Monday, November 30, 2015

Teacher’s worst nightmare

It seems that there are a great many teachers among us out here – either actively teaching or retired. I’m not sure why, but I find it interesting. Anyway I have no doubt everyone will be able to appreciate the terrifying experience I went through at school not long ago.

We’re studying India at the moment. I teach ancient civilizations from all over the world. I’d been searching our school library for a decent video, basically something that wouldn’t put the kids to sleep within the first fifteen minutes. I found one that was pretty good, about an hour long and combined the ancient information with a little about Gandhi and how cows still wander in the street. I only showed about fifteen to twenty minutes at the time to keep them interested.

I however got to see the video four times everyday as the classes changed so I was a little tired of it. It worked out that my last class of the day was the first to see the end of the video. I was sorta watching as I did some work at my desk.  Only listening with one ear, I looked up thinking I’d misheard when the video mentioned “The erotic temple…” I had not misheard.

Suddenly, on the big screen, carved in stone no less – was every conceivable sex act known to man. There were carvings of men going down on women, women going down on men, women straddling men as they sat, anal sex… picture the Kama Sutra illustrated in stone. And there I sat with a roomful of eleven and twelve year olds. I’ve been teaching for nearly thirty years but this situation was new to me. I did know one thing however and that was to call NO attention to what we were watching. If I’d have grabbed the remote and turned it off it would have confirmed that what they were seeing was completely inappropriate. So I continued to stare at the screen with a blank to somewhat bored expression, as my heart pounded out of my chest.

(Examples of what was in the video)

Thankfully this was my least mature class. As it suddenly began dawning on a few of them what they might be seeing, just as they began looking around to one another and then back to me – with my bored, uninterested expression – the video gratefully moved on to other topics. And I let the video continue to run until it was time to go to our lockers, which thankfully seems to wipe anything that’s happened in class from their minds anyway.

Believe it or not I got not one question or comment from student or parents. It’s a miracle, truly. If I plan to show anything from the computer – youtube or anything I always preview it, but this was from the school library!

And now comes the true question – do I tell my colleagues or let them discover it on their own?  The good side of me says tell and label it with a sticky telling teachers where to stop. My rebel side says to hand it to the other social studies teacher, who always says rude hateful things about gay people even thought she knows LJ is gay and is extremely embarrassed by anything sexual and just let her show it. I won’t do that, but picturing what would happen has been fun.


  1. Oh My Goodness PK. You are now teaching the bees and the birds as well as history. LOL! I can just imagine the kids reactions watching this.
    It would be so funny not telling the other teacher and see how they handle the situation. Guess you better fess up though. It is a wonder other teachers haven't come to this part of the dvd.
    Have a good week.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. Trust me that is NOT where I'd start on sex ed for six graders! That was definitely an advanced course. We're the only grade that teaches India - I bet no one else has watched it.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it. After all, you picked it out of the school library, does that mean no one else has ever checked it out. You might want to say something to the person in charge of the library though.

    1. I was the first to view it I think - sure was interesting.

  3. Hi PK, don't tell anyone, let them all fall foul of it themselves because you can bet your bottom dollar you are not the first to see it and no one told you did they? It's payback...
    love Jan,xx

  4. Oh my good Lord, PK....roflmbo!! 😂😂 that was one of the funniest stories ever. I can just imagine your horror- great job keeping a bored face!! As to the movie? I'm with Jan...don't tell a soul. Lolol

    1. It wasn't easy! Years of practice at keeping a straight face when necessary.

  5. I love your reaction - just ignoring it.
    Perhaps you could stick an anonymous label on the DVD with a content warning.

    1. You have to control your actions in front of kids - I've had lots of practice.

  6. If no one knows you were the last teacher to show it, I wouldn't tell anyone.


    1. It could be interesting to see what happens. I could always claim I never got to the finish.

  7. ssixofthebest2:42 PM

    My only comment would be, if I was your headmaster at your school. I would call you into my study, and reprimand you for not seeing the Indian video beforehand, before showing it to underage kids. Then command you to bend over my desk, raise your dress on high, take down your knickers, and cane that mature bare bottom of yours 'six of the best'. With a sexual and erotic pleasureable wink'

    1. Well! All I can say to that is, why aren't you our headmaster? But must it be the cane - I do hate it so. How about the strap or a paddle.

    2. sixofthebest4:09 PM

      P. K. If it be the leather strap or a paddle, it must be a good one on that voluptuous naked rear end of yours. you must admit.

  8. ROFLMBO! Oh PK...that is too funny. Congratulations on being able to hold it together. I would simply keep my mouth shut and let the other social studies teacher discover it on her own. If she says anything, you can either say you didn't get that far. Or even better...tell her that you previewed the material and cut it off before it got to that point and assumed she would do the same, as you always preview any videos prior to showing them in class. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

  9. I have made similar mistakes! Ugh! I blush so easily. I cannot imagine how you kept a bored straight face through it all! OMG!
    Once I showed a Salvador Dali image where it showed a woman going down on a man.......Kinda Surrealistic.....BUT DEFINITELY recognizable!
    I was like a dear in the headlights!

  10. You know your fifth graders well....and good for you for handling it in the best possible way. I have to admit, I would be very tempted to let her find out for herself...after all, she should preview it before showing it. Not sure i would follow through with it......but maybe...
    Hope you had a wonderful holiday
    hugs abby

  11. Oh, PK. This is so funny, and you did the perfect thing. I got caught once in a similar way with a video of Van Gogh's life. It was in the school library, and was an excellent telling of his art and life. I just forgot about the whore and his cutting off his ear story.

    No Snickering!

  12. Hi PK,
    I love how you reacted. I got caught in a similar situation with a video on dance history shown on PBS in which there was a one second nude scene (of a baby no less) and I did get a parent phone call...stopped showing videos after that...though truly in my situation it was quite silly and should not have been a big deal whatsoever.
