Tuesday, December 06, 2016

What I've been doing

I keep complaining that I’m so busy these days, but really who isn’t in December? My sister is in the middle of moving so I know she has it worse than me. Last night I spent a long time cleaning up for the cleaning lady, moving all the boxes and wrapping paper and such. I haven’t decorated for Christmas yet. I hope to get that done next weekend. Since LJ and Collin will be coming in early January we leave our decorations up a little longer than some.

There is one thing that has kept me very happily busy – I sent my first non-Cassie book to Blushing Books late last month. I was hoping that it would be accepted and published by February. It seems that things have happened much faster than I anticipated. The book was accepted, and it will be out a few days after Christmas! Sweet Ella helped me with edits early on  and Blushing Books assigned me a new editor through them. She is a lovely lady from Australia and being sixteen hours different worked out pretty well over all. I really enjoy working with her, though it seemed fast and furious for a few days.

I’m a little nervous to begin this new series – but I have begun to get very close to these folks too. Don’t think for one moment that I’m giving up on Cassie, for one thing she would never allow it! Add to that the fact that she is one of my best friends. So there will be more Cassie books, but I hope you’ll love the new series too. The new book is Cal’s Law. Title suggested by Ella! I’ll be telling you much more about it soon. The edits are all done and now I’m waiting to see the cover. That’s always exciting and definitely nerve racking!

So if you get any Amazon cards for Christmas and you’ll still have time off… well the book should be out by the twenty-eighth  of December. I’m going to need some mental handholding.


  1. Hi PK,Wow, what awesome news, and exciting, congratulations! I can't wait to hear more and just know we are going to love this as much as we love Tom and Cassie :) It would never enter my head that you would give up on Cassie...or that she would let you :)

    How wonderful of Ella to help with edits and the title.


    1. Ella is a doll and a ton of help. I think you'll like this one.

  2. Hi PK, that is great news! And lucky me I do have a lovely Amazon card ready and waiting.
    love Jan, xx

    1. Well this is convenient! I hope you'll read it!

  3. Oh PK, that'wonderful news, Congratulations. Look forward to it.


  4. That's wonderful and it will be a hit - just like th Cassie books. You're a great writer and have terrific following.

    1. Coming from a writer I truly admire - I thank you very much.

  5. Good news that Cassie will still be entertaining us..even better news that a whole new book will be available for those snowy, cold January days! hugs abby

    1. Winter is a wonderful time to curl up with a good book!

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Can't wait for your new book! I will mentally hold your hand!

    1. Thanks, I can use all the hand holding I can get.

  7. PK that's wonderful news. Can't wait to read it after Christmas when its out. I will be mentally holding your hand and sending positive vibes your way.

    Hugs Lindy

    1. Thanks Lindy, I can use all the help you can send!

  8. Congratulations, PK! Such exciting news! I'm sure you new series is going to be every bit as good as your Cassie series. Looking forward to reading it.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I really hope so! And I hope you like it.

  9. Holy Publication, Batman! This is happening so fast. I love that they were so eager to get it published. Let me tell one and all that it is quite a good read, and the new characters PK has created are unique. Of course, I am anxious to reread it.

    You may think I do not purchase your books if I have already read it, but you would be wrong. I always get it anyway. So proud of you, PK!!


    1. I was so excited it was accepted it and then when they wanted to go this quickly I was so happy. Now if they keep talking to me like Cassie does...

  10. I can't wait :-) Congratulations! Hugs
