Sunday, February 07, 2016

Better - and I need one more favor

Thank you all for your well wished. The whining did help and I think I’m on the road to recovery. The cough lingers, but I’ll beat it in the end. But now I have another favor to ask of you.

Cassie Corralled is coming out next weekend. I’m so excited for this one. Patty Devlin has offered to put up an interview on her site to help me promote this one, but rather than interviewing me she’s interviewing Cassie and the whole gang. She has asked me to help with the questions and, in turn, I’m asking you.

Do you have, or could you come up with, any questions you’d like to asks any of them. Everyone has promised to participate. Cassie of course as well as Sue, Annie, Allie, Ryan, Steve, Andy and even Tom. I know for some readers Tom is a dream man, while many others what to ring his neck – now’s your chance to delve into his mind if you like.

I’m interested in anything – silly questions, off the wall curiosity, serious questions, anything you ask would be a big help to me.

To my silent readers, to those of you who have read some of the Cassie books – I would really be interested in your questions. You can ask a question anonymously in comments. It really is anonymous, and if you’re more comfortable emailing me send your questions to

Patty will decide which questions she’ll used on her site – but I promise every question sent will be answered and I’ll let you know where. I think this could be a lot of fun. I hope you’ll help.


  1. Hi PK, glad to hear you're recovering.
    You know I'm not one of Tom's cheerleaders, so I have a question for him: Have you ever considered that Cassie would get into less trouble if you weren't so controlling? A gilded cage is still a prison.

    I love the Cassie books PK and look forward to the new one but I don't think I will ever warm to Tom. I cheered on Sue when she gave Tom what for in the last book. Sorry!

    Rosie xx

    1. Rosie, don't apologize! I couldn't be married to Tom either, though I do have a soft spot for him. I will definitely put your question to Tom.

  2. My questions are in and I think this is going to be great fun. Can't wait for the new book, PK!

    I totally love Tom. It is Sue that really bugs me. Sometimes, when she is tender, I can almost like her, but it doesn't last long.


    1. I have your questions and thanks! Glad someone loves Tom! Sue is prickly, no doubt. But she is a great friend to Cassie.

  3. Sounds fun PK. Have emailed you a couple of questions.

    Happy to hear cold is on it's way out.


    1. I got them. I am feeling much better.

  4. I would like to ask Tom about his background. Did he have a wild phase? What were his parents like? What were Cassie, Sue and Annie's first impressions of each other? Were they instant friends or did they initially find one another irritating?

    1. These are great questions. You'll get your answers soon.

  5. I commented, but it's not here! Boo!
    I love Tom! So my question is for him! I sent it to you!
    Glad you're feeling better!

  6. Sheesh! What is wrong with questions were first and now aren't here. My questions were very similar to Emerging Lurker's...I wanted to ask Tom 1. Did any of his family practiced DD? 2. Did he ever sow any wild oats? 3. Does he have a sense of humor? Sorry but I really haven't seen much of one. I do like Tom...he's just a bit too much on the straitlaced and strict side for my liking.

    Hope you're feeling better PK.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Thanks for the questions Cat. I'll get these right to Tom. I've often said I'd smother Tom in his sleep if I were married to him. But he's perfect for Cassie.

  7. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I too like Tom but not sure how I would live with him and his rules. I would like to know about his girl friends before Cassie, did he treat them the same and have the same rules.

    1. Anon, that is a wonderful question. We'll hear what Tom has to say.

  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    What work does Tom do now that he is retired. He says he gets called back on assignments, what are they?

    1. Anon, I wondered if anyone would ask this - good question. I think Cassie is the best one to answer this.

  9. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Ask Cassie why she does not stand her ground with Tom more than she does. She is feisty and determined so she should not bend to his strict rules so much and give in to his spankings without a fight.

    1. Your question is on the list! Thanks for coming by.
