Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Love my Lurkers (silent readers, whatever)

I have the privilege of having participated in every LOL day we’ve had here. Bonnie suggested this way back in 2006, when I had just begun blogging and I loved the idea – still do and I thank Hermione for keeping the tradition going. Today I’m putting up the very first LOL post I did (with a few updates) because what I said back then it mostly true today.

This is for my quiet readers, those that never leave comments. Yes we are all talking to you today for a very special purpose. We want to hear from you. Remember total anonymity.

Let me introduce myself. Like most of us here I am in my forty’s and boy did I have to type fast to make that true! (Even though nearly a decade has past, I see no need to update this.) I’m a schoolteacher. I have a son in college and a daughter in the 8th grade. (My son is now happily married to his long time boyfriend and living in NYC and my daughter recently began teaching third grade. Wow, time does fly) We go to church each Sunday and I take my turn teaching Sunday school and keeping the nursery. (I don’t teach SS anymore, but we still go.)

I tell you this because when I started reading out here I assumed that anyone writing a spanko/sex blog had to be a bit strange, maybe a little perverted, a person who might have a few stories I would like to read but never someone I would want to talk with in real life. I just hope you will realize that we really are just normal people. We are fascinated by the idea of spanking. We have been since we were little kids and if you are here you understand what I am talking about. 

When I was where you are now I was truly scared to comment I felt too exposed. This was a medium that I had always been warned about. You don't talk to people on the Internet! It was dangerous and I didn’t want anyone ever to know what I was reading or how much I loved it. Another thing that kept me from saying much was that I though all these people out here knew each other so well I didn’t want to intrude. All I can say to that is - please come and play.

We’re all just a bunch of kids on a cyber playground and on this playground we really like newcomers. But here we can talk about our love for spanking, our desire for our guys to be dominant, to discuss the conflicting ideas and emotions that go with this particular desire. And swirling through all that we also discuss our kids, our jobs, laundry, the weather, our health, and the million of other things that friends talk about every day. (All still true.)

I’ve made wonderful friends here. No I do not know where they live and I will probability never see them. But they are good friends. Blogging is a good thing in my life. I would love for you to say hi. If you’re still not comfortable then wait until you are and say hi then. Although it is anonymous please use a name, any name you want to make up, just so we will know it’s the same person. (This has changed, I’ve met eight bloggers in person and I loved meeting each and everyone. I plan on meeting more in the future – but fear not, we won’t come looking for you, but if we become friends you may be invited to our next gathering.)

Many of us on LOL day take the time to assure one another out here that we do come by daily even when we don't comment. I'll be doing that this year too - but really we are hoping very much to hear from that first time commenter, you pay us the compliment of reading out words - please let us know you're there.

Go by Hermione's to see the full list of those participating.


  1. Have a fun LOL day PK and thanks to you this is the first one I can join in. If you hadn't of encouraged me to blog I would never have met so many nice like minded people. Also an added bonus a few of us are exchanging recipes via email too. Who knew TTWD would lead to all this!
    Cheers Lindy

    1. I've loved everyone so glad you are here to participate this year.

  2. Aw PK, it has been so nice getting to know you and all my friends out here, I hope you have a very successful day today
    love Jan,xx

    1. Thanks Jan - it's a fun day.

  3. Hi PK,

    Still mostly lurking but took note of your gentle nudge and try to comment more often.

    Rosie xx

    1. I have been know to nudge people a time or two! Glad to hear from you.

  4. PK hello,

    Not a lurker. More like one of the family.

    Lovely post. Happy LOL Day.


    1. Definitely family! Love seeing you here.

  5. What a great idea for an LOL post....enjoy the day.
    hugs abby

    1. I just went back to check what I said and I kinda liked it. Glad you're here.

  6. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Your blog was one of the first I ever read! Thank you for Cassie too.

