Sunday, September 04, 2016

Pink cheeks and purple hair

My last school year has begun and I’m still smiling. New rules and regulations are in place at the school. All are annoying, time consuming and ultimately useless and I’m ignoring everyone of them. That’s part of why I’m smiling. Another reason is that I got spanked last week.

Nick was thinking about taking care of all this last weekend, but my beginning of the school year cold came early and I wasn’t feeling my best, breathing wise. He agreed to the postponement but told me when I was feeling better I was to come to him with an implement and ask him if he had time to take care of things. That will give you a butterfly or two.

By Wednesday I was better and no longer wanted it hanging over my head. I brought him his belt – such lovely old, soft leather and I asked if he had time. He did. Not that there was anything horrible on my list to take care of, sadly just the usual. We only have about three rules and I’d managed to break two that week. The clean laundry was left sitting in the basket where Nick had brought it up, just a little past it’s twenty-four-hour limit (but I had been sick) and I let the car get way below the quarter of a tank limit rule Nick had imposed. It’s not that I’ve ever let the car run out or anything it’s just that it’s usually near empty on Sundays and Nick ends up having to put gas in every time. I don’t like stopping for gas. When we first got this car in April one year I managed not to have to put in gas myself until August. I think Nick is beginning to catch on 

He told me yes, he had the time and I had to put my hands on the couch and stick out my bottom for him. Not my favorite position – but this wasn’t necessary a spanking purely for my enjoyment. He did a little warm up over clothing, never enough. But then when he lowered my shorts he did make that belt sing. I was reminded of both the laundry rule and the gas rule before he let me stand up and I was feeling the burn by then. I got a hug before I saw his eyes light up again and suddenly I was back in position as he remembered I’d left the windows opened that morning despite his reminder as he’s left for work. It does hurt more when you think it’s over and they decide to begin round two.

Then Nick decided that while I was in such a convenient position he’d take his dominance a bit further and while I wasn’t complaining I did hope the neighbor who often brings us homemade bread didn’t pick that moment to drop by. So Wednesday brought a spanking and a quickie, an excellent way to begin the school year.

As for the purple hair, yes I did it. I’d said I wanted to put a purple streak in my hair as soon as I let it go to a natural gray. Mollie told me I couldn’t do that, and that was enough to push me into it. What do you think?

I will tell you the kids at school LOVED it! All the teachers at school and friends on FB have said they liked it – now they may well be talking about me behind my back, but I could care less about that. I’m curious as to what my mom’s friends will say about it at church today – these are all little old ladies in their eighties and nineties. I had told them my plan, but I doubt they believed me. 

I’m guessing my mom would have sided with Mollie. Actually I don’t think Mollie is really against it. When she saw it I just got a, “Mother…” and an eye roll. But deep down I bet she’s happy that her mom is willing to break away from the norm and do something like this just for fun. I’m sure I’ll get some negative comments from my sisters-in-law today. But honestly they have sticks so far up their rigid butts I expect them to come out of their mouths, so I definitely don’t care about them. And Nick? Nick just laughed and gave me a kiss, and since his opinion is the only one I really care about other than mine, I guess that makes it all right.


  1. Hi PK, wow, that is so brave, I love it, I would like a pink streak but am not as fearless as you! Hope the school year whizzes past into retirement
    love Jan, xx

    1. Since Nick didn't mind, there was no one else for be to be worried about. I hope you're right about it whizzing past.

  2. The school year is off to a great may ways! I love it too...I have not dared let myself go gray...seems so mundane..and a little old...maybe a streak of color would be fun. Hugs abby

    1. I still worry about gray, but I like the silver color it happened to be. But the extra color is fun.

  3. Wow PK, definitely a wonderful start to the school year, in more ways than one. Your first paragraph made me giggle, good on you ignoring the rules lol. Nick telling you to come to him and ask for a spanking...that is hot and would definitely cause a few butterflies.

    Love the hair, good on you for going for it :)


    1. That was hot, and rare around here. The color has been fun, and the little old ladies at church liked it.

  4. Hi PK your new school years is off with a bang in many way. Fabulous!
    Absolutely love your hair. My daughter would be encouraging me to go rainbow colours but Bear would spank me if I did. Wish I could do something like you though.
    Hope the rest of your school year goes so well.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. Mollie isn't quite so happy. If I ever visit LJ and Collin I might try rainbow color.

