Monday, May 16, 2016

Saturday wasn't perfect

I told you about the good part of my Saturday yesterday – now for the not so great.

Yep, I broke my foot. Fifty-nine years old and this it the first bone I’ve broken. Nick and I were opening the pool and with my natural grace and ninja like moves I managed to catch my foot in part of the plastic cover and trying not to fall I guess all my weight went on the side of my foot and I broke a little bone.

I can’t decide my favorite thing about the boot – it’s beautiful fashion statement, it’s over all comfort or the way it keep my foot and lower leg simmering at about 200 degrees? I'll probably have about six weeks to decide.


  1. Sorry to hear. Good luck with the recovery. When those things happen to me I get angry for a while. Cursing my self for lack of something.

    1. Dr asked if I'd put ice on it when it happened I told him, no i just cussed a little.

  2. Oh no poor PK. Sending healing vibes your way for a speedy recovery. Our son in law is in a moon boot at moment also, which is driving him crazy with the heat. How are you going to manage at school?
    Gentle hugs

    1. Thanks for the vibes. School's okay walkings not too hard.

  3. Oh no, PK, talk about a mixed day! Glad you and Nick had some fun and am so sorry to hear about your foot. Sending positive thoughts and healing vibes for a speedy recovery.


    1. I know it will recover, but it probably won't be as speedy as I'd like.

  4. Oh dear, poor you. how elegant that boot is going to be, pity it doesn't help you swing some time off school. Hope you feel better soon,
    love Jan, xx

    1. I could take some time off - but now that I'm near the end I realize they have to pay me for every sick day I've earned.

  5. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Poor PK, I am sorry for you. Six weeks is a lomg time to be disabled.


    1. It's annoying, that's for sure.

  6. OH PK I am so sorry. Can you get some time off school? Thinking of you.


    1. Don't want to waste time off unless it's for fun!

  7. Oh sorry.
    hugs abby

  8. You poor thing, PK. I had to wear an ugly boot like that most of a summer after a foot surgery once. It is hot and soon becomes stinky! I wanted to burn the damn thing in the backyard.

    Hugs and Sympathy,

    1. I have no doubt I'll feel the same way soon.

  9. Ouch! I hope it doesn't hurt too much and it heals quickly. At least you can still write!

    1. Thanks it really doesn't hurt too much, the boot is just bothersome. I'm happy about still being able to write!

  10. I'm trying to think of something cute to say. There isn't much cute about the damn boot. I don't remember who said it but it does get to stinking after a while. That's it - I'll use "'S' words. Stylish, Smelling, Swimming's out, Sizzling, Sympathy, Sassy, Slimmer leg, Striped (one leg tan, the other white).Okay that's all I can think of at this hour of the AM.

    1. Thanks for your effort - I feel so much better now. How about that sexy walk?

  11. Really sorry to hear about your misfortune. I had a friend here do the same. These boots do the trick, but they aren't exactly fashion statements. Still, it could have been much worse. I hope it heals extra quickly and you are not in too much pain or discomfort.

    Many hugs

    1. I wish I had a magic wand! But I'm happy to say that the pain hasn't been bad at all.

  12. So sorry to hear about your broken foot. Wearing that boot in hot whether is no fun. Good luck for a fast recovery.


    1. Thanks FD I hope I do too.

  13. Oh, PK, poor you. Lots of sympathy from across the pond.

    Rosie xx

    1. I appreciate that, I'll take all the sympathy I can get.

  14. Oh no!! I'm so sorry!

  15. PK, Oh, maximun youchie. Sorry, but the boot gets no easier, just smellier. Hang in there and it will (after approx 3 eternities) be gone

    1. I imagine you're telling the truth, but you haven't exactly made me happy. Oh well, time will pass.

  16. sending some healing energy your way... hugs

  17. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Poor you. So you can't take it off? My friend had a similar looking cast and she could at least take it off in bed and for a shower.
    And I have a question - could you explain about your sick days? I'm a teacher in Germany and either you are sick, then you call in sick and if you stay at home longer than two days a doctor has to confirm it.
    From what I get from your blog a teacher has a certain amount of sick days and it's not really important whether or not you're really sick. So what happens when you're seriously ill and need to stay home longer than the permitted sick days?
    BTW when is your last day of school? Overe here it's July 8th. But May thankfully has lots of holidays so the pupils only have 14 school days and the teachers 16. =)

    1. I'm so happy to hear from a friend in Germany - especially another teacher! My boot is like your friends I can take it one and off, but only for showers and bed.

      When I first began teaching we got two sick days a month, now it's only one. But they do accumulate. We are only supposed to take them if we are sick, but the schools are usually understanding if we decide to take a 'mental health' day. Just to stay home or to go out and do something fun. Right now I have over 200 sick day built up and they will pay me for each one when I retire. If we are really sick for a long time and we use up all our sick days there is extended sick leave we can take, but I don't honestly know how it works.

      Our last day is June 10th for kids and the 13th for teachers. Our students start back on Aug 29th.

      I hope to hear from you again sometime.

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Interesting system. So having 200 days accumulated you could quit school right now or take a vacation outside of holidays (big downside of being a teacher IMO is, that you can only go on holiday, when it's expensive) or would that be stretching it too much?

    At least you can shower without that thing - should help with the smell as well.

    1. A day or two they wouldn't care if I took off 'sick' but they wouldn't stand for that long. I'm looking forward to that last check where they have to pay me for every day - it's like another years pay in one lump sum.

      I'm sitting here with it off right now and my foot propped up. Feels great!

  19. So, so sorry. Not being able to use both feet is really not fun. I hope that you are getting really spoiled.