    1. Cassie and I both thank you for coming by.

  7. Hey there PK! I'm waving hi as I pass by! Still remember that long a go email that started it all for me! Hi friend!

    1. I'm still surprised we haven't met yet - we will!

  8. Hey there my friend. I'm one of the ones PK lured out of the woodwork to become a blogger instead of a lurker. Hope this post does the same for you.

    1. SOOO glad it worked. I would have been so lonely in Vegas with out you!!

  9. Without PK's FF, I don't think I'd ever stepped up and attempted to get published. Thank you!


    1. Good for you! All you need it a place to get started sometimes!

  10. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Delurking to say that I love to read your (and others) FF stories. Also as a fellow teacher it is amazing how we have the same problems over here, I am nodding my head so often. If they'd just let us teach instead of making more stupid laws and always meddling... introducing new systems, only to take them back a few years later... Though reading some of your posts I think that some things at your place even top the stupidity here (or how can you get less for working longer...)
    Greetings from Germany!

    1. So happy to hear from you. I believe teachers are feeling the strain all over the world. I'm so happy to be at that place in my career where I can ignore most of what they're saying.

      I'm glad you came took the time to comment, love to talk anytime.

  11. Oh boy, the start of your post really did show just how fast time does go by!

    Happy LOL Day! I think your blog was one of the very first I ever found!

    1. It amazed me when I read it. I mean Mollie was at my school when I began she has literally become an adult while I blogged.

  12. Hi PK
    I am often here but rarely comment. I find it very difficult to reply with both humor and respect that a good blog requires especially being a male spanker in a female dominated spankee community.
    However I love your work and retirement is every thing that it is cranked up for. Hope you can survive this year at school.
    Happly LOL day

    1. Thanks Don - always love to hear a male point of view. I've actually learned a lot from my male readers. Comments or not, I'm glad you stop by.

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Hi PK-
    Have been here a long time commented a few ties but mostly lurk. Still love your posts and am a Friday Fantasy faithful reader. As far as teaching goes I am thankful to have people like you and will keep my comments to myself regarding the curriculum you are required to teach other than saying the powers that be ought to be spanked! Anony-mouse

    1. Anony-mouse, I would agree except spanking might be too good for them. Teaching this year is fun because in my mind it's just me and the kids and to heck with everything else. Thanks for coming by.

  14. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Just a lurker saying hello! N

    1. And I'm so glad you did - comment anytime.

  15. Enjoy your blog. Keep it going. Regards, Frank

    1. Thanks Frank, I plan to - I enjoy blogging.

  16. You are one of the first blogs that I ever read. And I became a big Cassie friend as soon as I found her and never been phased by anything to do with Cassie. Just wish Tom was, well I wish that Ty had a little more Tom in him. I am always here in California when you want to come and visit. Happy Day

    1. Thanks so much Blondie! Yeah Tom needs to let some things go and the rest of the husbands out here need to pay more attention. I might just take you up on that some day.

  17. Hey PK...your FF was one of the first blogs I lurked on...first lost it but then finally found and bookmarked it! :D Then started visiting and enjoying your posts. So happy you're still around.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. I'm glad you found me again and I'm glad you still come by.

  18. PK, in the beginning I was told that you were like, "The Legend." I was a little bit scared of you at first. How silly that was! Thanks for being a friend, mentor, and very human! Happy LOL Day.

    Ella Being Grateful

    1. I want to laugh at the idea of being 'the legend' because it's really funny, but I remember feeling that way about Bonnie. But it's so much more fun begin real people and being friends. It's been a great day.

  19. It's amazing how much changes in in 10th years. Thank you for both your fiction and nonfiction stories.

    1. You're most welcomed and thanks for coming by.

  20. Alofa1:25 PM

    Hi PK, I'm still lurking, and enjoying your stories and insights! Thanks for Fantasy Fridays!

    1. Thanks for coming by and commenting Alofa.

  21. Hi PK,

    What a fine group of lurkers you've collected! Happy LOL Day and big welcomes to all.


    1. My readers are the best! Thanks for stopping by, Bonnie.

  22. I have been lurking for awhile. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Glad you're here Deb, come by anytime.