  5. I LOVE IT!!!! And I'm jealous!! At least my students are allowed to have any hair color they want for the first time ever!! Now if only the teachers could!!! My streak would be bright blue!!!!

    1. It washes out pretty quickly - I say you go for it.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I love Love LOVE this post, PK! :) I only have two other things to say here (Imagine that! HA!). 1) I'm so SO happy for you and Nick. 2) I think that you are AWESOME! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Katie, you're the best! I am having a good time!

  7. Deena8:16 AM

    Love everything about this - and the hair - oh yes!

    1. It's really freeing somehow. It's fun, it's colorful and I'm not hurting a soul!

  8. Anonymous10:42 AM

    You know already that I like your hair and you also know I am a believer in "if not now, when" . You are living life to the fullest and it involves a mighty implement and sweet Nick. All is good in your world. This year will fly by. Trust me,

    1. Thanks Meredith! It's a fun time of life. I don't think anyone is looking forward to turning 60 more than me.

  9. I love that you are ignoring all those stupid new rules! Lol. That's why I love flying under the radar at work! I too ignor many stupid rules!
    You know I love the purple. If I colored mine it'd be pink topped spikey type hair!

    1. I find it easiest to smile and agree to everything and then just do exactly what I want.

  10. PK, the hair looks absolutely fabulous...just a great start to your last year. Pink or green next?

    1. Thank you! I'm not much of a pink girl, but midnight blue would be nice or maybe turquoise.

  11. Oh my goodness, I love your purple hair. Glad you got some spanks. Just found your blog, I look forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm so happy you found my blog, please come back often.

  12. Congratulations on your spanking and quickie, PK! Love your hair! Purple is my favorite color and that particular shade of purple looks awesome with the silver of your hair...very royal. Good for you in ignoring the rules at school...I ignore as many rules as I think I can get away with. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Ignoring rule is one of my favorite things to do these days. I do like the way the purple looks with the silver. It's different anyway!

  13. It sounds like a pretty good week to me! I happen to love the silver but the purple is just FUN! Good for you!

    1. It was a wonderful weekend! The purple has been fun.

  14. Anonymous10:22 AM

    You're right, it's not grey, but silver - a very beautiful silver. And I love that you just do what you want concerning the colouring.
    As a fellow teacher (though not from your country) could you just elaborate on one of the stupid rules? Just wanna know if we have the same crap around here (probably). Good for you to ignore it. On the one hand I think it's better to do so openly, to show them how stupid it is, but on the other hand it's just not worth the time...

    1. I like the color it turned out to be too.

      Rules - we can't give 0 any more, the lowest grade we can give is 33. I understand that if a child has at least tried, but if they sit there and say 'I won't do it' I'll be durn if I won't give a 0! Also this is the first year we are supposed to do our lesson plans on line and turn them into the principal and our colleges.
      I don't write down details of how I brush my teeth each morning and I won't be writing out a full lesson plan for each thing I've taught for years. I'll just do it. The principal is supposed to grade it. She can just put down a 33 for me!

    2. I have to do the lesson plans on line! I hate it.... My stuff is project based so I literally have to copy and paste parts of the lessons throughout the projects! It's ridiculous! My principal marked me down because I was remiss with always uploading them. I always had lessons.... But I brought my 'grade' up.... Gak! It's all BS
      There are MANY other things I say yes to doing and I DO NOT!

    3. Minelle, we haven't even been told officially that we have to do it. But I heard it through the grapevine. Since I'll be leaving in Dec. I just don't feel the need to figure out how to do it. What will they do? Fire me?

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      OMG it's worse for you. Over here you seldom give the lowest grade (if it's given at the end of the year, the kid has to repeat the year), but you are allowed to do it. Though if they sue, the government is mostly on the kids side, since you have to proof every little thing...
      As for the plans, I really hope I'm not looking into my future here. Total BS. Good for you to ignore it (and lol to the principal giving you a 33), though I guess you're lucky to leave in December. They would figure out you're only agreeing and not doing them eventually...

  15. I think it is wonderful that you are following your own heart! :-) Yay you! And so happy for you and Nick :-) Hugs

    1. It felt good to just do something for myself because I wanted to.

  16. I still say go for the whole head! Make your last class really remember you. :)

    1. LOL! I guess that would really do it wouldn't it!

  17. The purple with your beautiful silver hair is awesome!
    Rosie Dee
