Wednesday, June 08, 2016


Someday Mollie may well have to take care of me and tell me what I may and may not do. She feels that time is now. I do not. I’m heading out on a girl’s trip soon. Unlike Cassie, I’m not going with women I’ve known for half a century. I've never seen some of the other trip goers in my life. When I first shared about the trip with Mollie, mostly teasing, when into her ‘caregiver’ mode.

“Mom you warned me for years about not trusting everything you read on the internet. You don’t really know if these people are who they say they are. And yet you’re willing to meet them. You’d have a fit if I was doing this.” She went on to say, “Do you have real names? Do you have addresses? Do you have pictures?”

I told her this was pretty close.

But she didn't believe me, so I showed her something more realistic.

She looked at a few other photo I had and finally came to the last one and seemed to brighten up. “Oh is the Serial Killer’s going? You didn’t tell me. Okay, I feel better now.”

The first time I traveled off to Las Vegas was to meet our own Sunny. Mollie though it was terrible and stated over and over that she was probably a serial killer. Once I returned safely, Sunny was permanently renamed ‘the Serial Killer’ and has Mollie’s full approval.

“All right,” Mollie concluded, “if the Serial Killer’s going to be there I guess it’s all right if you go.”

“Thank you,” I told her, “my every plan hinged on your approval.”

“Sarcasm doesn’t become you,” she told me.

“Really?” I answered. “I’ve always thought it was one of my best traits.”

It’s fun to laugh about it with Mollie. Truly, I’m so excited I can hardly sit and type. Nick isn’t worried, he met my first four blogger friends years ago and knew right away that they were good people and that I knew what I was talking about when I said they were trustworthy.

I hope we keep having these trip for years to come and I hope we add more people every year. Wouldn’t a spanking cruise be wonderful – or if you aren’t into ocean travel there are resorts everywhere where we can get all inclusive packages like on a cruise. Maybe someday we’ll get a whole block of rooms.

It all comes down to sharing. One person on this upcoming trip I’ve been talking with for over six years, but we’ve never met face to face before. Another was nearly unknown to me last summer, but through comment and emails I feel like we couldn’t be closer now.

So I’m nearly packed, I’ve shoving aside my slight fears of having on a bathing suit in front of the others and I’m hoping that these other ladies are half as excited to see me as I am to see them.

We'll be telling you all about it when we get back. But honestly - this isn't spanking fiction. We're all a bunch of mature, respectable women getting together to meet and visit... don't expect the stories to be too wild.

And we're off...


  1. Sans clothing?! Where ya off to? I wanna join...
    Missed you, lady!

    1. Rogue!!!!! Hey woman! You have been sorely missed. Hope you are doing well. Ya, know, you could visit a bit more often just to let us know you're okay. You are even welcome to guest blog over at my place if you want to update everyone on how you are doing.

      Hugs and blessings...Cat

    2. Ditto what Cat said! Who can I share the Outlander shrieks with?

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Hi Rogue!!! :) Great to see you pop up here! Hope that all is well! Many hugs,

      <3 Katie

    4. Girl I haven't heard from you in a year. I figured you'd dump us hooligans! Email sometime!

  2. So excited for all of you, PK and more than a tad bit envious. Have loads of fun!

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Hopefully we'll see you next year Cat!

  3. LoL PK, love how Mollie worries for you. So happy for you all and hope you have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear all about it :)


    1. I do wish we lived a little closer!

  4. Hi PK, Hope you all have a lovely time, wanna come on the cruise with us? Just jump on board all of you....
    love Jan, xx

  5. I love Mollie. I know you will have a blast. Give them all a big hug from Ronnie. Look forward to hearing all about it.

    Rogue so good to see you.


    sorry deleted comment was minex

    1. I have no doubt we have a wonderful trip. Hope your ears don't burn!

  6. Your Mollie sounds like my youngest...LOL. I am envious and hope to be able to join you another time!
    hugs abby

    1. We're gonna plan on it! Oh those adult daughters!

  7. I had no idea that Sunny had another nickname. Ha! Can't wait to hug that "Serial Killer." BTW swimsuit or not, I couldn't run that fast to save my life.

    Ella Grinning Like a Fool

    1. Now you know the dangerous one in the group! If we loose the suits, we'll just strut rather than run.

  8. Serial Killer checking in - I love the pics - the first one is how I imagine us to look, the second is the reality and the last - hell I can't run that fast.

    Coming up soon.

    1. Just saw that Rogue was visiting - wanna come - it's never too late.

    2. That middle one is way more realistic than I want to think about!

  9. PK, no-one will care a jot what you look like in a swimsuit, you'll all be talking nineteen to the dozen and having too much fun.

    When you book that spanking cruise, be sure to keep a place for me - and Harry, of course, I can't be spanked by anyone else!

    Rosie xx

    1. We'll definitely save your place! I agree, we may all love spanking - but only by OUR spankers.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    You are the best Let's not worry about swimsuits.

    1. I'll probably never completely quit worrying, but it definitely won't hold me back!

  11. Boo ! hoo! I can only read about your mischief!! Or, maybe imagine and draw what happens. Possibly it will be the truth in pics-but so outrageously unbelievable no one would guess it truly happened! *wink*

    1. You picture series sounds like something I really want to see!

  12. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Very fun post, PK!! :) Oh I had such fun with you ladies last summer. Much needed laughs, non-stop talking and the joy of being with special friends that I "know" but had never met! I am SO excited to be doubling in number this year. It will all be wonderful! Promises of growing next year- awesome!

    Mollie is too funny! Love your back and forth about it all! EXCITED!!!! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. It was great and this year will be even better!

  13. I am so looking forward to meeting last! :-) Can't wait to give you all a real hug. And hope this is only the first trip for me of many more memories and meetings to come! :-)

    1. I sure am planning more trips in the future!

  14. Mollie sounds like my D1 always worried about their mums. this trip sounds likes its going to be so much fun with 6 of you. Eat, drink and be merry, try to keep out of jail and as for the Serial Killer. LOL! Didn't know sunny had that nickname.
    I'm green with envy!
    Hugs Lindy

    1. We'll plan on staying out of jail, because we'd have to call our husbands for bail money - and you know what that would bring on...
