Saturday, January 30, 2016

I need a favor

I’ve done some things in my life I’m very proud of – I married Nick, I’m pretty proud of that! I’m even more proud of my wonderful children, LJ and Mollie! I’m proud I’ve been a teacher for nearly three decades. But the next thing I’m proud of in a BIG way are my books. I’m very proud of the Cassie series. I’m proud of my characters, I’m proud I actually wrote so many of the stories that were in my head down for real, I’m proud they were finally published and I’m unbelievably proud that so many of you have read and enjoyed them.

Then yesterday I had another proud moment – I found out Cassie’s Space had been nominated in the 'best spanking romance series' category over at Spanking Romance Reviews Award. I don’t think I’ve ever been nominated for anything before and I am happy about this - very proud!

So I was hoping if you’ve read any of the Cassie series and you liked it, would you go vote for me? There are many, many categories and you have to scroll a ways down to get to ‘Best Spanking Romance Series’ (I think it’s the eighteenth category). Voting is opened through Feb. 7th.

There is a new Cassie book coming very soon. It’s a really good one and I’ll be telling you all about it very soon. I really think you’ll like it. If you want to read a few snippets from this new book you can go by PK Corey's Reading Room. I've posted a snippet for today and there was one for the past two weeks.


  1. Voted! Good Luck PK!

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  2. Congratulations on the nomination PK! That is wonderful news, you SHOULD be very proud :) Heading over to vote.


  3. Good luck to you! My vote is in. :) Amy

  4. OK, done Good luck

  5. Hi Pk, been and voted already!
    love Jan,xx

    1. Thanks Jan, you're a fast one.

  6. PK, congratulations. Cassie is an old friend to me. You have my vote.


    1. Cassie has known you for a long time now.

  7. Congratulations on the nomination PK. Voted. Good luck.

    Hugs Lindy

  8. Was over there and voted before I even read this...Congrats..who could not love Cassie?
    hugs abby

    1. Thanks Abby, that's great!

  9. Congrats! I will absolutely go and vote!!

  10. Gosh, it couldn't happen to a nicer person! Cassie is something special to me. May she live and love forever.

    I know this may sound like cheating, but can we vote twice? There are some instances where I just don't like playing by the rules.

    Ella Yelling Hooray!

    1. I think it says only vote once - but I wouldn't say any of us at strict rule followers...

      Thanks for the vote.

  11. Congratulations, PK, I am so happy that you were nominated and, of course, I voted for you. Good luck. I am sure there is much more to come from you in the future.


  12. I am finally catching up on a little reading here and so glad I did - as I noticed tomorrow is the last day to vote...just went over there and did my part...I do love Cassie and am so proud of your writing achievements! :-) Hugs
