Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Meanwhile back at the ranch…

I feel so out of it – I don’t feel bad or anything, but I have nothing at all to blog about and when I don’t blog I feel like I don’t get to talk to my friends. But I can tell you my backward child was true to her word.

I thought when parents went on vacation and left a kid watching the place they were supposed to have a wild party and trash the place. Poor Mollie must be so confused. We came home to a house cleaned from top to bottom. The two junk bedrooms were transformed into two lovely guestrooms. She moved the double bed, when out and bought new bedding for it, painted the old ugly green secretary I’d given her and moved it – I have no idea how she got it out of my writing room and down the hall herself. Nick had taken the door off the room to make it easier to paint and she was even able to get the door back on the hinges by herself. I was amazed and completely impressed.

I told her if this was the crazy way she was going to behave when we went off and left her then we would be heading to the beach often! She’s still looking for curtains to suit her. But she managed to put the doors back on the secretary that had been removed. The hinges had been broken so she when to the hardware store and got new ones for it. She never seemed this handy when she lived at home. She said it stemmed from having the house to herself. She said if we’d been here to help she would never have gotten it done. It was like if she decides to stay up and move the bed at two am she could. She didn’t have to listen to our ‘helpful’ suggestions. She may have a point. From now on when she has a project, I’m following her lead. I'll post some pictures soon.


  1. Perhaps Mollie would like to come house sit for me next! Sounds wonderful. :) Amy

    1. If she was in a cleaning mood, I think you'd be happy to have her.

  2. Hi PK, I would definitely be re-packing my bags if I were you lol. How wonderful of Mollie :)


    1. Great idea! I do have two more trips planned. I'm hoping she'll be back.

  3. PK, it seems there is always a little "meh" attitude about returning home from a trip and heading back to work.

    What a lovely daughter you have! Our son watched the dogs and the house while we were gone last weekend. Trust me. There was no housework done at all.


    1. My son LJ is a sweetie - but it would never occur to him to clean the house if he were here.

  4. WOW..I am impressed, what a nice surprise to come home to...Wonderful daughter you and Nick raised..
    hugs abby

    1. Thanks Abby - she impresses me too.

  5. Hi Pk, oh what a lovely girl she is! How lucky you are to have such a sweet daughter.
    love Jan, xx

    1. I feel very lucky! She's a lot of fun to be around too.

  6. That's absolutely wonderful of Mollie. She's a star.


  7. We could use a little help here too! Mollie could make a little side money!
    How was your first day back?

    1. I think I could hire her out. Being back isn't horrible, but I'm ready to be out for good.

  8. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Oh WOW, PK!!! :) First you have a nice vacation with Nick, and then you come home to a daughter gone all "grown up" and helpful! You've raised a fine young woman, who knows how to show her parents that she loves them. :)

    What a nice welcome home! Glad that you had fun too! Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. It's amazing, all this from a child who's had the messiest room ever as she grew up.

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Your daughter always sounded so sweet, but now she is a definite keeper. So nice to come home to.

    1. This trait never showed up when she lived at home. But she's welcomed to come visit any time now.

  10. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Mollie is welcome at my place anytime :) Mine are too old to have a party and trash the place but they come with kids and they leave toys in crazy places. Legos and match cars are the worst to find in the middle of the night!!


    1. I really am looking forward to the grandkids one of these day, but not to stepping on a lego in the middle of the night!

  11. Would Mollie like a little vacation across the pond?
    Rosie xx

    1. She definitely would - I'll keep you in mind.

  12. What a lovely gift and a wonderful vacation! Mollie is more than welcome to come housesit for me and doe whatever she wants to the long as she doesn't mind sitting for the cats also. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  13. There is a feeling of renewal when clutter is removed. Sometimes it takes someone other than the owner to bite the bullet.

    I sure understand the blurr feeling. For me that means I don't feel like blogging even though I probably should as it is a good way to get over the blurr feeling.

  14. Wow! What a nice surprise. I can't even get myself motivated to clean nonetheless anyone else in the house... :-) Hugs
