Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Change in plans


Yep, there has been a slight change in my retirement plan. I was so very happy and excited to be finishing up this year, but I may not quite there after all.

Now that’s not really true. I can go at the end of this year and we would be just fine with my retirement check. But when I had my individual meeting and the lady ran the numbers she gave me one piece of information I was really surprised to hear. While my retirement check will be completely adequate if I leave at the end of the year, it will increase by several hundred dollars if I wait and go out at Christmas next year. That’s several hundred dollars a month for the rest of my life.

Nick has been the perfect husband about this. He knows my dream is to be done this year. When I laid all this out for him he said it was totally up to me and that we would be just fine what ever I decided. So I could go in June, but I also know me, and every time I saw that check I’d be saying, “You idiot! You could have gone only four more months and have so much more.”

I didn’t what to leave mid-year, I think that messes up my partners and I think it messes up the kids. But it seem that that’s what’s going to happen. Strangely enough if I wanted to stay all of next year my check actually goes down.

Sooo… I guess it’s a little bit longer for greater rewards.


  1. Four more months is not that long is it PK? But bottom line, you have to do what is best in the long run for you and Nick. If you do decide to stay until Christmas, it shouldn't be that bad for the students or your teaching partners...how man times have teachers left in the middle of the year due to pregnancy, accidents, spouse job, etc? They'll handle it.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts.

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. My partners have been great and tell me they are quite happy to have me for even half a year. I appreciate the thoughts.

  2. Hi PK, I totally agree with Cat. Four months will fly by if you decide to go for it. Ultimately you have to do the best thing for you and Nick. I love that he understands your goal was to leave at the end of the year and how supportive he is whatever decision you make.


    1. I think it will go fast too. Half of August, Sept. and Oct are usually fun and there are lots of days off in November, then half of Dec and I'm done! And believe it or not I was disappointed that I wasn't going to be teaching during the next presidential election. I think that's fun.

  3. Come on PK, four months is not too bad. Think of all the extra things you and Nick can do with the extra money. You can do it, you know you can. We have two years and four months to hubby's retirement and we were unsure whether he could afford to stop work even then. last week we saw a financial advisor and he thinks it is going to be possible, we are already counting down the months so I understand how hard it is to think you have to do longer. Rooting for you, who know's maybe you will be able to afford a trip to England and visit us :)
    love Jan,xx

    1. It's hard to know how everything is going to work out. Nick says he wants to work a few more years and that's fine. Who knows what we may be able to afford...

  4. I know how much you were looking forward to June being the beginning of your retirement....but I would also look at that check every month and think,,,if only. Seems that things are better with the new principal....so maybe hanging in there for four more months is a good idea...
    hugs abby

    1. If I hadn't know about the possibility of this bigger check I would have been content with what I was going to get. But it's hard to ignore once you see it.

  5. PK weigh up the pros and cons to see which way to jump but four months will fly. think of all the extra $$$$$. As Jan said you could afford to visit her in England and then maybe pop down to Australia. You know Cassie wants to broaden her travels. ;) Whatever you decide good luck.
    Hugs Liindy

    1. I go to church with several lovely ladies who retired from teaching long before I began and they are going strong. God willing, I might do the same. This could make a significant difference.

  6. PK, you are a smart woman, and I am pretty sure you already know what you plan to do. Perhaps you can make it bearable by planning some fun ways to use up all those sick days you have racked up over the years.

    Plan some long weekend trips with Nick. Treat Mollie to a fun little holiday with her mom. Meet a friend somewhere fun and channel Cassie. I have a countdown clock gadget on my computer desktop. I set it to whatever fun event is coming up next. Every day I can watch the days count down and my anticipation builds.


    1. Remember - they pay me for every sick day I don't use! And Mollie will be working. But I can plan on meeting friends anyway - I'll have my summer and I don't mind taking a few days off.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I am sure you'll make the right decision.đŸ˜€


  8. I bet you will stay and take advantage of that cash! I know I would! I'm probably working until I am 70. My guy wants to stop at 62. Hmmmmm could be an issue! Lol!

    1. Yep that could be an issue for sure. But I'm getting to old to teach. I still do great with the kids, but I have very little patients with administration and such.

  9. You already know how I feel about it. No contest.

  10. Decisions like this are so difficult. If only we all had hindsight!

    As an ex-teacher now beginning the third year of her retirement, I can only say this: 'One extra term is very little if you feel the added pension would make a big difference, and if you feel both physically and mentally fit, well and up for it. However, and I know you will understand that I am being a sisterly devil's advocate here, life is so short and suddenly there are so many things we need to see, do and go to. After health, husband and family, the most important is friends. Just make sure you are retired when I announce my grand retirement trip around the US to visit with you all!!!!'

    Many hugs

    1. No one can predict the future for sure, but I guess we have to live like we're going to keep on living. I want to be able to help the kids a little and to never be a financial burden to them.

  11. I would want that extra money too lol. Especially if it doesn't take that much to achieve.
    DH keeps freaking out about his retirement, but I think he does more of the Ostrich thing (head in sand)....

    1. I may have done a little head in sand thing for a while myself, but it's here now and I have have to make the decision. I teach in NC we went for 7 straight years without so much as one penny's increase. I don't feel like giving them this extra.

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Aww PK!! :) I know that you were looking forward to that well earned retirement! Whatever you and Nick decide to do will be just right for you both. If you do decide to keep at it for the four months, I bet that they will go quickly by. Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. I think it will too, and I just have to do it. I just have to mentally adjust.

  13. I can't even imagine the disappointment... plan all set, and then this! I know you can do this, but I know how really hard it will be to muster the energy and heart to do it again when you really thought you were done. Too bad the finances force a choice that really isn't "good" for you or your students. I believe that you can and will turn it into something remarkable. All the best!

    1. The disappointment was keen - I was nearly in tears when I first found out. I know it's not horrible or anything, as Nick said it's just a choice between good and better. I do plan for my students and I to have a blast next year.

  14. Alofa1:23 AM

    When you are struggling to get to the finish line and the line moves farther away, it just does not seem fair... but the trade-off here makes this is a no-brainer. It sounds like the regret would outweigh the joy of leaving on schedule. Good on you and your financial lady for looking out!

    Joy & Peace,

    1. I do hate to see it moving away but you're right the regret would out weigh the joy. It won't be forever.

  15. If you given them notice as soon as you are hired back for the year (if you have that system in your state), the school administrators with have 4 months to find someone. As for your student, I assume that most love you but ... perhaps for a few the change will help? Maybe?
    I agree you should stay. Just my opinion ... while it is your life.

    1. I have tenure so I have a job as long as I want it, but I will tell her as soon as the next school year starts. We have people graduating from college in Dec too.

  16. retirement will be a Christmas gift to you... :-)

    1. The best gift I will have had since I had my babies.
