Saturday, November 19, 2016

Love our Lurkers - with a twist

I'm so very happy to have heard from people who rarely comment. I love getting to hear from you and I really hope more of you will stop by today!

Eleven years of Love our Lurkers day. I’m proud to say I was here at the beginning. This day always brings me back to when I first discovered blogs. I was so excited to find them, so excited to find people who shared my somewhat unusual interest. I was thrilled but so hesitant to join in the conversation with a comment. First off, I had no first hand experience – I’d never been spanked and I wasn’t planning to share my desire with my husband. I got over this because I was overcome with questions and I couldn’t stop myself from asking them.

But a second reason holding me back in those earliest days was the feeling that everyone who blogged and commented were part of a close knit group and I was very reluctant, as a stranger, to insert myself into these close friendships. I realize now that that simply wasn’t true. When I first began I thought everyone was a true expert on the subject of spanking and knew all the ends and outs of blogging – even if they had only begun the week before me. It just wasn’t true that everyone knew one another.

Now it’s true that I have developed many special friendships out here in eleven years. These friendships mean more to me than anyone can realize. But they all began the same way – they left a comment, or I left one for them. At that time neither of us could have realized where that one comment might lead. We rarely thought it would lead to anything. It was simply a way to say, ‘I like what you wrote and I’m glad I read it.’ You have no idea what a simple comment like this can mean to a blogger/writer.

So this year I am doing LOL Day differently. Today I am giving a heartfelt invitation to those who read here but have never, or rarely, left a comment to please say hello. Staying anonymous is just fine, but a made up name to leave helps me if you ever comment again or email. No one enjoys getting comments more than I do, I’m certain of that, but for today my invitation is only to my silent readers. I don’t want to overwhelm the quiet readers. I’m hoping that they will take the plunge and not leave me commentless on this LOL Day.

I’m asking that if you 
usually comment on my site, 
or if we email one another, 
please don’t comment today. 

And to these lovely quiet readers, if you feel more comfortable emailing to say hello, please do. My email is  If you’re hesitant about using your real email, don’t be. I’ve been talking with folks and receiving Fantasy Friday stories for over a decade and never once have I revealed the email of a reader to anyone I don’t think I’d still be around eleven years later if I had.

Ok silent readers, it’s up to you. I hope I’ll have comments and as always I promise to respond to each one. I sure hope you come by.


  1. Happy LOL Day PK! I believe I am one of those silent readers. I don't believe I have commented on your posts before. I check your blog every day and I love reading your posts. The ones about kink in everyday life like the milk post are my favourite.
    Have a great day! :)

    1. Thanks Daisy, I think I use my blog like an online diary these days and I'm so happy to think others come by and smile. Please come back anytime.

  2. Ooooh! Ooooh!
    I'm among the sought-after!
    (I think I feel smug now...) ;-p

    It is intimidating when you first start, isn't it?
    Last thing any of us intends but it happens, nonetheless.
    That's why days like today are such a good idea. *nod-nod*

    Enjoy the day(s)

    1. Jz! You are indeed the sought-after! I just felt like no one was interested in what I had to say. I still don't know why anyone is interested in what I have to say, but I do love people coming by. Hope to see you here again.

  3. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Hi PK! I am one of your silent readers. I love Cassie, and your blog. I always read your blog first, and have found so many others I enjoy here. Thank you for your honesty, and sharing your experiences!!

    1. As long as you love Cassie I consider you one of my best friends! You know she is so special to me. I plan to keep on farbling along out here as long as anyone is coming by.

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I think I have commented once or twice before, but just wanted to let you know, that I enjoy your blog.
    Have you recovered from the election outcome?
    Greetings from Germany!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by today. NO I have not recovered and probably won't for about four years. I'm trying to take deep breaths and pray that the man surprises the hell out of me.

  5. I always take a look at what you have written and follow your interesting life.

    1. Thanks Michael, I've never thought it was particularly interesting - but I enjoy my life for sure!

  6. PK.. I can't say that I have commented with any regularity on your site, so thought I would drop a line to say that I plan on reading your blog more frequently moving ahead. I will add.. I LOVE Cassie's stories. I have ready every one of them and always look forward to a new one coming out. Thank you for the good books.

    1. Annabelle, thanks for stopping by today. And thank you for letting me know you love Cassie. I love writing the books, but you don't get the feed back you do blogging and I find myself doubting whether or not people want more from here or if I've done enough.

  7. Hi PK, I am a regular visitor, but very rarely comment. I love your little stories about yourself, family and teaching but my biggest wish for you is for a happy and fulfilling retirement.

    1. That is very sweet Don. I guess the whole of my blog are the little stories of life and I love having a place to share them. Glad you come by.

  8. Hi PK!
    I do enjoy your words. Happy LOL Day.

    1. Thanks Bleue - I'm so happy you stopped by!

  9. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Hello PK. I am a regular reader and a very occasional commenter. I really appreciate all the blogs I read (and have been reading for many years now) and feel very privileged to be allowed to peak inside your lives and to laugh and cry with you all, even if I am doing that silently and anonymously. I wish you all the very best when retirement comes at last. With best wishes from Scotland.

    1. You are always welcomed here whether you comment or not. Retirement is really only days away - I'm glad I have my blog to be able to sort out all the changes that will be going on in my life.

  10. Happy LOL Day, PK! May the comments just keep on coming...

    Dr. Ken

    1. Thanks Dr. Ken, I hope you'll be back

  11. I'm a new-ish lurker. I love your blog so far. :-)

    1. I'm glad you stopped by April. I hope you'll say hey again sometime.

  12. Hi PK -
    I try to visit when I can but don't comment very often, maybe a handful of times over the years so not sure what camp that puts me in. Wish I had more time to read here.
    Best always,

    1. You are exactly who I was hoping to hear from this LOL day. People who are around when they can be but don't comment often. Just know you're always welcomed.
