Monday, December 19, 2016


All I can say about the past few days is unbelievable! I can’t imagine anyone has ever had a finer 60th birthday. I was greeted by my sweet husband as soon as I got home from school Thursday. I headed to the bedroom to change clothes only to fine six implements laid out in a row on the bed. Mollie was coming for dinner so he wasted no time getting right to a birthday spanking. I’m a bit out of practice and sixty is nothing to sneeze at, but I did appreciate him remembering.

Mollie came later and we ate out, then it was time for presents. I got several nice things from Nick and a bracelet from Mollie and I was perfectly content when Mollie pulled out another box containing THE gift. It seems Mollie has been working on this for several months and many of you had a part in it. It seems that Mollie wanted me to have sixty cards from various friends for my sixtieth birthday. This was to be a complete secret and she began contacting people - and so many responded!

When I opened the box she had prepared there were not sixty, but seventy birthday/retirement cards not to mention some other lovely gifts from friends. Good grief I was stunned I knew that many people much less that they would take the time to respond to Mollie’s request. I felt like I was opening a huge box of love. She had contacted the family, my college roommates from over forty years ago, people from our church, some of my teaching friends, and many very special blogging friends. She did this by going through my phone asking questions about blogger names and real names, just random inquires – or so I thought. She couldn’t have known all the people I’m in contact with here – but damn, she did a great job! Added to all these wonderful people were also letters from from Mollie, LJ, Collin and Nick.

In this magic box were cards from ten states, five countries and three continents. The age range was from nine to ninety-five! I just couldn’t believe it – I still can’t! There is no way to express how much love I felt as I went though that box and read what so many friends wrote. I’m still glowing. Please know I return the love to you all!

This was truly a double gift. The love I felt from all these friends coupled with the realization of all the time, thought and work Mollie put into this. Mollie is on the reserved side and a little shy with people she doesn’t know well. But by doing this for me she had to reach out and contact many people. As we talked about it later she held up two fingers twisted tightly together telling me, “Yep, these days me and the Serial Killer (AKA Sunny) are just like that!” LOL, who would have thought it? I've always know how special Mollie is, but she still amazes me.

Whether you said it on my blog, sent a card for Mollie’s magic box or even thought good greeting for my birthday/retirement all I can say is


  1. You have a very special young woman there, PK! Hope you have a wonderful time reading those messages over and over and hope the gifts bring you joy.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Mollie is so very special to me. I've enjoyed the notes and I plan to read them over and over.

  2. Your daughter is wonderful doing that for you PK. You certainly received a huge magic box with all 70 cards. Well done Mollie for going to so much effort. Enjoy reading all the greetings, it should keep you going for a while.
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. It was such a surprise - my sister said since I got 70 cards, that made me 70. Not true! They will definitely keep me going.

  3. Hi PK, I'm so glad you had such a wonderful birthday celebration, and good on Nick too for the birthday spanking :)

    It was so wonderful of Mollie to arrange the surprise package. You are much loved and I hope too that you enjoy reading the messages. Well done Mollie!


    1. Both Nick and Mollie made it a great day - and a call from LJ didn't hurt any either.

  4. Hi Pk, I am so glad Mollie's endeavours weren't in vain. You are much loved everywhere and it was a joy to join in. Good for you Mollie!
    love Jan, xx

    1. Thank you Jan! I felt loved by friends and family with this gift.

  5. AW - so glad it turned out so well. You have a very lovely daughter, she deserves having your for a mom.

    1. But is it safe having you two as friends - you know an awful lot about me!

  6. PK, I am so happy that you had such a wonderful day. You deserve it, my friend. I think Mollie is special because she has such a special mom.

    Many Hugs and Much Love,

    1. Thank you for the thought - but again I'll say, God sent me perfect children and I managed not to screw them up!

  7. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I only wish I could have been there to watch as you realized what this gift was and how special your daughter was to make it all happen behind the scenes.
    Enjoy all of it.

    1. I would have really loved to have had you all here!

  8. I would have loved to have seen the surprise on your face. You are much loved my friend. So glad you had a wonderful day.

    Your Mollie is very special and I'm happy I was part of your birthday. Thanks to Mollie for making it happen.


    1. It was a very surprised look! Mollie appreciate the way you thanked her.

  9. Mollie is a very special girl, such a wonderful idea of hers, aided and abetted by Leigh. A birthday spanking too. So glad you had a memorable day.
    Rosie xx

    1. Yes, with Mollie's wonderful gift we can't forget the good old birthday spanking!

  10. Anonymous3:56 PM

    What a great gift! Was it her idea or did she hear about it elsewhere? Sadly Mom's next birthday is 67... So a few years to go until 70 from 70. But seriously the first time my pupils got a task today I began scribbling down names in a place where I'll probably find it in a few years... that truly inspired me.
    Greetings from Germany.

    1. She told me she heard about it on something Oprah did. But she first heard about it when I was 55 and she didn't think 56 would be a good year. So she sat on in and remembered nearly five years later. I can't remember what I had for dinner!

  11. PK, that is such an awesome gift from an equally awesome daughter! What a lovely way to celebrate.


    1. Thanks, my grown kids often amaze me!

  12. A special day for a very special person. :-) Glad you had such a wonderful time celebrating and now all those memories can live in your heart. :-) Hugs

  13. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Oh PK! :) What an amazing idea, your sweet daughter had, as well as followed through with! Beautiful! SO glad that you enjoyed your surprise! You are loved by SO many people. That includes me! I was happy to be a part of your special day!

    Sounds like an amazingly spanky celebration with your loving man, Nick! Wonderful! Many hugs and love to a very special friend!

    <3 Katie
