Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Working without fear

Despite my close association with Cassie, I’ve always been one who really follows rules and I do what I’m supposed to. If Nick was a real stickler for rule and consequences I’m sure our house would remain spotless, but I digress. This post is about school. I’m loving my last year because there is no fear in me. I’ve always loved teaching, I enjoy my students and I’m good at my job.  Gradually over the last seven to ten years the job has changed do to governmental bureaucracy – they want my time spent on writing out lesson plans to prove I’m teaching, rather than spend my time teaching. The want me to spend my time testing the kids – on what I’m not sure, since testing seems to be all they want teachers to do, they are taking away any time to actually teach. I could go on but you get the general idea.

These days I’m feeling totally immune to the pressure and I’m just teaching, as well as having a little fun poking at the administration. Our vice-principal was making his way down our hall Friday doing observations. I think all teachers hate observations, Mollie had her first last week and although she was very nervous about it, all went well. I don’t like them, but it’s not like I have to worry now. But I do hate that he rifles through things on my desk – it’s like having someone go through my purse. I don’t even like people sitting at my desk and he actually writes in my planning book. That drives me insane!

My partner Megan becomes more frantic about this than I am – her OCD goes wild. She told me, "I think I’m putting a maxi-pad or a tampon on my desk just to embarrass him."  I loved the idea and that started me thinking. I quickly typed up the following and clipped it to my opened planning book:

Triggers to Psychotic Rages in
Menopausal women

Being observed
People sitting in my purple chair
People touching things on my desk
People writing in my planning book
Dirty looks
Looks of disapproval
People ignoring this list

He came in and sat in the back at first. He was impressed that I was using the computer cart – he well know my feeling that parking the kids in front of yet another screen. He said he was really impressed and I answered back, “I live to make you happy.”  Later he walked over to my desk and saw the note – he didn’t sit down or touch anything. He just gave me what was supposed to be a serious look and I just smiled back. Turning back to my desk he grabbed a sticky note pad that I had put prominently in the middle of my workspace and wrote, “good plans” and stuck it on the plan book, before he walked out shaking his head.

I have a feeling he thinks I’m not taking all this crap that goes on outside the focus of teaching kids too seriously, hmmm… wonder why?


  1. ROFLMBO! Oh PK, I do love that note! You go girl!

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. It's great to not care what anyone thinks!

  2. LoL PK, I love it, good for you! So glad you are enjoying your last year teaching and having a more relaxed year concentrating on the kids rather than the bureaucracy :)


    1. My students are better off for it too!

  3. Oh Pk, Somehow I think you are looking forward to retirement!! Glad he saw the funny side
    love Jan,xx

    1. I really am Jan! I'd say he's getting used to me. Often at lunch he'll come by our table and say to us as a greeting, "Ladies… PK."

  4. LOL. Happy you are enjoying your last year. Retirement just around the corner.


    1. The year seems to be moving along nicely. It does feel good.

  5. I was laughing all the way through this PK. Glad you wrote that note to teach him a lesson. LOL! good thing you are enjoying your final year. Keep it up.
    Lindy x

    1. I think it's time for them to stop observing me - and maybe give the benefit of a doubt that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

  6. Well, it's about freaking time that somebody wrote something like this! I would like it sitting on every chair when every representative and senator goes to sit down. No Child Left Behind!!! AAAhhh! Failing Schools!!!

    The thing is that I had a principal who knew we were good teachers. One day she read us something called "No Dentist Left Behind." If you are a teacher, it made you laugh and cry at the same time. It proposed a grading system for dentists based on their clientele. I promise to post it some time. It is hilarious.

    PK, I told you that I thought you would have a good year! Rock on!

    Ella All Riled Up

    1. I've read that and I loved it! I've done what I could do - except write a few letters to the legislators once I officially retire. I also saw a tee shirt the other day that read, "Retired Teacher - every child left behind!"

  7. LOL..I also love it. I am so glad I retired before common core hit here....
    hugs abby

    1. I changed from math to social studies that year - thank heavens. It's such a joke.

  8. I'm so glad you stood up for teachers everywhere. I love it!
    I am also writing lesson plans galore. Funny enough the time I had in the old days I would create examples. This helped me work out the kinks in my plans. Now I literally have no time. I spend hours figuring out how to write out the steps and properly document, so I am accountable.
    We now have a mtg every day of the week (except one) after school so they can account for our time. No time to do paperwork, plan or any multitude of other requirements of the job.
    The kids lose so much!

    1. I told them I wouldn't do it this year and that I also wouldn't write down in detail how I got out of bed, showered, or brushed my teeth - they would just have to take my word that I knew what the hell I was doing.

  9. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I’m laughing hard, and thinking 2 things:

    #1: I believe it was Jimi Hendryx who said Free your mind, and your ass will follow…

    It sounds like your ass is free…

    #2: When I first began working at the company I ultimately retired from, it was their practice to send all 30 year employees a congratulatory letter marking the milestone. It was commonly known as The Bulletproof Letter, and once you got yours it was pretty much a given that you were not ever getting fired. If push came to shove, the worst that would happen is they would make you retire.

    Your Bulletproof Letter must be in the mail…

    Joy & Peace,

    1. Glad to see you here Alofa! I love the Jimi Hendrix quote. You're right - I've reached the point where it takes tons more work to fire me than to leave me alone!

  10. lol at your note! Reading this post, I thought for second that you'd moved to the UK... same issues, testing, planning, inspections, nothing about the kids. Glad you're enjoying your last year, so important to go out on a high point.


    1. They make these ridiculous changes in education and then have the nerve to ask why we're falling behind!

  11. If he's been around a while he probably feels much like you. If not, oh well.

    Love what you did - asserting your views. Good for you.

    1. He's used to me anyway. I love having no fear.

  12. that is great! good for you...seems Cassie is rubbing off on you :-) Hugs

    1. She is finally and I'm so grateful!

  13. You are the best!

    1. I'm not, but you sure do make me feel good saying it.
