Sunday, April 10, 2016

Another little health up-date

I promised this was going to remain a spanking blog and not a health blog, but unfortunately I’m spending more time at the doctor’s office than I do ass up over Nick’s lap. Fortunately, that is happening too, but time at the doctor still has it beat.

That being said – all the doctors seem happy! The dentist, I’m sure was delighted I broke a tooth last week and he was down right giddy when I paid for my new crown. I’m sure the eye doctor was pleased that my prescription eye glasses were stolen an I had to order a new pair. Next week I see the nutritionist and she’ll be happy my diet is improving. Later next week, I have to go in for a breathing test – long story, and since I can breath just fine, I think that doctor will be impressed. The next week I go for a bone density test and Nick assures me I should pass a ‘denseness’ test with flying colors. Then back to the dentist for the permanent crown.

But the happiest doctor, I’m happy to report is the one working with me on my diabetes. I got some test results back last week and the doctor had written at the bottom, and I quote,

“HAPPY DANCE! HAPPY DANCE! GREAT work! You did wonderful. I am impressed. Keep up the hard work.”

I don’t know what all the numbers mean, but the ‘diabetes’ number had been 8.2 back in December and now it’s 6.5 – the goal she had set for me. Makes me happy, but I know a lot about myself. I tend to ‘do’ something – like losing weight and think to myself. Well, I’m glad that’s done and stop trying as hard. I know I can’t do that with diabetes and I would love to have someone to stay on my case about eating right and exercising. Nick… are you listening? I hope he is, but I know it’s my responsibility.

I have hopes of reporting more on spanking soon.


  1. Hi Pk,goodness, so many doctors! I'm sorry about the tooth and glasses. Dentist charge like wounded bulls, ouch!

    Congratulations on the test results, good on you :) That is awesome news. Keep up the good work :)


    1. It just seems like all the doctors came at once. Maybe I won't have any more for a while. I'm happy about the sugar results too.

  2. Hi PK, oh I am so pleased for you in the diabetes. Having got a type 1 son I know how hard it is to keep it up all the time. Keep going, think of that healthy retirement coming up. As to the rest, it has been a bit like that here too, I have seen more Doctors than a few lately and hubby has had the Dentist visits! We are lucky over here though as we have the National Health Service. Hope you keep on getting better
    love Jan, xx

    1. A healthy retirement is my dream! I'm about tired of doctors and I bet you are too, but I suppose they are a permanent part of our future.

  3. My round of doc visits starts soon....HURRAH for you on your diabetes is not easy, but you are off to a great Nick is both relieved and proud of you.
    hugs abby

    1. I hope your round gives great results. I guess the next 3 month is the scariest for me. I'm so bad to do something and then let it go.

  4. Congrats on the A1C. Hope You stick with it.

  5. Wonderful news, PK! What a wonderful message from your doctor. I knew you could do it.

    Ask Nick for his help. Sam is my favorite diet coach.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. He really helped me the first time. I hope he'll help again.

  6. PK, that's fabulous news on your diabetes results. I'm doing the happy dance for you. Keep going.


    1. It's better than I was expecting.

  7. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Good news all the way around.

  8. well done on the diabetes. My husband could take some lessons from you, it's a bit of a struggle at the moment.

    1. The shock of first being diagnosed caused me to really change. I pray I can keep it up now.

  9. sorry about the cracked tooth...just had that done recently myself...and then turned out I had to have a root canal fun! so glad you are doing such a good job taking care of your diabetes - I hope your hubby helps you stay motivated ;-) Hugs

    1. I hope so. I have to have a root canal on another tooth soon. Hope I can still afford to retire!

  10. That is just so great that your diabetes is starting to get under control. Not just by a change of diet but also plain and simple hard work. It will all be worth it in the end

    1. I know you're right. It takes concentration, but I think I can do it

  11. Gillie7:27 PM

    Glad to hear your health etc is improving, once you get into the zone and you see results it becomes easier to stick to your plan and lose weight. Sorry about the tooth, I too had one break a couple of weeks ago and am now going to get a visit from BIG BILL as I think I am going to have to have two crowns plus a bridge with a false tooth - ouch. What can we do when we get older and things start to disintegrate !!
    Where is Cassie, I need a Cassie fix !! any more books coming out in the near future?

    1. Ouch! That a lot of dentistry and yes it does hurt in the pocket book more than anywhere else.

      There will be more Cassie, but it's going to be a while I'm afraid. I'm working on another book right now - not Cassie and after that one I'll be back to the gang at the river.

  12. Great numbers! Bet you feel better!

    1. I do, and I'd like to stay that way.

  13. Congrats on all the hard work to get your good numbers, PK!

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Thanks Cat, I did like the numbers.

  14. Hey lady! I'm glad you are doing well. Going to doctors is no fun! I've had my fair share and unfortunately I may need some surgery soon. Luckily, it's a fairly common and easy surgery and so it shouldn't be a problem but I am really having a hard time calling the doctor. I know I have to suck it up and do it, but it's just hard.
    Love you! grace

    1. I'm happy to say all my visits have been good so far. A breathing test today was right where it should be. I hope you won't be having to have surgery, but go ahead and find out. And let me know.
