Monday, May 23, 2016

Calm weekend

I had a peaceful weekend. Nick was off golfing and I stayed home to write. I’m getting used to the lovely boot and hobbling around. I saw the orthopedist last week and he says I should be able go to a much smaller boot in a couple of weeks. And that I may be able to lose it all together by the end of June when I have an important trip planned.

I’ve been doing well in my weight loss efforts. I’m down just over seventeen pounds since they said I had diabetes. But this foot thing is not great for the exercise part of the program. I guess if the truth be told this weekend hasn’t been so great for it either. I tend to slip a little with what I should be eating when Nick’s not home. But my sugar is still hovering around 110 so I haven’t been too bad.

I managed to do one thing I’d promised myself I’d do this weekend
 I finished another book! This is my first non-Cassie book and it’s a whole different process. Cassie’s easy, all I have to do is type. This one I had to write.  I like it and I hope those of you who read it will too. I just sent it to a dear beta reader yesterday and then I’ll be sending it to my personal editors – Nick and my sister, before I ever send it to Blushing Books to see if they’ll accept it. Cross your fingers for me.

End-of-grade testing begins this week. Not my favorite time of year but since I can say to myself it’s the last time I’ll have to do them, they aren’t really bothering me. It’s been very interesting watching Mollie during her first year. I’m amazed that she can tell me so much about each and every one of her students. It’s like hearing a mother talk about them and their achievements. Listening to her makes me doubly sure it’s time to retire. I still enjoy my students, I truly want them to do well, but there is no way I can pretend to match the enthusiasm she shows for each of her students. I think teachers do get to a point when they should hang in up and I'm there.

Sorry there wasn’t anything on topic to share – though I guess there shouldn’t be if Nick’s not home. Hopefully there will be something soon.


  1. Hi PK, good luck with the new book, looking forward to it. I hope your foot heals sooner rather than later.
    love Jan, xx

    1. Thanks I really feel like it's healing well.

  2. I'm excited that you've written a new book. Got everything crossed for you.

    Hope you are able to have the boot removed before your trip.


    1. Keep everything crossed - I think I'll have it off. Just don't know about the book.

  3. Congratz on the weight loss. I know hpw hard it can be expecially when other parts of your body arent cooperating with the exercising bit.

    1. I'm not wild about exercising, and now to have a good excuse not to... it's not looking good on that front.

  4. Congratulations on the new book PK, how exciting! Wishing you the very best with it. Congratulations too on the weight loss.

    Sending positive thoughts that the foot heals quickly and that you are out of the boot before your trip.


    1. I have high hopes for the book, we'll see.

      I think the foot is healing well.

  5. You have me curious about the new book....Good news that the boot should be gone before the end of June's trip. GREAT job on the weight loss...
    hugs abby

    1. I'm happy about the weight loss too, but it needs to continue. I need to be able to walk more easily!

  6. Congratulations finishing your book. Always a great sense of satisfaction typing THE END on it!

    1. It does feel good, but I know it needs a lot of work and polishing. But I usually like that part.

  7. Congratulations on completing your new book, can't wait to read it once its passed all the beta readers and publisher.

    Fantastic on the weight loss. Hope you're out of the boot and healed by your trip.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. I was so nice this weekend to be able to really spend some time writing without anyone around. I have several more books in my head fighting to get out.

  8. Glad you had such a productive weekend. Everyone, including me, is excited about a new book!

    I love this time of year, with the whole summer stretched out before you. However, I too, have not been on the straight and narrow with healthy eating. It is time to face the music. And the scale.


    1. I love this time of year too, but I'm really seeing beyond - I have summer, then three and a half months of work and then freedom as far as the eye can see!

  9. I'm glad to hear you had such a good weekend and you're keeping up with your healthy eating. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Exciting news about the new book, we're all looking forward to reading it.

    Rosie xx

    1. I love my husband to death, but I like the occasional weekend when he's off with friends and I'm on my own. As long as they don't happen too often.

  10. Congratulations on completing your new book and on the weight loss. That is great. I hope your ankle continues to heal quickly for your trip. :-) Hugs

    1. I hope it does too, but I'll crawl on this trip if I have to. Really looking forward to it.

  11. Congrats on the weight loss and finishing up the book. I need a kick in the pants lately.

    1. We need to get together - I'll be happy to give you a kick in the pants!

  12. Good luck with the new book, PK...even though I'm sure you don't need it. Congrats on the weight hard isn't it. Hope your foot heals well. Just don't kick Sunny with that foot! ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Thanks Cat, and you're right. Maybe I should use a paddle.

  13. No one commented on what you said about teaching. So glad to see you say that there is a time to leave. You can't express enthusiasm when you're worn out. The children suffer and the teacher knows that he/she is not giving their best. There is a reason for setting a retirement age. It's appropriate for most careers. And you're still young enough to start something new that will stimulate enthusiasm and excitement. It's so smart to recognize when enough is enough.
    Rosie Dee
