Thursday, September 24, 2015

Exciting friends

My thanks to everyone who said I wasn't dull. You perked me up quite a bit. I'm sure we all feel dull at times. We get in ruts. I get up, go to school, come home and crash and get up the next morning and go to school again. Not the worst thing in the world and it certainly won't be for much longer. But there isn't much excitement at the moment.

But I do fine all of you exciting and I love reading at your places and then there is my special friend... when I need a little pick me up I go visit with Cassie and friends and she most definitely wanted to answer Ami's questions. She always wants to answer questions. So if you get the chance run by Cassie's today and see what she has to say.


  1. Exciting will have to go visit Cassie to see her answers. Pity you won't do them also as I bet once you start you will find your life is better than you think.
    Lindy x

  2. Hi PK, Ooh I will go there next!
    love Jan,xx

  3. I just read and loved Cassie's answers! I too bet you might be surprised if you started answering these :)


  4. At least you are still getting some spanking in response to your "list". How is Mollie finding teaching.? I remember I was so busy planning at first and navigating the faculty "expectations".

  5. PK, I think you have bounced back. It really does feel like we are visiting at a friend's place. Quite comfy. And we all need tea and sympathy once in a while.


  6. Happy we were able to help perk you back up now heading over to visit Cassie. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat
