Monday, December 14, 2015

Busy week

It’s going to be a crazy busy week so I thought I’d try a quick post while I can. I went to the doctor last Thursday – I don’t have any answers yet but the doctor is hitting it with everything she has, steroids, antibiotic, Pepcid, Claritin, Flonase, a vitamin D supplement and a daily multi -vitamin as well as the blood pressure medicine and one other stomach medicine. You can hear me rattle when I walk I have so many pills in me. But the cough seems to be letting up some and my knees are feeling a little better.  She also did a chest x-ray and took a gallon or so of blood. I’m assuming she will get the results to me soon.
Meanwhile you can imagine six graders the week before Christmas - nuff’ said. We’re going to eat with Mollie tonight and we have plans for Tuesday night too. Then it’s cleaning the rest of the week. My sister will be here next Saturday night for a family gathering (not here). Monday is a teacher workday and LJ is flying in on Tuesday. Colin can’t come until Christmas day. They’ll be here until the following Wednesday. Busy, busy and I’m really looking forward to it! I am starting to feel better and I sure hope that continues.


  1. So happy you've been to the doc and are feeling a bit better...sending lots of prayers and healing energy that it continues. Try to take it as easy as possible this week.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  2. Oh PK I hope your recovery continues and Christmas is fun. Hope Mollie is meeting more people now and settling into her new life. I love my younger pupils at Christmas, they are so much more fun than the teenagers! Sadly it is the last year for me as I retire next weekend, still struggling with that decision even though I now it is for the best. I can't imagine the kids want to study much, around here they seem to do Christmas activities all that last week, Poor teachers give up I think!
    love Jan,xx

  3. Glad to hear you are improving even if you do rattle with all the medication. Hope they can find what has caused it in the first place. Sounds like a wonderful busy time in your household with everyone popping in for celebrations. Enjoy!
    Hugs Lindy

  4. Hi PK, I'm glad you have been to the doc and that she is working to get to the bottom of things. So glad you are feeling better.

    Crazy stressful time of year. Enjoy the time with the family and try to take it as easy as you can.


  5. PK, Happy you are feeling better soon. I know you have a busy week but try to take a rest in between, don't overdo it.

    Wonderful that you will see your boys over Christmas. Enjoy.


  6. Glad the meds are working and you're feeling a bit better PK. Try not to overdo things, not easy I know. Maybe Nick could help with some stress relief in your busy week?

    Rosie xx

  7. Now that is a good idea from Rosie! There's nothing like a good, long spanking to relieve the stress. It doesn't hurt to ask. The rest of us just send good wishes and hugs.

    Take Good Care,

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Hello PK, your doctor seems to take good care of you. Take care, however.



  9. Hello PK - Sounds like you are getting a handle on whatever had you under-the-weather. Four more days. You can do it! Amy

  10. PK, hope you're feeling better soon!!
