Sunday, September 11, 2016

Best man ever!

As I said the other day, getting started back to school is very tiring. That’s not really a complaint, just a fact. I have no doubt I’ll be back used to it soon, but at my age it does take the body a little while to adjust from sleeping late, napping regularly, and lounging by the pool to wrangling 145 students. Yes, I said 145 – six classes for social studies and one advisory group. I cannot learn that many names and my seating chart has become my constant companion. Now out of all these kids I have only spotted three real discipline problems. That’s a tiny percent, unfortunately, they are all in the same class – the final period of the day. Oh well, it wouldn’t seem like a real school year without them.

Now back to this best man ever. After sleeping late Saturday morning, I was doing a little writing when around eleven that morning I got a text from Nick which read:

FYI, our staff masseur, Sir Handsalot, has a 2:00 opening.  Please respond if interested.

I text back to book me! At 2:03 I passed through the living room and was told I was a bit late, but to go on back to the second door on the left and the masseur would be there soon. A towel and my short silk robe was on the bed and I quickly changed. Soon enough Sir Handsalot joined me and begin a wonderful massage beginning at my toes and working his way up. There was a short spanking I assume for my tardiness, though I was told it was to help my circulation.

When he finished with my back I got to turn over and he began working on my front.  This guy was good! All the places he might have felt he couldn’t do justice to with just his hands, he used his tongue. He is some masseur! As he finished the massage, he brought out the vibrator and had me play with that for a while with great success. Once I could speak words again I asked if he didn’t want to get undressed and join me. He said no, that as a professional he wasn’t allowed to have that kind of contact with his clients. Then he whispered that I’d had a long week and that this had been just for me.

Didn’t I tell you he was the best? An never fear, one day in the near future I will return the favor.


  1. Ooh PK..yes, you definitely have an awesome man in Sir Handsalot! Hope you receive more treatment like that soon.

    Make an Advent type calendar for school to countdown the days. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I do need some kinda count down. That could be fun!

  2. AWWWW that sounds like bliss! What a wonderful Sir Handsalot. Hope he sticks around to get you back into the school year. Enjoy your weekend PK.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. He seems like he's going to be here to give me what I need as we get back into this year. I am blessed!

  3. Anonymous12:45 AM

    How very sweet!

    1. He's always been a sweetie.

  4. Hi PK, How very nice of him, big hug to Nick
    love Jan, xx

    1. He's great and I'm a lucky woman.

  5. Every girl needs her knight in shining armour PK, and you have found yours in Sir Hansalot :) that made me giggle.

    How wonderful of Nick, hope the rest of your weekend has been as relaxing and wonderful. It's hard getting back to routine after vacation time. I like Cat's idea.


    1. The rest of the weekend has been very nice too. Now back to reality.

  6. Love it!! That's one heck of a creative guy, there!!

  7. Love it, you are one very lucking gal...starting with the creative text..he really knows how to set a mood, have everything ready and...all the rest!
    hugs abby

    1. He's really got a romantic side when he decides to let it out.

  8. Oh yes, that was a delightful way to de stress from the week and more! He sure knows his client well!;)

    1. Just as long as he has no other clients!

  9. Sounds like a great way to end one week and begin another. You should book next weeks appointment now!

    1. Now there's a wonderful idea!

  10. how wonderful! glad he treats you so well! :-) Hugs

  11. Wow! What a guy! I must send Ron the link to this post :)


    1. LOL That's a good idea. I think all the guys should read this.

  12. Now that's an appointment not to be missed! Sir Handsalot really knows his stuff, what a great way for you to unwind. Hope he's available again soon.
    Rosie xx

  13. Awwwww I bet that was wonderful. Sounds very professional indeed and that spamming for circulation, that's brilliant.

    1. I sure hope he keeps working on my circulation!
