Friday, January 13, 2017

All good things must come to an end

Long, long ago a blogger known as Tiggr suggested to her friends in blogland that we each write a short spanking story and send them to her. She would then post one each week and let us guess which of our friends had written it. I hadn’t been blogging long and the idea scared me to death. I wanted to be part of it, but I’d never written fiction and I didn’t think I could. But not wanting to be left out I gave it a try, and who knew?  I could write fiction!

Tiggr kept this new idea, Fantasy Friday she called it, going for about a year. When she decided to leave blogging she offered the idea to me to see if I wanted to continue it. I told her no because I just didn’t think people would send me stories. But after giving it some thought I decided I wanted to try it. I changed it from a guessing game to just a place where the average person could write a story and have it posted.

I did have many people send stories – many of these people have since become some of my best friends ever! And there are still a handful of blogs that began by me pestering them to keep writing and join us.

But as the title said, all good things must come to an end and that time has come for Fantasy Friday. During 2016 I received only seven new stories – and thank you for those who did write for us, but it’s hard to fill fifty-two Friday’s with seven stories. I feel like I’ve done enough re-runs. I don’t want anyone to feel deprived so feel free to go back in my archives. I began hosting Fantasy Friday in October 2007 and I’ve only missed a Friday or two since then so it should be easy to find them.

Now it’s the every Friday I’m stopping – but I would never want to discourage anyone who has been thinking of writing a story, but just never got around to it. I will  be delighted to post any new stories I get. Occasionally I'll ask for stories and if I get any we'll have a ‘New Fantasy Friday’ post. So no one has missed a chance to write and I hope you’ll consider it. If you are willing to write for us send your story to  I’d be happy to hear from you.


  1. Hi PK, thank you so much for the wonderful effort you have put into bringing us a story every Friday. I look forward to visiting every week and am sorry to read this. I hope you receive more stories to share.


    1. I hope I do too. I love Fantasy Friday and don't really want to give it up - but there are no stories coming in. If that changes I'll bring it back!

  2. Hi PK. I'm going to miss Fantasy Friday. Thank you for bringing it to us every week. Also for the privilege of being able to write my four stories for you over the last 18 months. I keep meaning to write again then lose my nerve.

    Hope you do receive some new stories from someone out there in blogland, but as you say all good things must come to an end.

    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I appreciate the stories you wrote for us. I wish more people would give it a try. Hopefully I'll get a few.

  3. Thank for hosting and giving me one more reason to look forward to Friday. You have helped many of us start included...hope you are enjoying retirement to the max. hugs abby

    1. Meeting new friends and seeing new blogs pop up from FF was the very best.

  4. The end of an era - so sorry to see it go but everything changes, doesn't it. FF is what led me to you and blogland and obviously my writing. Thank you for everything but the friendship most of all.

    1. Getting you as my friend has been the very best part of FF!

  5. PK - FF has been going for so long - so it's sad to see it go. Thank you for hosting it PK. Abby is right, if it wasn't for you some people wouldn't be blogging today.


    1. That's the finest legacy of FF! I'm reinstate it in a heartbeat if I could get stories.

  6. PK, all good things must come to an end sometime but I'm sorry there'll be no more regular FF. I'm grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to try out my writing skills through a few FF stories. It was way out of my comfort zone but fun too.
    Rosie xx

    1. You did fantastic with those stories! If there are anymore floating around in your head I'd be proud to post them!

  7. As the others above have said, all good things must come to an end. Thank you, PK for all the hard work and effort you put into bringing us FF.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Thanks Cat. I've really enjoyed it all these years and I'm going to miss it too.

  8. Oh gosh PK, I still remember my lurking days and the joy of reading FF. Of course there was that special day I emailed you. What fear and also joy I felt after I penned my own FF.... and a few more after. You were so kind and supportive. I understand why it's chNged but hope someone will penn a story now and again! You are so good to us!

    1. I really hope this spurs some folks to write - I hate giving it up, but there was just nothing coming in.

  9. Aw, I will miss FF SO much but can certainly understand it can't happen without stories. I hope some of the talented writers will be able to help it get back up and running. So appreciate everything you do.

    1. I'll miss it too! Feel free to start writing!

  10. I love Sunny's comment the best. How FF was what brought you two together. I will miss it, but I will look forward to all the stories yet to come from you, PK.

    Love From Ella

    1. I think it brought in many of my friends. That's why I held out as long as I did. Maybe some will start writing now.

  11. Thank you, PK, for all your work keeping Fantasy Fridays running for so long. I will miss it, but look forward today reading your books as they come out.
