Thursday, February 11, 2016

Bet paid off

Sunny and I bet on the Super Bowl this year. Sunny for the Broncos and me for the Panthers. As I was getting my butt scorched I was trying to remember exactly how I’d gotten to that point. I think it was all Sonny’s fault – yeah, that’s it. It was all her fault! I remember now – she text me, demanding we bet. I tried to beg off, but no she insisted.  I think she had insider information. I think she paid off the refs. Anyway that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Anyway I got a text from Nick yesterday morning saying we had something to take care of that evening – he didn’t want anyone to say he was married to a welcher. The rest of the text went something like this.

Nick: What was that final score, 40-24?

Me: I think it was 6 to 12. Maybe 3 to 6 I can’t remember exactly.

Nick: If you can’t remember then I’ll go with my best recollection.

Me: I’ll look it up! Of course a long GENTLE warm up is always welcomed.

Nick: Bamboo backscratcher?

Me: No, no! Sonny got to pick the implements. She did NOT pick the backscratcher. Only the think paddle, the doggin bat and the belt.

Nick: That doesn’t count warm ups.

Me: Should I take care of any sitting down I have to do before this evening?

He did use all three and even the terrible, horrible game paddle Sonny gave me this past summer – worst gift ever! But all and all it was a lovely afternoon. A great spanking and all the trimmings. Bet paid off and a smile on my face.


  1. Now that is the way to watch a Super Bowl! Sorry for your loss but congrats on your gain. ;) Amy

    1. I really was in a win-win situation.

  2. Hi PK, I bet Sunny was jealous, worth a loss to get such a win!
    love Jan,xx

    1. I'm sorry the Panthers lost - but there were perks.

  3. So pleased the super bowl worked out well for you!

    1. I may become a sport fan after all.

  4. A wonderful to make the game much more interesting when your favorite team is not to find another event to wager on...
    hugs abby

    1. The world does team with possibilities.

  5. Quite the payoff! Beats leftover buffalo wings in my book. All 3 implements? Please give Nick my compliments.
    I love Abby's idea of another event. March Madness is on the horizon.


    1. Nick LOVES to use a variety of implements. When my birthday rolls around he uses a different one for each decade.

  6. It was not my idea. I think Nick should spank you again for lying. Just remember, I have the proof.

    Actually Jan is right, my pristine ass is a little jealous, - happy my team one though. Glad you are a good sport and that Nick isn't married to a welcher. I think Cam could use a spanking though for being such a pouty little boy - he found out he wasn't Superman after all.

    1. You sure it wasn't your idea? Oh well. Nick didn't seem to mind at all.

  7. I don't understand the scoring but it's plain the loser won. Happy to hear you had a smile on your face, you've had a lot to put up with lately.

    Rosie xx

    1. Thanks Rosie, it was a smiling afternoon.

  8. A bet like that certainly makes a game more interesting. So what was the score?


    1. It was 10 to 24 so the total of 34 was too low for Nick - it was a long warm up.

  9. sounds like a fun way to lose :-)

  10. Wasn't happy to see the Broncos win and I agree...someone paid off those blasted refs a few times! But happy you're not a welcher and paying off your bet was so enjoyable for you. Maybe you and Sunny should make a few more bets. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat
