have a garage just a car port. Our basement is full of more!
    I agree the boys won't care and are just happy to be with you all!

    1. I'm sure the kids don't really care, but it's starting to get on MY nerves. I plan to start working on it now that I have time.

  11. SG's right, more space to fill and you will fill it.

    We have a loft which I refuse to go into and a garage that is full of junk (hardly any one in the UK uses the garage for their car) which we keep saying we should sort out. Maybe this year.

    Have fun with your boys.


    1. Sounds like something that should wait until you retire. Both my kids sent me the article entitled "They don't want your junk". Even if great-great grandma brought it over from the old country, our kids DON'T WANT it. It's finally getting through to me and I'm starting to throw stuff out.

  12. Well you could always rent a small POD for just a little while. ;)

  13. I understand the slide puzzle as have to do it every time family visit. I determined this year to declutter. We did do that before moving here but this house is smaller so looks over crowded.
    have a fabulous time with the family and a wonderful 2nd Christmas.
    Hugs Lindy xx
